View Full Version : Are your cats obsessed with water?

08-06-2007, 01:35 PM
My silly silly kitty. :rolleyes: Meow Meow will not drink out of a water bowl...very rarely. Nope, he prefers his water fresh out of the faucet, particuarly when we are brushing our teeth or taking a shower/bath. In fact, he will jump right into the tub! Lets just say, getting ready in the morning is now 5 times more difficult when you have to repeatedly scoop up your cat off the bathroom counter to brush your teeth in peace. :p :D

08-06-2007, 01:41 PM
A Few Of The Found Cats Will Not Drink Thier Water From The Fountain Unless Its Sparkling And Clean, Not Day Old Water. Thats Great That They Keep Thier Old Dad On His Toes.

08-06-2007, 02:14 PM
Mishi used to do that <sigh> I miss him :(

08-06-2007, 03:27 PM
Ya alot of cats prefer to drink running water. It probably just taste better than the water laying around in the bowl. :p
But I remember reading somewhere that most cats hate to drink from thier bowls, becuase they cant stand the taste/smell of the dishwashing soap used to clean thier bowls.

08-06-2007, 03:39 PM
He's not afraid of water at all. I mean he literally jumps into the bath and shower with us and just sits there, haha. One day I will get some privacy in the bathroom hehe.

08-06-2007, 06:22 PM
Groucho is very particular about drinking. Every morning when I go to get my coffee, he jumps up and sniffs at the mug until his personal measuring cup is filled with fresh water. A few summers ago we put a few ice cubes in his water dish with a fresh refill and he refused to touch it. He hates ANYTHING in his water.

08-06-2007, 08:25 PM
My silly silly kitty. :rolleyes: Meow Meow will not drink out of a water bowl...very rarely. Nope, he prefers his water fresh out of the faucet, particuarly when we are brushing our teeth or taking a shower/bath. In fact, he will jump right into the tub! Lets just say, getting ready in the morning is now 5 times more difficult when you have to repeatedly scoop up your cat off the bathroom counter to brush your teeth in peace. :p :D

Hmmm, sounds like my Bear & Sabrina. Are you sure those two haven't been over there 'helping' you in the mornings? ROFL ;)

08-07-2007, 08:51 AM
Peppito does the same in the bath tub, you have to wait that he finishes drinking to be able to use it :rolleyes: But he also drinks from a bowl or his fountain, no problem. Using running water in the bath looks more like a game, or a ritual for him. When we go to my parents, he does the same! He jumps into the bath and ask for water. During this time we have to tell him he is a good boy and encourage him, otherwise he stops drinking and it takes a while before he goes out :rolleyes:

08-07-2007, 09:05 AM
Cass, Butter is obsessed with the shower, but he has only jumped in there once that I can remember. And he made a quick exit! :eek: He loves to stand on the edge and watch though. Naughty boy! ;)

08-07-2007, 09:26 AM
My two LOVE the kitchen sink. It's one of their favorite chill places--regardless if someone just ran water. Everytime I run water (for dishes or whatever), at least one of the cats has to be there to "help". And Luna has been known to stick her head under the faucet when the water is running!! :eek: :eek: I also have to leave a dish or a cup filled with water IN THE SINK or else they won't drink. In fact if I leave it on the floor, they knock it over (I suspect Luna is the main culprit in this). :rolleyes: They used to drink from the toilet until the day Howard accidently fell in (lol!) and that was the end of that.

Cats afraid of water??? Mine must never have heard that rumor. :rolleyes: :D

08-07-2007, 10:07 AM
When I'm near the bathroom door, Fister often comes rushing out there and sit himself on the spot around the faucet below the shower. He loves the running water across the floor. When I've finished brushing my teeth, he gone.

Fister doesn't seem to care whether the water is fresh, in fact, he sometimes goes and drink the water which has been standing there the longest. He has a glass in the bedroom, and the fountain out in the corridor. He will not drink, if it's next to his food. :rolleyes:

08-07-2007, 10:09 AM
Oh yes! Both of my girls LOVE the water from the faucet! They get fresh water in their bowls 2x a day, and they even have a water fountain in the kitchen which I change the water in every other day! :rolleyes: :eek:

Our morning routine starts at whatever time Sasha decides she needs a drink from the bathroom faucet. She sits in the bedroom doorway and meows very loudly for me to get out of bed and turn on the water! If I don't get up right away, she starts to take it out on Tabby by attacking her! THAT gets mom up right away! :o :(

And by the time I get to the bathroom, she is on the counter, front paws in the sink, waiting. Tabby just meanders in with me, as if to say, "I could have slept a while longer also Mom." :p