View Full Version : Perception of heat

07-30-2007, 03:34 PM
I told Tyler that we may go swimming this afternoon but when I stepped outside I decided that it was too cool to swim. I then checked the weather and found that it was 91 and "feels like" 95 :p :D If I still lived in Ohio I would be miserable but after the high temps last week here in Texas this feels nice and cool! I may set up the pool later but only if the actual temp hits around 95 :)
It's so strange how your body just gets used to whatever climate you are living in.

07-30-2007, 03:44 PM
:D and what is "hot" suppose to be?????? 107 in the shade????????????
Yep, your right 95 in Ohio is miserable. Heck, 95 is miserable in Kentucky too LOL

07-30-2007, 04:32 PM
It is 86 and humid in Ohio and I have been miserable today. I don't know how I managed to grow up in Texas :o I also recall getting quite used to Omaha and South Dakota cold when we were there. It is interesting how a body can acclimate.
:D I actually LOVE cold so maybe I should be up in Alaska with Kuhio98.

I also wonder if our thyroid disease still affects us Missy? I know I can tolerate cold so much more easily than heat. (we both have Graves disease)

07-30-2007, 04:39 PM
Texas doesn't have the high humidity that there is in Indiana or Ohio,
so 95 deg. there doen't feel the same as 95 here. The air here gets so
thick, you feel like your are swimming in it. :(

07-30-2007, 04:51 PM
Texas doesn't have the high humidity that there is in Indiana or Ohio,
so 95 deg. there doen't feel the same as 95 here. The air here gets so
thick, you feel like your are swimming in it. :(

Oh I know :) When we lived in Japan the summers were MISERABLE because it was so humid!! I don't wish those summers on anyone :p

07-30-2007, 05:21 PM
In Pittsburgh right now it's 85 degrees and humid. In the next couple of days the temperature is expected to be in the low 90s with the humidity. When I get through working on the golf course, I feel (and look like) a wet rag with the prespiration.

07-30-2007, 07:08 PM
I actually LOVE cold so maybe I should be up in Alaska with Kuhio98.Come on up! It is currently raining and 62 degrees. We really haven't had summer this year.

Missy ~ I know what you mean about acclimating. Before I moved to Alaska, I lived in Pakistan, Turkey, Mississippi and Taiwan. I LOVED hot weather. I froze the first few years I lived here. I kept asking people when summer was. Now, I think I'm going to faint if it hits 75! :eek:

07-30-2007, 07:51 PM
I know what you mean! After living in Colorado for a year, I can't stand humidity, because there's almost none here! When I visit Iowa it feels like I am suffocating.