View Full Version : Pack of Wild Hooligans! pics

07-29-2007, 02:52 AM
That's what my Mom called us this morning...A pack of Wild Hooligans!
That's a little rude, dontcha think? We were just five dogs out having a good time! She's the genius who decided taking four of us, plus Daisy, for a big walk was a good idea!

Actually, we were very well behaved! We didn't run off; we didn't fight or cause too much ruckus; we didn't eat any porcupines(unlike our brother Muskwa who chewed on one of those today!); we didn't even bug the nice jogger lady we ran into. She told my Mom that we looked like very happy dogs and that we were much more friendly than most of the sled dogs she has seen before. We are a friendly bunch! Even Pacer let that jogger lady pet him! Mom shoulda taken a picture of that!
It was crazy hot today so we went to the lake.
You know it's roasty out when Pacer gets his paws wet. He's such a wuss about his precious white paws!
Can you see me? I was trying to hide in the tall green stuff, but it didnt' work out so good!
Suck up Anvik would never try anything so tricky! He would never hide on Mom. He likes to be right beside her or at least be able to see her at all times. Such a Momma's boy!
Daisy was very toasty in her black coat today! She didn't have very much zip at all. Look at her collar--her silly owner finally got her name tag--with his phone number and address on it, NOT ours! Mom told him to do that awhile ago just in case Daisy roams somewhere that isn't our house!

That's all for today.
Tehya, the little Hooligan! :p

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-29-2007, 04:25 AM
Wow, your dogs must have had a blast!! Running around free :) . They all look very happy. Hooligans? :eek: ? NO WAY, they are in a playful mood mommy, that is all :D

Ginger's Mom
07-29-2007, 06:28 AM
Whoo-Hoo, it looks like a good time! I love the first picture. :D I am not surprised at all that the jogger lady thought you were such a nice group of dogs. The Wandering Spirit dogs could win anyone over.

07-29-2007, 08:49 AM
Well those are the cutest hooligans I've ever seen! Sure does look like a fun day! :D

07-29-2007, 09:12 AM
Now that looks like a happy bunch of dogs! That's very good that Daisy has a tag now...good owner! hey - is Muskwa ok? sounds like a *prickly* situation!

Cinder & Smoke
07-29-2007, 10:53 AM
we didn't eat any porcupines
(unlike our brother Muskwa who chewed on one of those today!) :p

And fom a post on 7/17/2007:
Muskwa left me some pictures of his life in camp.
I need to resize them and will post them later.

Is poor Muskwa *chewing* on PorkyPines in Gold Kamp or at Home?
Hope sumbuddie helped him pull out the Pricky-Pins.
Poor guy! :(
Izzie OK??

Ask Mom how those Gold Kamp *snappies* are comin along.

As for today's Romp inna Woods ...
Wonder how big a <gasp> da Runner Lady let out when she came up to :eek:
FIVE loose Dawgs onna trail?

Sure looks like it was a **Phunn** outie for everyone - even Mom!
"GOOD" Dawgs are phunn to take out! :)

07-29-2007, 01:47 PM
Is poor Muskwa *chewing* on PorkyPines in Gold Kamp or at Home?
Hope sumbuddie helped him pull out the Pricky-Pins.
Poor guy! :(
Izzie OK??

Ask Mom how those Gold Kamp *snappies* are comin along.

As for today's Romp inna Woods ...
Wonder how big a <gasp> da Runner Lady let out when she came up to :eek:
FIVE loose Dawgs onna trail?

Wooo Mr. Phred

Muskwa is in camp with Dad still. Dad got the quills out, except for two in Muskwa's chin that he was gonna pull after he talked to Mom. He said Muskwa seemed to be ok. He was eating and drinking and alla that stuff. This ain't the first time Muskwa has eated a porcupine, just the first time this year! Mom sent a big Doggy First Aid kit with Muskwa. So Dad has some pain medication and anti-biotics for Muskwa. If Muskwa starts acting not right, Dad will send him home with the guy who brings the supplies to camp, so Mom can take him to the vet.

Mom says she will post the pics later, probably in general cuz some of them is just scenery!

That jogger lady did let out a little screech when she seen us coming! Mom was right behind us though so she could tell we weren't out exploring by ourselves! She just stopped running and said hello to us. Mom gets very mad at us if we chase people who are running or biking on the trails. Those kind of things make her get out the leashes! It's more fun if we listen to Mom--then we get treats and we can stay loose!


critter crazy
07-29-2007, 01:50 PM
Awwww....what great pics!! I just love seeing your crew!!! :)

Cinder & Smoke
07-29-2007, 02:00 PM
Dad got the quills out, except for two in Muskwa's chin
that he was gonna pull after he talked to Mom.
He said Muskwa seemed to be ok.

