View Full Version : Begging for love and attention(pics and news from Lisa/Catcrazylady)

07-31-2007, 07:03 PM
I don't know where to begin with this post, so I will start with how I met Lisa. Back in June I went to Petsupermarket to buy Gracie's dog food and as I walked in the door there was three kittens in the cat condo up for adoption from Shelby County where Lisa/Catcrazylady works. Two of the kittens were gray and white and the other almost all gray with a little white. I of course had to pick them up and hold them because I have wanted a gray and white cat forever and also a solid gray cat( I already even had a name picked out for a boy OR a girl solid gray). This cutie little boy is who my eye caught first because as I said I had wanted one just like this one .


I held him for awhile and loved on him. Then I picked up his sister, the other bi color kitten


Then I picked up the all gray little girl and the second I picked her up the second I knew I had to have her. She immediately started nursing and kneading on my face and wouldn't stop. Lord knows I didn't need another one nor was I looking for another one since I had a special needs one on the way from NC who was in a high kill shelter. I asked about the adoption process and took an application. The next day I was visiting her again and handed in the application. It was a few days before I actually heard that she was mine and I visited her everyday and everyday she wouldn't stop nursing on my mole on my face.


Actually the adoption is a great deal because with your adoption fee the kitten came spay, microchipped, utd on vaccinations and I also got all vacciantions free if I took her to their clinic day in Shelby County plus if she got sick, that was free too.

I named her Grayble

Here she is all dressed up in her dress giving her new sis, Purrty, a big hug!!!!


And here she is meeting Gracie, the reason she got her home since I was getting food for Gracie when I saw Grayble.

And here she is playing(i hope I did the video right)


I felt bad for leaving her brother and sister at the store but the ended up getting adopted together so that was great!!!!

But back to the reason I am posting in the first place.... meeting Lisa. Grayble had a slight URI when she came home so the day she was due her first shots she got meds instead for her cold. That is the first day I met Lisa. She was working at the shelter. I told her that everyone missed her. She said she misses everyone too but she is soooo busy at the shelter that she doesn't have time to get online much but wishes she did. The second time I took Grayble was to get her shots since she was well. They had rearranged some and I saw three big rooms filled with cats looking for a home. Of course one caught my eye (a gray and white boy) and I had to go pet him and the rest of the gang. I didn't expect what I got when I went into the room of about 30 or so cats. The second I went in the door I was literally covered with cats, climbing all over me, all wanting my attention. It was so sad that all these friendly beautiful cats were so scarved for any second of attention they could get and were constantly overlooked because they were adults. All they want is for their very own person to love them. I swear if I didn't already have over my limit I would have taken a car load home with me. I felt so sorry for them. I decided next time I would come and take some pics of them. So today I had to bring Grayble back and I took pics. As I said they are all beautiful friendly cats with great personalities that are jsut dying for some attention. I walked in the room today and was immediately covered in cats again. It was hard to take pics because they were on top of me at my feet, in my face etc. But I managed to get some good ones, except for the gray and white boy that I would take in a second. meet some of the Shelby County Cats. Lisa knows all their names etc. She is really great and works long hours taking care of these babies. katie is going to send me some of her toys that her cats don't use anymore and I am going to take them to these cats.


Don't go away ... more pics coming in next post

07-31-2007, 07:07 PM

This one reminds me of my Caspurr




Now this one is my boy that I would take , the one I couldn't get a good pic of. he has the most beautiflu face!


still more pics coming....

07-31-2007, 07:11 PM

And here is what happened when I actually went into the room....

Keep in mind that I am taking these pics with one or more cats on me or hanging off me.



These two remind me of my Raisin






hope you are enjoying thes because I have more.....

07-31-2007, 07:15 PM


This gray and white one was the first on to jump in my arms both times I visited them. He didn't want to get down.




I tried my best to give each one attention but it was impossible being constantly surrounded by them.


a few more to go

07-31-2007, 07:19 PM
here is the one I was trying to get a front view of his beautiflu face but his orange buddy kept hogging the comarea! LOL



Well I guess that was the last one. I would love to got back and visit with them and give them some of the attention they crave so badly. But I don't know if my heart could take it. I would want to bring them all home, especially the gray and white boy, and that is impossible. Next time I go back I will definitely bring them some toys though.

I talked to Lisa again today and she said to tell everyone hi and that she will try to get online soon.


Killearn Kitties
07-31-2007, 09:05 PM
It just breaks your heart that there are so many beautiful friendly cats looking for their own homes.

Your new little one is beautiful though - a little cutie! :D

Nice to know too that Lisa is doing OK. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Edwina's Secretary
07-31-2007, 09:12 PM
I admire anyone who works with homeless animals. What beautiful creatures all those kitties are!

There is something about gray cats that resonates so with me. I would be hopeless in there!

07-31-2007, 09:14 PM
Oh what heart breakers they all are!! I would have been a wreck walking out of that shelter. A bunch look like they need some clavamox or something for goopy eyes and runny noses. Poor things. That always happens when you have so many in one place like that... all the kitties end up with colds. The shelter looks nice enough, but still, poor things having to be in the shelter and not in a home where they could run around all day long and just relax and enjoy life. I hate the thought of cooped up cats!

