View Full Version : Have you participated in online auctions...

08-01-2007, 07:32 PM
Just wondered how many of you have bought or sold on online auctions, we have a website called trademe, i love going online and seeing what is up for grabs, I am certainly not a big wheeler and dealer, but i have just sold my first item on there, i must say i found it quite exciting watching the bidding.

I had won the dvd flags of our fathers online competition, and so watched it and then auctioned it, yep i did sell it and the proceeds will be used to take my hubby to lunch for our wedding anniversary on sat.

So what is your experience, good or bad or indifferent.?

Truth is i would not mind becoming a full time trader, it is something i can do from home and maybe make a buck or two, even if it was only enough to bump up the finances,not sure if i will or not, but worth a thought maybe.

08-01-2007, 08:23 PM
I buy lots of stuff on ebay. Never had a bad experience, but I won't bid if the seller's feedback is less than 99% positive. I buy mostly jewellery findings, sterling silver and some pet stuff, even urns. I really like buy-it-now items. There are some things you just can't get in the boonies. I can almost always find what I'm looking for on Ebay and usually at a reasonable price.

My sister did get ripped off by an ebay seller who never delivered the stuff she bought. Apparently she pulled the same scam on several dozen people and was actually charged with fraud. Sis never did get her stuff though.

I sell my beads and jewellery on JustBeads.com. I have three auctions up right now and will likely list some more tonight, if I don't kill my camera trying to clean the sensor! It's a little less intimidating than ebay for me right now! I will probably sell on Ebay eventually too. Link to my auctions: http://www.justbeads.com/search/ql.cfm?s=868603821
I sold a set last week that got several bids. That was fun!

08-01-2007, 08:24 PM
I go through phases where I buy things (usually die cast cars) on E-Bay. In fact, one just ended that I won! I have been trying to get a Tony Stewart #33 Old Spice car for over a year, and finally won one for what I want to pay. I also have a bid in on an autographed Kenny Wallace dirt car, but that auction goes until tomorrow.

08-01-2007, 10:22 PM
I buy tons of stuff on ebay. Actually, I bought my son's car on ebay! I've never had a bad experience at all.

08-01-2007, 10:36 PM
Yes I buy from E-bay as well and have found some wonderful items.

08-01-2007, 11:18 PM
I've bought a lot on eBay and years ago I even sold on eBay. Amazing what some people will buy.

I helped my brother buy a old pinball machine from 50/60s era. That was pretty cool.

08-02-2007, 01:30 AM
I don't have much money to go buying things online. I have used eBay once or twice though and I'm not proud of it. eBay is evil evil EVIL. I liked Bargain and Haggle much better... though i never got around to using it.

I bought a book that i liked in my childhood, from ebay. The book normally goes for hundreds of dollars these days and i got it for about $20. (I still have mine and it is in really good condition, BUT it has black mold in it... so it's locked away in the garage until i can have it restored. IF it can be restored.) The one i got for $20 is in bad condition, but i just wanted it to read and it has all of its pages. I can't ask for any more.

Killearn Kitties
08-02-2007, 02:46 AM
I've bought and sold lots of things on eBay and have not had a bad experience. I always check the seller's feed back though and I wouldn't buy if I saw some questionable comments in there. I mainly buy craft items for cardmaking, but just recently managed to get a reprint of an old archaeological book on Egypt. Copies were selling for £120+ elsewhere and I managed to get a mint copy that someone was selling for £25. I was pretty pleased with that.

I've sold all sorts of things. It's very exciting to see the bids come in.

08-02-2007, 05:10 AM
I buy and sell on ebay and only had a few bad experiences. It was people not paying me. Most of the time I reported them and got my fees back. Then I blocked them from my auctions. ;)

Ginger's Mom
08-02-2007, 06:09 AM
I just started using eBay in February, but I really do like it. I have bought several items from them and I have gotten a good price on everything that I bought, and it has all been well packaged and in the condition advertised. So far I am happy with them. I am seriously thinking of selling some things myself on eBay to make up for the money I have spent there. ;)

08-02-2007, 06:33 AM
Mark and I have bought quite a few things on EBay and so far (knock on wood) and never had a bad experience.
I recently even bought a few things from Thailand and received it in a timely manner.
I've yet to sell, but I would like to try it sometime.

08-02-2007, 06:54 AM
I love eBay. I buy and sell. Recently I have been selling a TON of baby items, that my boys no longer need. There is a lot of demand for that kind of stuff. I have never had a bad experience before, either, but my brother lost hundreds of dollars on a pair of Amps. for his guitar, that were never shipped to him, after he paid. The "eBay police" got involved and I think a small portion of the money was recovered, but it turns out the guys had done it to several people.

I enjoy watching the items and seeing what people will pay for a particular item...yes, it's my newest addiction...and it's bringing in some nice extra change/cash for me :)

08-02-2007, 07:09 AM
I've sold and bought a lot on ebay. I've found the things I expect to have a lot of bidding activity gets one bid (or none) and the things I think are worthless get all the bids. Go figure! This just spurrs me to sell some of the stuff I was gathering together for Freecycle.... maybe that stupid soap dispenser is worth a few bucks. (PS: Anyone want a soap dispenser that is shaped like a woman in curlers and bathrobe, holding a cup of tea, with cat slippers on her feet? ;))

I bought three things last week for a project hubby is doing on the old railroads. His presentation board is going to look pretty awesome with the sprinkling of authentic stuff on it :)