View Full Version : PT prayers for Ripley please - update post #9

07-30-2007, 01:36 PM
I have a 3:15 vet appointment for Ripley. I just called and they are working us in. My wonderful vet seems to always make room for him since he is a kidney failure cat.

Things haven't been right with him for a few days (just odd behavior) and now today I found where he peed in the floor, pooped outside his box and he's acting strange. Also his stomach or at least the area right behind his ribs is very hard and large. I also heard him crying this morning and he was standing in the middle of the sunroom with a lost and blank look in his eyes. It took several times calling his name before the glazed look left his eyes and he responded.

Richard and I both have observed he is drinking a lot lately. I'm not sure what all this is leading to but something is definitely not right with the old man.

I'll update when I return.

07-30-2007, 01:39 PM
Oh no, poor Ripley!! Glad that you can take him to the vet today! I'll keep Ripley in my thoughts and keep my fingers crossed!!


07-30-2007, 01:44 PM
Oh my. I am glad that you are able to get him in today. Many prayers coming from me and the girls in Indiana that all goes well and the white coats can find the problem and fix it right away.

So many sick PT babies..... :(

07-30-2007, 02:35 PM
Prayers for Ripley.

07-30-2007, 02:39 PM
So many sick PT babies..... :(

That's true. I noticed that, too... :(


Ginger's Mom
07-30-2007, 02:46 PM
Prayers going out for Ripley.

07-30-2007, 02:56 PM
I am so sorry! {{{HUGS}}} to you, and prayers to Ripley. Please keep us posted. I will be thinking of you both.

07-30-2007, 03:29 PM
Will keep good thoughts and prayers :)

07-30-2007, 04:10 PM
We're back. I'm not sure what to tell you. She couldn't find anything certain. She ran the long blood tests to check his kidney levels and other things. His kidney levels are only slightly worse than last year. The only thing elevated much was his globin level or something like that which she said could be up from the G.I. disturbance (throwing up) or it could indicate a tumor. She felt the hard band around his stomach which was obviously sore to him and said it was in the liver and spleen area but she's not sure what it is. The blood work didn't indicate a problem with his liver. She said an x-ray may help but that it doesn't always show everything so she recommeded we not stress Ripley any more and wait a month for an x-ray. The good news is he has gained a much needed pound since Feb.

She gave him a round of sub-q fluids with a shot of penicillin to help ward off any possible UTI infections since I had told her his urine is almost clear like water. I discovered that when cleaning up his pee spot this morning. :(

She also feels Ripley may have some mental issues like dementia or Alzheimer's plus she has said this before but she thinks he is an OCD cat since he pulls out his fur and does a few other quirky things. She thinks that is his coping mechanism. He has some bald spots right now from pulling it out so badly. She also said she wouldn't rule out that he may be having little strokes.

Basically she wants me to watch him closely, call if there are any changes and bring him back in a month or so for x-rays unless he gets worse and we have to do it sooner. She also warned me that he will be peeing like crazy from the fluids so be prepareds since he will go anywhere. Great! :(

I feel like I just spent $200 for some fluids and very angry cat. I'm not mad at the vet, she spent a long time with us and she kept saying she didn't want to waste time and money on a bunch of tests when it may just be a kidney flare but I'm still frustrated. Ripley is peeing in the house, he seems miserable and he's making me miserable. I wanted something to fix! I know this is just how it is with an older cat especially with renal failure but still. I'm just frustrated!!!

07-30-2007, 05:21 PM
We have added Dear Ripley to our prayers and we are hoping that our Dear Old Friend can be helped and is back home as soon as possible , happy and healthy.

07-30-2007, 05:31 PM
It is SO hard to not understand what is wrong. :( But it sounds like the vet did what she could. I can tell you that Mr. Meow has "something" the vet feels and we DID do the xray, and it is inconclusive....so if the vet felt it would stress him out, then I would just wait and see. (Mr. Meow is a typical Ragdoll....you can do ANYTHING to him without upsettinghim)

I also learned something recently that I never realized. 75% of an organ must be bad in order for the enzyme levels to show anything. :eek: And here all this time I thought by doing blood tests we could catch things early. :(

If at all possible, you might want to consider confining Ripley for a little while so that he can have his litter box close to him. It would save a lot of hard feelings caused by him missing the box (be it on purpose or by accident.)

07-30-2007, 06:42 PM
When the family Siamese was PTS at 19 1/2 (mom had taken him in a month earlier, but brought him home, and cried...she just couldn't), it was apparent that he had had little strokes for some time. Nothing that one could 'prove'...but during the last trip to the vet, he stood up in his carrier the whole way. I sat outside in the sun with him, opened the carrier - and he never even turned his head....just stared at the back of the carrier... :(

I know Omega 3 can help with dementia and strokes; is there a mild tranny that his kidneys could handle, or some Feliway, for the OCD?

Good that he is a whole pound heavier...I hope he regains some well-being.

