View Full Version : Excessive grooming

07-30-2007, 11:07 AM
Hi everyone, Sash has been licking at his back a lot for about the last 6 months now. We originally thought it was from fleas but they have since cleared up and there has been no evidence of fleas on him or in the house since around May. This is pretty much when all this started.

He doesn't scratch a lot, mainly just licks constantly and it's always directed at his back, although sometimes he bites at his paws. It's like he's reaching around to lick his back area. Does anyone know what type of allergy this could be? He was on a short course of Prednisone back in May and it did help the licking, but I do not want to use this long term.

He's always had allergies, which were just sniffling and sneezing, etc.. never this constant licking though. It's like he just can't stop licking, except when he's sleeping of course and even then sometimes he wakes up to lick! It's almost like it's a nervous type licking, but he's by no means a nervous cat. He's such a relaxed boy, no stress or changes in his routine. He acts completely fine, except he's always hungry but not losing any weight or anything.

This is driving me crazy, I would love to hear from anyone that knows what might be causing this, or any advice would be greatly appreciated!

07-30-2007, 11:43 AM
It could in fact be that it began with the fleas, but (as I just read in a cat magazine) cats can get addicted to the licking as they are producing endorphines (so called "happiness hormones") when they do that.

I would contact a vet before this goess to far. Also, his allergies should be looked after, maybe they are affecting his skin.


07-30-2007, 12:35 PM
It could in fact be that it began with the fleas, but (as I just read in a cat magazine) cats can get addicted to the licking as they are producing endorphines (so called "happiness hormones") when they do that.

I would contact a vet before this goess to far. Also, his allergies should be looked after, maybe they are affecting his skin.


Thanks for the reply Kirsten, I believe I read somewhere too how cats can do this obsessive licking beyond what was originally causing it. I have been in contact with my vet, I just know she wants to use the Prednisone again and I'm afraid of that...