View Full Version : Two little dogs saved....

07-29-2007, 06:34 PM
Mom and I were at WalMart today...as I waited by the front door for her, I heard yapping, like smaller dogs. I shaded my eyes and scanned several rows of cars. They were loud enough that I figured they had the windows down part way.

It was 30 C here today, 86F and hot glaring sun, hardly a breeze.

Mom and I had been in the store no more than 10 minutes when the announcement came clear and direct, and NOT friendly: "The owners of [car type] license number ##### - your dogs are in distress. Take care of your dogs, or we will call the police."

Next time I will have a better look - and thank goodness someone reported it. There were two guys who came into the store about the same time I did, and one said something about the 'dogs settling down' or something.

Don't wanna judge - but they struck me as the type that only the threat of police action would make them do the right thing.

I didn't hear the dogs when we left. In a way, I hope the cops did show up and remove those dogs from their 'owners'. :(

But - it is great that someone cared enough to report them, and I learned to check things out better.

critter crazy
07-29-2007, 06:38 PM
Ugghhh....I am glad someone reported them! I cannot stand it when people do this!! I have reported the same thing on numerous occasions myself! Jst last week, there was a Gorgeous German Shepard inside a car, with no windows down!! WTH??? Drives me nuts that people dont care about their pets! :mad:

Duke only goes with me, if he can go inside, like the Petstore, or to the park, or on a trip. I have never left my dog in a car, I would never leave my kid, so why would I leave a dog??

People Just dont get it!

07-29-2007, 08:00 PM
Wow, Catty! I highly doubt they would make an announcement like that at the Wal-Mart where I shop. Big thumbs up to the person who got on the public address!

07-29-2007, 08:02 PM
cassiesmom - what I loved was the tone of voice - none of this sweet "Good afternoon, Walmart Shoppers...in aisle 2, we have..."

More like: "We KNOW what row your car is in and where it is, and so will the cops if you don't look after YOUR DOGS RIGHT NOW!" ;)

07-29-2007, 08:06 PM
I have a cell phone, and if I see an animal in a car, I will report it in the store, and then call 911.

Last week I saw a dog in a car while I was on my way in to shop. As I went in the door, the owner came racing out with her cart and 2 kids. I followed her and read her the riot act. Asked her if she would leave her kids in the car while she shopped. I told her she was thisclose to having the police called.

And I would have done it. I won't wait for someone else to do it - I will.