View Full Version : Patronuses...they pick the wizard- but what is yours? And house?

Suki Wingy
08-02-2007, 04:09 PM
Ok, so all of us HP fans know that, I'm just having a really hard time picking out what mine would be. Before I go any further, I see the need to post these icons:
http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/Oslobunn/icons/ICONATOR_a5bfc70da7edd146a9a5199474.gif http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/Oslobunn/icons/ICONATOR_8b9abd4b8626cd3c246cac8501.gif http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/Oslobunn/icons/ICONATOR_aca42fad808f0204be1eb75904.gif
ok so that over, What would your patronus be?? I just can't find a good test for it. I found the ultimate 122 question quiz that sorted me into Slytherin. Get Sorted! (http://www.personalitylab.org/tests/ccq_hogwarts.htm)
I took this quiz and it told me my patronus was a badger.
Your Patronus is the Badger! The badger is a symbol of aggressiveness, passion and drive. He is also the mascot for Hufflepuff. As your Patronus, the Badger will bite and claw to protect you. Congratulations!That your Patronus is a badger says that you are very driven in whatever you do. When you enjoy something, you go at it with all of your heart. Unfortunately, you also tend to be aggressive, and this can lead to a bossy attitude. Try to keep that aggression in check, and you'll be a wonderful witch or wizard!

Take this quiz (http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrincessMagnificent/quizzes/)!

Quizilla ( http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=18&url=http://www.quizilla.com/) | Join (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/register) | Make a Quiz (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/makeaquiz.php) | More Quizzes (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrincessMagnificent/quizzes/) | Grab Code (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=42&url=http://www.quizilla.com/codepastes/)

I took this quiz and got a wolf.
Your Patronus is the Wolf! The wolf is a symbol of wisdom, loyalty and independence. He is one of history's more revered (and feared) characters.That your Patronus is a wolf says that you are very wise as a person. You tend to be loyal to your friends, even when they screw up, but you are also independent. Finding that balance is key; finding it will ensure that you will be a wonderful witch or wizard!

Take this quiz (http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrincessMagnificent/quizzes/)!

Quizilla ( http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=18&url=http://www.quizilla.com/) | Join (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/register) | Make a Quiz (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/makeaquiz.php) | More Quizzes (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=21&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrincessMagnificent/quizzes/) | Grab Code (http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=42&url=http://www.quizilla.com/codepastes/)

I've taken other quizzes and gotten hydra, and dragon.

I was thinking perhaps a white lioness. Part of the pride, but still on the outside and ok with it. I could go off on my own and find out more things about other animals, etc. that the rest of the pride didn't know.
Oh, and I think it's funny Ron's patronus is a JRT puppy. :D

08-03-2007, 02:07 AM
Both links took me to the same page... It said my patronus would be the Horse. The description was flattering.

Going by what i know from Patronus' from the books I'm pretty sure my patronus would be King. :D


Just took the house test. I already KNEW this with no doubt in my mind... HUFFLEPUFF! Whoooo! :D (Got an 83) I just wish the name was cooler like RavenClaw ;) (Which was my second ranking with 70.) I'm caring first and foremost and secondly I'm intelligent and value wisdom. Yup, fits me like a T.

Suki Wingy
08-03-2007, 02:56 AM
I wish I was like my puppy! I think I'll have to go with a white lioness because Rowling would probably say since I used to pretend I was a lioness when I was really little, and my personallity fits (only a Lucistic one though) They are gorgeous, look.
click for picture (http://i1.trekearth.com/photos/2920/white_lion.jpg)
Even given the difficulty of becoming an animagus I think I would deffinetly try. I wonder if you can be a wild predator? Maybe if you're unregistered.

08-03-2007, 03:52 AM
I'm a Ravenclaw and my patronus is the wolf :)
Liked that :)

08-03-2007, 08:57 AM
Mine (patronus) was a horse, too. I don't have time for the house quiz right now, though.

Suki Wingy
08-03-2007, 08:56 PM
It is fun, isn't it. :) Ravenclaw was my second ranking.

08-03-2007, 09:04 PM
I got a snake as my Patronuses! I am also in Gryffindor. :)

08-04-2007, 08:27 AM
House of Hufflepuff (although it was also very close with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw). Just not Slytherin.

My patronous was the badger

08-04-2007, 09:50 AM
My house was Ravenclaw, and my patronus was a wolf.

08-04-2007, 01:01 PM
I haven't done the patronus quiz yet, but the House quiz was good!! I've always figured I'd be a toss-up between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and, in fact, it showed a 5-point difference between the 2 (to Ravenclaw). Thanks!! :)

(I hope my patronus is a cat, but it'll have to wait a little while.)

08-04-2007, 01:26 PM
Gryffindor and Slytherin were close with me as well- but I always knew I'm a Ravenclaw ;)