View Full Version : Fear of Storms

critter crazy
08-03-2007, 09:13 PM
Duke is two years old, and has never been scared of Thunderstorms, till about 2 months ago. Not sure what has changed to make him scared? He isnt bad, but he just want to be next to you, and hides.

what can I do to Make him less scared?? I am concerend that this will escalate if we dont try to fix it now. I have seen what Dogs can do when Scared of storms, I am worried for my boy.

any suggestions would be great!

08-03-2007, 09:56 PM
I'm afraid I won't be much help. My Layla is afraid of storms. She will try to hide either in the bathroom or sticking her head under the bed. I try not to comfort her, I just go about my business. They say comforting her will only make her think there is something to be afraid of. My Lacey isn't afraid and I would have thought Layla would follow her lead.

critter crazy
08-03-2007, 10:00 PM
I'm afraid I won't be much help. My Layla is afraid of storms. She will try to hide either in the bathroom or sticking her head under the bed. I try not to comfort her, I just go about my business. They say comforting her will only make her think there is something to be afraid of. My Lacey isn't afraid and I would have thought Layla would follow her lead.

Yeah i dont comfort Duke either, I know that is a big No no.

Hubby made a great observation tonight, he thinks it might have stemmed from the night, our tree was struck by lightning, and I was scared out of my mind, cause I had just stepped outside, when it happened.

08-03-2007, 10:05 PM
I was scared out of my mind
That might be it. Dogs sure can pick up on our fears. I have to be careful if there's a big storm because I do tend to get a bit nervous myself. So I can't let her know that. ;)

critter crazy
08-03-2007, 10:07 PM
That might be it. Dogs sure can pick up on our fears. I have to be careful if there's a big storm because I do tend to get a bit nervous myself. So I can't let her know that. ;)
Anyother time I am not scared, I actually enjoy storms, and like to watch them. But I was definitely scared that night!