View Full Version : Puppies first bath, drying, stack and sit photos

08-06-2007, 03:06 PM
Ok today is the last day of the pups being 3 weeks old. Tomorrow they all turn 4 weeks old. But today is a holiday so hubby is home form work to help so we thought we would do all this today instead of tomorrow, when I would have to do it by my self.

Ok first off I am exhausted. No kidding. Being pregnant and washing and grooming 6 puppies and so on is VERY exhausting work. Fun, yes. but exhausting.

Ok here is how I am going to do this. I am going to do a seperate post for each pup so I can describe how each pup reacted to each new situation. Hubby took between 20 - 30 photos for EACH pup. No I am not posting them all. lol I am posting the 2 cutest bath pictures, 2 cutest drying pictures and teh stack and the sit photo. So 6 photos per pup. That should be plenty to keep you guys happy for at least a day or so. lol

OK Dark Blue is first. Last night at the weigh in he was 4 pounds 14.9 ounces. So a nice sized boy. He was asleep when we got him for his bath. We put him in the tub and he started to whimper and cry. He really got his lungs working even with Sheena there to sooth him. He was not happy and let us no it. And there was no water in teh tub. lol So we comforted him and then turned the water on so it was just warm. He stopped crying right away. And laid down. He whimpered a bit during the washing but that was it. He was the most vocal out of all the pups for the bath. So here are his bath pictures:



Next came drying. He loved this and grunted the whole time in pleasure. He loves cuddles and being rubbed with a towel.



Now that they are good and tired after their bath and towelling we attempted to stack them. Remember they are a day shy of 4 weeks. They will in no way have a good stack. This is more for fun and to just watch the difference from week to week. Dark blue though was having none of it. He kept trying to sit, or turn.


Then we did the sit photo. This was easy for all the pups. And all were more then wiling to do teh sit.


OK give me a little bit and I will put greens up. Still got to resize his pictures.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 03:40 PM
Oh my gosh, they are just so cute!! I love the stack pic lol, what a sweetie.

Ginger's Mom
08-06-2007, 03:46 PM
Aw, love the last picture. Who could possibly resist that little guy.

08-06-2007, 03:47 PM
OK Greens turn. Greens bath went very well. He actually had fun. No kidding. He thought the shower nozzle was a toy and the water that was coming out was suppose to be pounced on. He did no crying or whining but did struggle alot so he could get down to play some more. I suspect he is going to be a water lover. lol



Of course with all the romping in the tub he is tuckered out and ready for a cuddle and rub down. He grunted in pleasure the whole way through and even gave us kisses. This boy had a blast teh entire time.



His great behaviour even went to the stacking time. He was the easiest pup to do this with and held himself with little assistance and no struggling. Out of all the pups thi is by far my favorite stacked shot.


Last but not least is his sit photo. He agian was an angel for this


So this has been Greens day. Give me a bit and Light blue will be next.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 04:26 PM
OK Light Blues turn. Light blue is now around 5 1/2 pounds. Have to weigh him with a fish scale and hammock instead of the digital scale sinc ehe got past the 5 pound mark.

He was fine with the bath. No whinning or fusing but also no playing either. He just moved around checking things out as we wet him and soaped him down. He was calm and happy through the whole thing.



He was also a grunter and face kisser through his cuddle and drying session. All these pups love to be held and cuddled.



For his stack picture he did try to sit down or wal backwards but all things considered he did get a pretty good shot.


And of course we must have the handsome sitting shot.


All in all Light Blue was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. OK Give me a bit and I will have Reds up next.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 04:28 PM
VERY adorable! :D And congrats! You did a fantastic job (with or without cooperation on puppies parts. :D)!

OMG! Green has stolen my heart with this picture..


Cuddle them all for me! :D

08-06-2007, 05:09 PM
Cuddle them all for me, too! (especially Rainbow Sherman)

08-06-2007, 05:09 PM
Now for Reds turn. He is currently weighing in at 4 pounds and 4.4 oz. So he has caught up with the rest of the four pounders. lol

As for bath time he did a little whining when he first got in and one and a while through out the the bath. Other then that he was fine with it. No struggling or crying.



He didn't grunt at all during his drying session but as you can see he had his tongue out the entire time. What do you think? Is he trying to tell me something with that tongue? lol



He did pretty good while we tried to stack him. Did try to sit a couple of times but other then that he did well.