This ain't the first time Muskwa has eated a porcupine, just the first time this year!

If Muskwa starts acting not right,
Dad will send him home with the guy who brings the supplies to camp...

That jogger lady did let out a little screech when she seen us coming!

Mom gets very mad at us if we chase people who are running or biking on the trails.

Your Daddy Stuart is a GOOD Dawg Dad!!
Muskwa otta *Read da Book* 'bout Kampin wiff PorkyPines an Squnques!
Cinder still has trubble tellin Squnques frum lil Boots Kats. :p

We've caused a few :eek: onna Trails.
Dad often let da Three Amigos trott on ahead wiffa 3-way Y-Thingie trailin the 15 foot ropey ...
More than a few tymes he hadda Hustle Up to keep us frum *greeting* a
runner or biker onna trail ... da Screemed :eek: getz he attention every tyme!


07-29-2007, 02:35 PM
What a fun time you guys had! Your pack always looks so happy, Glacier. If you guys are "wild hooligans" you sure are cute ones!! The first pic is very cute.

07-29-2007, 05:05 PM
Muskwa otta *Read da Book* 'bout Kampin wiff PorkyPines an Squnques!


Mr. Phred

Our Mom says she is eternally grateful that there are no skunks where we live! I'm not sure what she means by that, but she seems to think we would be stinky alot if we had skunks around here!


Cinder & Smoke
07-29-2007, 05:23 PM
Our Mom says she is eternally grateful that there are no skunks where we live!


You got NO B&W Polecats up inna Yukon???
You guys are missin wunna the finer adventures in life ...
Chazin B&W Kitties inna back yard!
(And then tryin to <sneek> back inna Howze affore Dad notices da **stink**!)

We'll see iffin we kan grab a kupple an stuff 'em inna envelope ...
Wunder how many Lick & Sticks it'll take to have da Mail Gurl haul 'em away?


07-29-2007, 05:30 PM
Looks like a grand time. :D

07-29-2007, 06:18 PM
What fun! I just love that first pic. Look at all those happy dogs. I would love to be able to live like that. I swear, one day you're going to open your door and there I'll be.

07-30-2007, 11:19 AM
You are the cutest hooligans ever! *hugs*

07-30-2007, 11:36 AM
Thanks everyone. They did have a good time!

I can confirm Muskwa is fine. About 10 last night, there was a huge commotion at the gate. Not fight sounds, but not their usual barking at someone in the road. So I went running outside to see what the heck was up. Stuart and Muskwa were home! The expiditer's truck broke down in town and someone had to come get him and the camp supplies. So Stuart got to come home for the night. He was here for a whole ten hours! He was going to leave Muskwa here, just in case, but Muskwa was having none of that. He was acting perfectly normal and if something does come up, we can have him home and to the vet that day. Someone comes in and out of camp frequently or I can meet Stuart in the closest village(80 miles from camp, 4 hours drive from home) and bring Muskwa home.

finn's mom
07-30-2007, 11:36 AM
That first photo is amazing. I love your stories and photos!

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2007, 12:41 PM

HEY MOM ~ da Boys are Home!! :D

I can confirm Muskwa is fine.

About 10 last night, there was a huge commotion at the gate.
Stuart and Muskwa were home!
He was here for a whole ten hours!

He was going to leave Muskwa here, just in case,
but Muskwa was having none of that.

The Big Kid musta needed to try out the New Washin Machine! :p

HI, Stuart! ... Glad you could stop by for a few!!


07-30-2007, 12:52 PM
The Big Kid musta needed to try out the New Washin Machine! :p


LOL, he wasn't even here long enough to do that. He didn't even bring a change of clothes with him! Brought Muskwa and his coffee cup! He's due for days off in a little over two weeks so there'll be lots of laundry then!

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2007, 12:56 PM
He didn't even bring a change of clothes with him!

Brought Muskwa and his coffee cup!


That Boy travels LITE!!

Have Dawg, Will Travel!


07-30-2007, 01:44 PM
Another great set of pictures! All of them look like they had a fantastic time. :)

07-30-2007, 06:08 PM
wow, i really liked that first group pic. Your descriptions make it really fun to look at the pics :)