Give him a hug for me... :)

07-30-2007, 07:45 PM
Thanks Jen and Catty. I know the vet did all she could for him today and I'm thankful that she feels nothing is urgent enough to require a lot of tests. I really like my vet! She tries to not jump to lots of expensive tests unless really needed and she spends a lot of time with us at each visit. She usually calls a couple times after each visit to check on whichever cat has been there. She's special.

I just wish there was something to do to make the old man happy. He seems so down and it's obvious he's not feeling well plus he makes his feelings and stress known. He's started this mournful cry that sounds like he is totally lost and alone. The vet said there hasn't been a lot of study done one Alzheimer's and Dementia in cats but that the new mournful cry is a sign.

He loves to stay out in the garage and we've been letting him stay out there as much as possible. He has his food, water and two litter boxes but when I'm gone or when it's too hot he stays in the house and that is when the peeing accidents happen. He does not like to use the boxes the other cats use - he only wants to use the ones in the garage. The vet said that is another aspect of his OCD.

07-30-2007, 07:56 PM
I know Omega 3 can help with dementia and strokes; is there a mild tranny that his kidneys could handle, or some Feliway, for the OCD and just feeling unhappy?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2007, 08:01 PM
I'm so glad I checked in today, Lori, otherwise I wouldn't have seen this. Thoughts and prayers are on their way for Ripley and you and hubby.

You probably know this already, but with older cats, some days are good, some days are not so good and it sounds like Ripley is having some not so good days. Is it possible for the vet to do an ultrasound on him instead of an x-ray? I don't know if it would be less stressful, but it might show an enlarged _____(whatever) or something.

As for the yowling/mournful cries, Tubby did that as he got older too, and it seemed like he did it more often the older he got. I've heard the dementia theory and have to believe it because I have no other theory, except that they just do that as they get older......but Peanut never did it so it must be an older male thing? The scary part for me is that CJ has already started doing this, and he's not even 10 yet!

And one last thing.....as hard as it might be to even think about it, if he's not happy, and you're not happy....... :(

{{{hugs}}} and thoughts and prayers on their way.

Oops, just thought of one more thing. Renal failure often causes high blood pressure, which could contribute to the strokes he might be having. I really believe it was the high blood pressure that burst a blood vessel in Peanut's eyes making her go blind. I have no idea how to check a cat's blood pressure, but it might be something else to ask your vet about.

07-30-2007, 08:53 PM
When I had Alex, the very sick shelter cat, here with me in February, he did a lot of the mournful wailing/howling and the staring out into space deal. The thing is, he had done that wailing in the shelter, but the way he behaved when he was here, it was so distressing. Granted, he was a very sick kitty (brain tumor, blind, deaf, partially paralyzed). It was just heartbreaking to watch his deterioration in the two short weeks he was here with me.

I hope they can figure out what is causing Ripley's discomfort. Poor old guy! Big hugs to you and to Ripley.

07-30-2007, 08:53 PM
Oh Lori, I am so sorry to hear that your Ripley isn't doing to well. I hope that the suggestions that others have given you will help him.

Prayers on the way for your dear Ripley and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for you Lori.

07-30-2007, 11:23 PM
Is it possible for the vet to do an ultrasound on him instead of an x-ray? I don't know if it would be less stressful, but it might show an enlarged _____(whatever) or something.

Thanks, I will ask about that.

As for the yowling/mournful cries, The scary part for me is that CJ has already started doing this, and he's not even 10 yet!

My vet said her 9 year old male has started doing it and "talking" to his toys more. She's worried that is a sign so I guess they can start young.

Renal failure often causes high blood pressure, which could contribute to the strokes he might be having. I really believe it was the high blood pressure that burst a blood vessel in Peanut's eyes making her go blind. I have no idea how to check a cat's blood pressure, but it might be something else to ask your vet about.
Oh yes, the vet said that exact same thing about the blood pressure with renal failure and possible stroke. She didn't say if there was a way to check though. I didn't realize burst vessels caused Peanut's blindness, wow. :(

Thanks for the support Debbie!

07-30-2007, 11:29 PM
Catty - the vet has given valium for Ripley in the past and said it wouldn't hurt in the small dose but the stress of trying to pill him has become too hard on the old guy so I quit using it. I've been using Feliway spray and it doesn't seem to help the peeing issue with him right now and I really haven't noticed it relaxing him either. I wonder if Valium is available in a cream for his ear? That would be easy to apply.

I use to give Disney, my dog, fish oil on her food to help her skin allergy (vet suggested), I wonder if I could do that for Rip to get the Omega 3 in his system. Of course on that note she had bad canine cognative dysfunction so I guess it didn't help her much but I don't think she had strokes. Sorry, I think I'm rambling now.

Thanks for the support Jenn and Lorraine. And everyone!

07-30-2007, 11:52 PM
Lori, I'm just now seeing this thread :o and I'm so sorry to hear that Ripley isn't doing well.:( I would just try to make him as comfortable as possible and if you're worried about him peeing in the house then I'd also do what Jen suggested and try to confine him to a bedroom or a bathroom.