And last but not least the sit shot.


Don't you want to just kiss that face? Ok give me a little while and then Rainbow is next.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 05:41 PM
OK next is Rainbow(Sherman). He is now weighing in, as of last night, at 4lbs 5.5oz. So he is doing very well.

He was not too impressed with the bath. He struggled a bit and whined a bit but settled down quickly. All in all he did very well considering a few minutes before he had been snoozing. lol



Drying him off was fun though. He grunted for a bit and then kept falling asleep. Guess he thought he didn't need to be awake for the process.



For the stack he just kept trying to sit. Finnally he just sat down on my hand and I was supporting his hind end completely. lol Lazy little tike.


As soon as this sit photo was done and he had got his "good job" cuddles he was back with his sibblings and snoozing away agian. At least for a half hour. then he was up and pouncing on the big boys and playing hard. lol He is little in size only.


So that is Rainbows. Mellow Yellow is coming up next.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 05:46 PM
So completely adorable - the attempted stacks are hilarious! You can see that Sherman/Rainbow is completely sitting on your hand, and the others are not very impressed with the whole "stacking" thing either! What handsome boys, Sheena. Tell your momma to give you a kiss from me, okay?

08-06-2007, 06:47 PM
Last but definately far from least is Mellow Yellow. Sorry the name has stuck. He is also 5 1/2 pounds and also can no longer be weighed on the digital scale.

Giving him the bath was the most interesting. He was fine till I turned on teh water. Then as I am checking the temp of it I hear this strange sound. Hubby bursts out laughing and informs me that not only is Mellow growling at the water that is approaching his feet and wetting them but also pounching on it. He continued to growl till I started to get him wet then he relaxed and enjoyed the bath. No whining or fussyness out of him.



The drying was just as much fun. He cuddled right in and grunted away in pleasure. He showered out hands with kisses too.



He was one of the easier puppies to stack. Not as easy as Green but very easy to handle anyway.


And of course a sit from our handsome man.


That is it now. Sorry it took so long but I was udating my website at the same time as well as resizing all the pics to put into their seperate folders. So for those that have responded to this post I thank you very much and I will answer all the questions, if there was any, in a little as soon as I am finished.

I am sooo tired now. lol Need puppy kisses to get energy back. Hope you enjoyed.
Nicole & Sheena & Puppies

08-06-2007, 06:51 PM
They are soooooo cute!! You can send me little Green though, he has stolen my heart!! :D

So...any idea on which one you might be keeping? ;)

08-06-2007, 07:12 PM
Awww...they are adorable. And getting so big!!! I remember when they were just getting their eyes open and now stacking?! :eek:

I'll take Red and Mellow Yellow. :p

08-06-2007, 07:20 PM
Aw... Puppy in heaven lol Sweet little reports you ought keep a diary :)

08-06-2007, 07:59 PM
Oh lordy, I should have taken NOTES! This was so was so cute in the towel, that one too funny trying to get back to his nap, one attacking the water, the other loving the nozzle. Such a time!

And don't you just wonder if they all were in the tub together, would the ones having fun egg on the others out of the whining?

Stack is a difficult position I always think. Not exactly a natural pose for a pup. But sit, oh yes, they can do that, as long as sleepy head is awake enough!

What fun! I hope you are able to enjoy all of this, even though you are so tired at the end. It will only be a short time and they will be too big for this. Thank you for taking so much time and sharing this experience with us.

08-06-2007, 11:19 PM
I..I..I...just don't know what to say.....those faces, the feetsies, the tongue!

08-07-2007, 12:11 AM
Hey Nicole - those polar bears look a bit like puppies. ;)

08-07-2007, 11:54 AM
seriously..... do you plan to make me cry....... so much cuteness!!!!

what a great disposition Green boy has......do you think a service prospect or show??...... did you made your mind yet??.....I know how hard it is........too many cute fluffballs......

loved THE tongue.....too funny...... and Shermie so cute!!! all are adorable!!!

08-07-2007, 12:17 PM
I'm oozing with fuzz luv! How could these pups possibly be any cuter?? Awwwwwwwww!
You are quite a brave woman to take this on seeing as you are pregnant! :eek: Color me impressed. :p :D