Laura's Babies
07-31-2007, 09:23 PM
To bad it would be such a long drive for me or I would go every day and give them all the attention they could want! They are all so wonderful and each deserve their own home with a human to love and serve them and to live happy, safe lives spoiled rotten!

Finally word that Lisa is alive and well! THANKS!! What a wonderful day that had to be!!

08-01-2007, 09:07 AM
I find the same thing happens to me when I visit our shelter. I always wish I could take them all home with me!

08-01-2007, 09:10 AM
What a bunch of dolls!!! I would have had such a hard time leaving them too. Thanks for the update on Lisa.

08-01-2007, 09:47 AM
Thats great to know that Lisas still alive and well and helping to rehome as many of Gods Creatures as possible. We miss Lisa and Scrappy Paddington Magoo and Friends so much.
And The Found Ctas and I along with I am sure all the Pet Talkers are hoping these Wonderful Cats All get Furr Ever Homes.

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-01-2007, 11:12 AM
Oh gosh.... so many lovely cats, looking for a forever home... :(

You are right, that grey/white boy is gorgeous!!

08-01-2007, 03:20 PM
What beautiful babies!!! I LOVE the all grey one with the gold eyes. How can anyone walk away from those previous faces!!

08-01-2007, 03:29 PM
What beautiful cats, and they look like they have a wonderful place while waiting for their permanent homes! Thanks for the update on Lisa too!


08-01-2007, 03:37 PM
Killearn Kitties thanks for Grayble's compliment! Yes, she is a cutie and she stole my heart the second I picked her up.

Jenn, the ones in the room with the runny noses and eyes are the ones that have chronic sinus problems. Lisa said they all have been treated with everything but it never goes away. I had some babies with chronic sinus problems too. I do think if someone would give these babies a chance and give them a home then their sinus problems would probably improve to a point. Lisa works hard at the shelter and she is the one responsible for getting the cats out of cages and alllowed to run free in the rooms. Before they were in cages. They are much happier out of the cages.

Lisa said they just finished working on theri big fundraiser where they raised a ton of money(I forgot how much she said exactly) to build a brand new shelter. They already have the land for it, now they are just raising money for it to get built.

Yes it is very hard to leave all those beatiful babies there at the shelter and I can't imagine how Lisa does it everyday but I admire her and those who do work at shelters. The work is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. The shelter is so full right now they are turning so many away Lisa said and of course that means that they are being taken to animal control where they are killed. Lisa said it just breaks her heart to turn them away.

I am planning on collecting some toys and Katie is suppose to send me some of her extra toys and when I get enough I will make another visit to the Shelby County cats. And if that gray and white boy is still there who knows! I might just be bringing him home with me.


08-01-2007, 09:50 PM
WOW!!! Lisa has done some AMAZING work at that place!!!! WOW!!!!! I remember the pictures she posted when she first started there, the heartbreak at all that she saw...cats in cages upon cages. :( :( But wow, she's done so much and they are all out in room and they look SO HAPPY!!! WOW!!! Not one of those cats looked scared, dominate, teritorial....they all looked HAPPY!!!! WOW!!! Lisa is amazing!!!! :) :)

I have to say, these pictures made me cry and terrified me. It made me see how close my kitties came to being where those wonderful cats are now. I'm so very lucky to have you all. ((((((Hugs))))))

Please tell Lisa how wonderful of a job she's done. Even if those cats are adopted right away, at least they look so happy. They're spread out and look so great. :)

And....welcome to your new little girl, Grayble!!! She's SOOOOO cute in her little dress!!! If you liked that little grey and white at Lisa's shelter, you'd love my Phoebe...she has nearly the SAME markings. Here, I'll post a few pics:
Her face...
Her markings...
And just a cute one...
Hugs, Kelly

08-02-2007, 12:39 AM
Congrats on Grayble!!!:D She's so cute. All of the cats sure are adorable and very friendly. I sure hope that they'll be able to all find their forever homes soon.:) Thanks for the update on Lisa. She sure is a wonderful caring woman and please let her know that she's missed here very much.:)

08-02-2007, 05:11 AM
Thanks for posting such wonderful pictures! What adorable cats, I would have them all if I could too! I will pray they will get a happy forever home soon. They all look very well looked after and very content either way, bless them all.

Don Juan's mom
08-02-2007, 09:45 PM
You know, when I was thinking of getting a cat, my brother (a cat daddy of three) counseled against getting an adult cat, for fear of getting someone else's behavioral problems. But I adopted Don Juan and Zerlina as young adults (1.5 and 1 year old respectively) and the experience was wonderful. Maybe if we put the word around that a good shelter or rescue organization evaluates its cats and will inform prospective "parents" of the best situation for each cat.

Please note that my brother's advice also included, and I quote: "Forget about any notion that cats are people. Cats are not people. Cats are little demons in furry coats."

:rolleyes: :D


08-02-2007, 10:14 PM
I always get sick when I see shelter pictures. I feel so bad. They all deserve their own homes, with thier own humans to love them :(

I am sending some of my cats toys (they have too many) to Melissa, so they can have tons of toys to play with... Some used, some are not. I bet if others wanted to donate toys, that they could... I know most of us have extras that our cats dont play with, or we buy extra when we can! That is the best I can do at this time...

Grayble is a doll. Too bad I cant see Purrdys face as well :p

08-04-2007, 04:53 PM
Kelly Phoebe is gorgeous and yes I would just have to snatch her up too!