Have you ever considered taking him to a holistic vet? I know that they can be more expensive but there may be some other herbal remedies that might help him remain more comfortable. I'm going to be taking both Starr and Storm to one on Aug. 9th so I can let you know more about it. You may also want to start buying the puppy training pads to help catch the pee from Ripley. I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I know that it's very hard to watch our furkids get old and have health problems. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

07-31-2007, 12:00 AM
I'm sorry you are both going thru this.

07-31-2007, 05:42 AM
Oh, Lori, I am so sorry to hear about Ripley. Sending prayers, good thoughts, love and hugs for you both.

07-31-2007, 03:52 PM
I am so sorry that the vet couldn't find "something specific to fix". Poor you and poor Ripley. The advice seen here from so many seems feasible. I hope something will help. Many prayers from me and the girls for you and Ripley.

Killearn Kitties
07-31-2007, 04:01 PM
I'm so sorry that you are having these continuing problems with Ripley. :( I think he is as adorable cat and the girls and I are sending him all our good wishes and good vibes tonight. We are sending to them to you too, of course. :)

07-31-2007, 04:22 PM
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear Ripley isn't doing so well. :( It's frustrating that the vet can't give him something to help. I hope that the suggestions given here will be of use.

Lots of positive thoughts and hugs to you both!

07-31-2007, 05:04 PM
Thank you all.

Just a little update for today. Ripley is acting about the same but he just seems pitiful one moment and then grumpy the next. I caught him heading to the inappropriate pee spot again but carried him to his litter box and he went there. I guess for now I will just have to place a box in that spot and hope he goes. In the past when I've tried that he just finds a new inappropriate spot to pee on. :( Oh the joys of my disgruntled kitty.

I have to stay with my Dad tomorrow so I'm not sure what to do with Ripley. If I leave him out in the house he will pee in the floor. When I'm home I can let him in and out of the garage where he likes to go. The only places I have to confine him are small and he gets too stressed. Maybe I will try backing my car out the garage, coming back in and putting Rip out there and then going out the front door. I just hate to do that because it's suppose to be 92 degrees tomorrow and the garage does get a bit hot. Gee, no easy answer. :(

07-31-2007, 06:30 PM
Oh Jazzcat, I'm so very sorry to hear about sweet Ripley. I wish I could offer you some advice but my knowledge of cat health is rather limited. Please know that both you and Ripley are in my prayers

07-31-2007, 07:28 PM
Prayers for Ripley....on the way.

07-31-2007, 07:46 PM
Aw, I'm sorry to hear about sweet Ripley. Here's hoping that you have lots of good days coming up.

Ginger's Mom
07-31-2007, 09:02 PM
I am so sorry to hear that you have another pet that is having some cognition problems. I am sure you will find a way to make him as comfortable as possible. Hugs to you and gentle ones for Ripley.

07-31-2007, 11:00 PM
I am so sorry to hear that you have another pet that is having some cognition problems.
It's not just pets either. I'm caring for my father who has Dementia and possibly Alzheimer's. I'm beginning to think it is me, I must be a carrier.

08-01-2007, 12:05 AM
It's not just pets either. I'm caring for my father who has Dementia and possibly Alzheimer's. I'm beginning to think it is me, I must be a carrier.

08-01-2007, 03:45 PM
((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) Lori!!! :( I'm so sorry that Ripley is feeling so poorly and you are having to deal with him along with your dear Dad. Maybe you could put a box fan in the garage so he could lie in front of it if he gets too hot! We also put a window A/C in ours and it works really well. Don't know if you have a window in your garage or not though.

E-mail me anytime you need to vent!


08-01-2007, 06:12 PM

Most, if not all, pharmacists nowadays can compound ANY medication into cream or liquid (w yummy chicken flavor) delivery methods. We even have a compounding ONLY pharmacy here that I would get Micah's meds at because with his tooth owies there was no way I'd force med meds on him. It usually costs about $40 per RX...but thats per RX - usually a whole supply. It may be worth it to keep Ripley calm and happy with some Valium. You can just have your vet call in the proper RX to a pharmacy - she'll even know where the compounding ones are.

I'm so sorry about Ripley's body acting up again. That has to be so hard, scary, frustrating...everything. :( ((((((Hugs for Lori)))))

I'll be keeping you and Ripley in my prayers.

Hugs, Kelly :)

K & L
08-02-2007, 02:24 PM
I just now reading this and sorry to hear of the problems. I wish you the best with this. I'll be watching for updates.

08-02-2007, 05:49 PM
Prayers and hugs and purrs and love coming from us,

Pat and cats

08-02-2007, 06:33 PM
Prayers from the Clan as well...

08-02-2007, 09:20 PM
I haven't been on here in a while and was just checking in, and I was so sorry to hear about Ripley! My heart goes out to you and dear old Ripley and I'm sending positive thoughts and hugs your way. It was almost a year ago that we lost our Leo much too soon and too suddenly to some sort of kidney failure...I know how frustrated you must be, not being able to help him like you want to, despite the hefty vet bills. Sending good thoughts....