View Full Version : Moving. . . some bad news. . .

Toby's my baby
07-30-2007, 05:21 PM
I'm sorry if this gets long, please bear with me. I've posted several threads in the past about my family moving to Arizona. We are taking the big step on Sunday. We are leaving Sunday afternoon and driving probably to St.Cloud, Minnesota, and then on Monday we are going to go to Rochester, Minnesota because I have a doctors appointment at the Mayo Clinic. Then, depending on how long I am at Mayo (couple hours or a couple days) we will leave from there. My mom is already living and working in Kingman, Arizona. Our house will be ready soon, hopefully before we get there so we don't have to stay in a hotel for long.

Some of the bad news. . . Maggie and Autumn are staying behind. I don't know what I am going to do. They are my babies and I love them so much, I don't know how I'm going to be able to seperate with them for so long. My grandpa is going to still be living on our farm here in Minnesota, and they are staying with him. My dad doesn't want to have two larger dogs in the house (Maggie and Autumn are outside all the time here) and they would HAVE to be in the house in Arizona because of the extreme heat. I am going to miss them a lot, but I also feel that this is best for them. On the up-side, I will be coming home several times in the next 10 months, and most likely moving back next June, so I will be with my girls again.

C.P (our cat) will be comming with. I'm not positive if she will be comming with on this trip down though, because I'm not sure if we will have enough room for her to make her comfortable all the way down there. I'm going to try and not bring too much stuff so she can come this time, because I don't want to leave her here by herself with my grandpa because he won't let her in his house.

My horse Austin is going to his new home tonight or tomorrow. I love him a lot, and he's been with me for the past 4 years. His new family is great, they have 5 kids so he will definently be getting the attention he needs. It will definently be hard to part with him though...

I'm not doing all that great, mentally. I feel depressed but not "clinically depressed". I can't sleep much anymore, and feel like I could be crying constantly but I don't much during the day because I feel like I can't cry any more. My family is here, I grew up on this farm, and everything I've known is here. I do NOT want to move at all. I feel like I have lost all control and there isn't anything I can do about it. I'm mad at my parents and everything else, and mostly mad at myself. When I was younger I wanted to move to Arizona so I begged my parents to buy a place, now they did, and I'm older and I don't want to leave. My parents said I have to try it for at least a year, so if I don't like it I'll be moving back probably next summer. I'm just going to try and take all hard classes (AP and CP) and keep myself busy with just school and stay out of trouble. I don't want to be one of the teenagers that "rebells" against their parents so I need to stay busy. Hopefully this year will fly by and I will be ok.

07-30-2007, 05:27 PM
Aww, i'm so sorry you have to move down to Arizona. I read and posted on some of the other threads about possiblites of moving there. The worst part must be having to leave your girls. :( Are you going to be getting another horse once your in Arizona? All the best for you on your trip down. :)

07-30-2007, 05:32 PM
Oh, dear, the time has come. I know how hard it will be to leave the girls, but am proud of you for being strong enough to realize leaving them in Minnesota will be better both for them, and for your grandpa - both he and the girls will miss you, but can keep each other company.

Heartbreaking as it is, it sounds like your horse is going to a great situation, too. And we know how much you have been dreading this whole move, but it IS only for a year, and then you can decide. The year seems hugely long right now, but I am sure it will fly by once you get busy with schoolwork - and then you can even return to Minnesota for college, maybe!

07-30-2007, 08:32 PM
I am so sorry you had to give up your horse and your dogs. But you are doing the most unselfish thing for them. They will be much happier outside though, and Arizona has horrible heat at times, so you're right. They won't be able to stand the heat for longer periods. Please have a safe trip and keep us updated. I know it seems like this is the worst thing in the world but you will make new friends.

07-30-2007, 09:18 PM
First off I think you are confusing the Phoenix weather with then entire state's weather!

