View Full Version : Heck, How Do You...

07-30-2007, 02:56 AM
fold a fitted sheet? :D

oh, and wash cheese grinder? especially pizza cutter? :rolleyes:

I don't think I have to explain what happened. :p

07-30-2007, 02:58 AM
I'm afraid to ask what happened! :D

How to fold a fitted sheet (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/384148/fold_a_fitted_sheet_with_perfectly_squared_corners/)

07-30-2007, 09:31 AM
For the washing - thick rubber gloves (the dishwashing kind) and a stiff small brush for the grater. You can get brushes for washing dishes.

Pizza cutter? Let it soak as long as possible...and then try!

Ummm....you will need rubber gloves to cover the bandaids? ;)

07-30-2007, 09:42 AM
Oh dear.... I watched that video. Crumpling them up into a ball is SO much easier! :p Then when you're ready to use the sheet, pull it out, snap it in the air a few times, put on bed. In ten seconds, its stretched over the mattress and no longer wrinkled! Viola!

Pizza cutter..... I don't know. My pizza already comes cut up into 8 nice slices courtesy the pizza shop down the street.

And cheese grinder? Do I even HAVE one of those? :eek:

Sooooo... inquiring minds want to know what happened?! :D

07-30-2007, 11:46 PM
How? Veerrrryyy carefully.

If I don't immediately use the sheets I've just washed (so I don't have to fold :p ), then John does it perfectly. He must be the only person in the world. See what I have to put up with? :rolleyes:

finn's mom
07-31-2007, 12:41 AM
I fold my fitted sheets that way. I'm a loser, haha. As for cheese graters and pizza cutters, I just put them in the dishwasher.

Grr...I got distracted with the video as soon as he said "acrosst" instead of "across", grrr...hahaha.

07-31-2007, 12:46 PM
For the cheese grinder & pizza cutter, soak them in hot water with a little soap.. the gunk will fall off after an hour or so... I usually leave stuff like that soaking over night & wash them the next morning, so I never have to scrub anything! :D

07-31-2007, 09:25 PM
I long ago gave up trying to fold fitted sheets. Simply not worth the time and frustration. I just sort of wad it up and put it, the flat sheet and one pillowcase inside the other pillow case. That way, everything stays together neatly. When you get ready to change sheets, you just grab the pillowcase, and it's all there.

I like king2005's advice about soaking cheesy stuff in hot water. Then I'd just spray it off with the sink sprayer, and put it in the dishwasher.

07-31-2007, 09:33 PM
I just sort of wad it up and put it, the flat sheet and one pillowcase inside the other pillow case. That way, everything stays together neatly. When you get ready to change sheets, you just grab the pillowcase, and it's all there.

Now that is a perfect solution!! :D I'll have to try that one! At least I wouldn't be tearing apart the room and the linen closet, cursing because I can't find one of the pillow cases (that always happens).

07-31-2007, 09:43 PM
Ugh. I hate folding fitted sheets. I just fold them up in a ball and stuff them in the closet.

07-31-2007, 09:44 PM
I fold my fitted sheets the way the video showed, only not quite so perfectly. I usually take my sheets off the bed, wash them, and put them right back on the bed, eliminating the need to fold them all together.

critter crazy
07-31-2007, 10:23 PM
[QUOTE=Twisterdog]I long ago gave up trying to fold fitted sheets. Simply not worth the time and frustration. I just sort of wad it up and put it, the flat sheet and one pillowcase inside the other pillow case. That way, everything stays together neatly. When you get ready to change sheets, you just grab the pillowcase, and it's all there. QUOTE]
That right there is a novel Idea!! Love it!!

Where were you years ago, before all my matching sheets and pillowcases dissapeared??? I dont have a single matching set left in this house!! Must be the same little troll that steals all my matching socks, has moved to my Sheet sets!!:D

07-31-2007, 10:35 PM
I long ago gave up trying to fold fitted sheets. Simply not worth the time and frustration. I just sort of wad it up and put it, the flat sheet and one pillowcase inside the other pillow case. That way, everything stays together neatly. When you get ready to change sheets, you just grab the pillowcase, and it's all there.

You are a genius!! I was just trying to find a set of sheets and this would have been SO helpful :)