View Full Version : Better living through chemistry?

07-26-2007, 06:02 PM
I know this has been a topic on some other threads..

I am truly amazed at some of the commercials for medicines on T.V.

My secret passion is the end of the adverts - you know. where they spell out all the symptoms of the meds you take to cure your main problem.

Like the ED pills-may cause you to black out, or see the doctor if they work TOO well, don't drink.....

Some pills can't be handled by women who are preggers....or could become preggers.

Sleep pills- Don't drink or drive, make sure you sleep them off.....

The BCPs - May cause spotting and god knows what else.

Well, the one that caught my ear was a pill for Restless Leg Syndrome.

RLS makes your legs jig around. My old GF had this and it was like spending the night with a marathon runner or kick boxer.

It's a shame she passed before these pills were made available...but I digress!

The symptoms that they mention (and this med is directed toward woman from what I could tell....) were something about an elevated sex drive and urge to gamble.

Like, If you can work cigar smoking and drinking in I think you may have the pill to make the perfect woman!

Pills that make you want to gamble? :eek: :D :confused:

Laura's Babies
07-26-2007, 09:35 PM
Listen to those side effects they tell you about and realize, there are plenty more that are not mentioned.. On one of the cholesterol drugs, they had it in small writting on the screen "This drug has not been proven to prevent heart attack or stroke"... They next day you go to the doctor and he tells you "You HAVE to take this drug or you will die of a heart attack"... :rolleyes:

I heard the one about the gambeling and sex, that one cracked me up... So you take their drug and you trade off doing one thing with those restless legs for another?.... :confused:

07-26-2007, 09:59 PM
Hmmm.... so maybe the pill with side effects of increased urge to have sex and gambling should include a ticket to Vegas.... remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ;)