Kingman is in the north part of AZ - maybe, just maybe a few days in the summer will be in the high 90's but you have to remember, the 90's in AZ are completely different than the 90's any where else in the USA.

Phoenix IS hot.....we had over 20 days of being 110 or higher this summer (so far) and that is a record. Kingman is 2 1/2 hours, if not a little more, away from Phoenix - MUCH different weather _ MUCH!!!!

I think you will find Kingman really nice in the wintertime, it does snow but not near as much as where you are now. You will be able to ride your horse almost every day in Kingman.

Please come here with an open mind, we are not as bad as you think. As a matter of fact, I think once you are here you just might like it!!

Give us a try!

07-30-2007, 09:30 PM
I am sorry to hear how difficult this all is for you, and i can only hope it will work out in your favour, honestly you are very mature for one so young, just your last comment about not wanting to rebel against your parents and keeping yourself busy really impressed me.

Hang on in there sweetie,hopefully times will get better and you will soon be re-united with your furbabies, this is also making the transition that much harder on you, i feel for you, HUGS are coming your way. :)

07-31-2007, 03:24 AM

Good luck with everything! Please keep us updated.

Maybe the people taking Austin can email you sometimes and send you pictures?

finn's mom
07-31-2007, 08:51 AM
You never cease to impress me. Despite being so down, you do sound like you are handling this extremely well. Knowing that you will need to keep yourself busy to stay out of trouble is a good thing. ;) That's the "ideal" situation to do bad deeds, so it's good that you know what you need to do.

Girl, I applaud you for being so strong. This would be hard for an adult, and you are really being brave. I am so sad to hear that you'll be leaving your pets behind, but it does sound like it's the best for all of them. And, you never know, sometimes having the bottom fall out of your life like this is the best way to move forward and grow into a better person. It's a new adventure, and I think you will find that, if you do leave Arizona next year, it will be hard to do as well. I have nothing but faith in you that you will get your head and heart clear once you are settled there. I think you will like it, even if you do choose to go back to the farm next year.

Either way, though, no matter where you are, you have Pet Talk whenever you need it.

Good luck to you and your family!


Toby's my baby
07-31-2007, 12:56 PM
Thank you so much everyone. I brought Austin to his new home late last night, and I'm am very happy that he is in a great place. I didn't expect them to have such a nice farm, but it is great, probably even better than here. They also got another new horse, so now he has two new buddies. I'm very happy, and they said they would keep in touch and that I could come out and ride when ever I came home for a visit.

I will not be getting another horse in Arizona, unless I plan on staying there for a long time. I don't want to have my parents build a barn, arena, and pasture and then end up moving back in a year, it would be pointless. I am planning on rescueing a Chihuahua from a rescue or something though. I don't want to be "replacing" my girls, but I think it would make the situation better if I had some"one" to care for and love. I was looking at breeders but thought it was a dumb idea after a while to pay houndreds of dollars when I could get a rescue that NEEDED a home.

Catsnclay - You are right, Pheonix is a lot hotter, but I still don't like Arizona, it's too hot for me. I LOVE the Minnesota weather, I don't mind scraping ice off the windshields or shoveling sidewalks. I love snowmobiling and all the other fun stuff that comes with winter. We are living south of Kingman about 30 miles, so we won't be getting snow where we live because it is farther down in a "valley?" but we will encounter snow when we go to school and work.

Thank you so much everyone, your encouragement and comments made me cry again. I hope I can be strong.

07-31-2007, 01:06 PM
Oh, Beth. I am so so sorry that you have to leave your precious girls behind. I am sure they will be very loved by your Grampa. Your horse's new family sounds great! I am glad you found such a wonderful family for him. I am sure he will be very happy, but I am also sure that he will miss you, too. \


07-31-2007, 02:23 PM
..... your encouragement and comments made me cry again. I hope I can be strong.

Sounds like you are already strong! ;)

You will be amazed how fast a year goes by, and the older you get, the faster they go!! :eek: