View Full Version : Was told to give up on Luna because she's too expensive!

07-26-2007, 02:44 PM
Told someone today that Luna may have kidney problems, and that alone the tests that need to be done are more than I can affort, and I was actually told that it may be better to give her up!!

I know I would never do that, but I spend the entire evening pondering about this subject, about the question when the point is reached where you cannot affort your pet anymore.

And then she sat there, looking at me with the cutest Luna-expression on her little beloved face, and I just knew that she's worth each and every Cent!!

Oh, and please don't get me wrong, Luna's health will always be my main concern, not the money, but I know that many here have been at this point in the past, so you will probably understand...


07-26-2007, 02:47 PM
I know Luna means the world to you, I know you will find a way to work it out somehow.

Laura's Babies
07-26-2007, 02:48 PM
That would be heartbreaking to give one up because I couldn't afford the care it needed. We know here, that you will do everything humanly possiabel to get her what she needs including asking all your friends here for help if you need it!

07-26-2007, 03:57 PM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear Luna has problems. :( Of course, you'll do all you can for her. Perhaps your vet will accept payment over a period of time. I really hope you'll find a solution - don't give up! :)

Please give Luna some extra kisses from me.

Big ((((hugs))))

07-26-2007, 03:58 PM
Oh yeah, I have tought about the money. (and how much I would have IF I had no pets). And then I think of how empty life would be. Money or love???? I'll take the love even if they do eat better tha I do.

07-26-2007, 04:15 PM
;) Amen Laura.. Luna can get our help if needed.. Please lets help this baby all we can.. Bigg Huggss & Prayers here..
That would be heartbreaking to give one up because I couldn't afford the care it needed. We know here, that you will do everything humanly possiabel to get her what she needs including asking all your friends here for help if you need it!

07-26-2007, 04:39 PM
I've been told that at one time or another for one kitty or another, as well. I do consider carefully each step and I don't always do all the testing the vet suggests.

For example, you have the urinalysis and will get the blood work. What will the ultrasound of the kidneys tell you? By the time you have the first 2, you KNOW if her kidneys are working well, sort of, or shut down. What steps will you take based on the info you have from the first 2? And what would change if you get the ultrasound?

Mr. Amber Cat had kidney failure; and a few other things. We did the urinalysis and blood tests, skipped the ultrasound. He went onto sub q fluids when the kidneys were slowing down, and that went from once every three days all the way to 3 times per day over a long period of time. We treated symptoms without getting all the nasty news as there wasn't going to be much we could do about it anyway. He was too weak from the other issues to be able to do any chemo aor radiation so there was no point -- in my opion -- in doing the ultrasound. The vet recommeneded all of it! I just gather the info an make my own decisions.

Wishing you and Luna the best and many happy times together still!

07-26-2007, 05:36 PM
Kirsten!! I wonder if the person who told you to give up on Luna had any pets. We do the best we can do within our means. Like Jen, having " only " nine cats is a bit expensive, but what a dull life if they were not here!!! HUGS to you and prayers for you both!!!! Sandra

07-26-2007, 05:55 PM
I Am Lucky In Having An Independant Vet Who Is Not With A Clinic And Does Not Have To Make A Quota As A Lot Of Vets Who Are Attached To Clinics Have To.
He I Am Completely Sure Would Take Into Account The Fact That I Am Not Wealthy And Would Make The Found Cats Health A Prority.
We Pray That You Never Have To Give Up Luna Over Money.

07-26-2007, 06:06 PM
Boy, I've been there on more than one occasion. I started selling off some possessions until I got on my feet again. I don't mean to sound like a Hallmark card but 'where there's a will, there's a way'. You'll always do what's best for Luna and she 'knows' that.

07-26-2007, 07:36 PM
A few years ago when our Lucky got Chylothorax he was in and out of the ER several times, and had to spend a week in there. Talk about running up the bill!

Then he needed a specialist, who happened to be over an hour away and he stayed with them for a week.

But everyone we came in contact with, the ER, the specialist and his regular vet all knew that this would be very expensive, so they all offered a payment plan.

In the end, I kept all the bills and added it up.......:eek: Lucky cost us $7,000.00 :eek: . But you know what?! He was worth EVERY penny of it!

People asked me, including my parents, WHY did we spend so much on just a 'cat' (Grrrrrr :mad: )

My answer: Lucky is not just a cat, he is my child.

So Kirsten, most of us have been through this and some how, some way, we all make it thought these tough times. So hang in there Girl!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

Oh, and speaking from experiences.............don't add up Luna's bills!! :rolleyes:

07-26-2007, 08:57 PM
Kirsten from my recent experience I can tell you don't give up. Just get through it one bill at a time. The people at PT amazed me with their generosity during Mishi's illness. The reality is that I'm now dealing with the bills on a month-to-month basis. It's going to be tight for a while, but I will get through it. Mishi was worth every penny of the expense and in retrospect I would not have done anything different. Hang in there.

07-26-2007, 09:45 PM
I know what you mean. A lot of people have told me to just put Pouncer down because of his illness. Are you kidding?!?! I'd no sooner put him to sleep than chop off my hand. He's my boy and nothing's going to make me give up on him. I don't even consider spending money on his vet care. I made the choice to adopt him and accepted the responsibility to care for him, no matter what. I don't want to think of how much I've spent on vet care, medicines, and prescription food over the past 3 years for him. Would I do it all over again? You bet.... only I would have signed up for vet insurance when he was an itty bitty baby ;)

They say money doesn't bring happiness. What would you have done with all the money you spent on Luna? Gone to a few more movies? Bought a few more outfits? Taken a different vacation? What is all that -- nothing compared to the love and contentment Luna gives you.

I swear that pets are cheaper than the best medical care, and often more useful than anything a doctor can give you. We've always joked here on PT about "purr therapy" and its been prooven they help with migraines and depression, now I read somewhere last week that a cat's purr can help cure bone problems! Apparently a cat's purr has the same pulse as highly technical machines that are now being developed to cure osteoperosis and other bone disorders.... so when someone says she costs too much money, show them how much you SAVE on yearly medical bills for yourself! :p

07-26-2007, 10:52 PM
When I think about all the money Ive spent on pets over the years (including vet care for a couple of my rats...paid for from my alowance as a kid) I ask was it worth it and I always come up with a huge YES! Sure I missed out on some extras, for example getting Hoodini cared for made it so I couldn't go to a campout this weekend...but seeing him develop into a wonderful companion makes it worth it twenty times over.

My pets are my priority, even if it means I go without. They don't have the resources I do...all they have is me.

People without pets just don't seem to get it. Im glad my parents have been down the same road as I have, and see thier pets as more than "just animals" otherwise theyd think I was nuts! Hang in there Kirsten. Luna is such a sweet kitty, and even though people don't seem to understand, it doesn't mean you don't :). Let people have their material possesions and see who is happier in the end.

07-26-2007, 11:53 PM
Kirsten, I've also spent lots of money on vet bills,surgeries, and tests but it's all worth it in the end to get the unconditional love that my cats give me.:) My parents will never understand so I rarely ever let them know what's going on with my cats. They only know about Storm's PU surgery and Starr's surgical biopsy along with his colitis and food allergy problems. I know that you'll do what's best for Luna to help keep her healthy and happy. You always have the support of PT behind you.:)

07-28-2007, 05:28 PM
I thank you all for your support!! I know some of you were (or are) in the same situation.

I hope you don't think that I'm one of these irresponsible pet owners who adopted a pet and cannot care for it. My financial situation was better when I adopted Luna. It's not that had more money, but life wasn't this expensive, only a couple of years ago. I'm not the only one here affected by this, it's hard for many people now. I'm desperately trying to find a way to save some money, but there isn't much left to do. I replaced my light bulbs by energy saving bulbs, and I will stop playing the lottery (which always meant to be a small glimmer of hope for a better life), but now I need to save the money for Luna.

And please do not think that I need much money for myself! For years, I buy my clothes second-hand (if I buy any clothes at all, most of the things I wear are several years old), I buy my books on amazon market place, and I never go out. When I saw the new Harry Potter movie two weeks ago, it was the first time for more than I year that I went to the movies. Oh, and btw, I never go on vacation. The last time it was in 1991, a hitch hiking trip to Sweden with a friend...

There would indeed be an emptiness in my life if I didn't have my cats! Sometimes they seem to be the only thing that bring some happiness into my life.

Freedom, I discussed the option to skip the ultrasound with my vet today, but she would also like to see her bladder. As she found crystals in her urine, we need to find out if there's a stone also. Or a tumor. :(

Sandra, it's true, the person who said that doesn't have any pets. But he and his family are facing a similar financial situation like I do, and he knows how hard it is. His wife has lost her job, and he knows that he will lose his in a year from now. I still have my job, but even though it's a fulltime job, paying all the bills isn't easy. For example, the prices for electricity and gas (heating) are now almost 10% of my gross income, and the prices are constantly rising. And almost every day, you read and hear about things that are getting more expensive, food included. And the price for gasoline is up to 1,90 $US/liter. (4,4 liter make 1 gallon). It's just scary! Life was so much easier in the 80s and 90s, I'd never thought the new millennium would bring so many things to worry about - but it did.

But don't worry, I won't give up on Luna. Just look into her face, it's impossible to have thoughts like this when you look into her eyes:



07-28-2007, 05:42 PM
Kirsten, I can't imagine that anyone would judge you re finances. I think I can say that we've all been there; I know I sure have. And we all get moments when we think "How in the world am I going to be able to afford this?" But somehow there's always a way. And there will be for you, too. You don't need to justify how you use your money either. You're entitled to new clothes on occasion and seeing the Harry Potter movie is hardly going to break the bank. Rest easy, girl. Everyone here on PT is your friend, not your judge. :)

07-28-2007, 05:53 PM
We knew that you would never give up on Luna.
I think I didnt go as far with my Pouncer as I should have due to money and I have felt guilty for 14 yeras.
I will never let that happen again as that bad feeling will never go away.

I still think of Pouncer and hope she has forgiven me.

07-28-2007, 06:09 PM
Oh, and please don't get me wrong, Luna's health will always be my main concern, not the money, but I know that many here have been at this point in the past, so you will probably understand...

You are most certainly NOT an irresponsible pet owner!

I was at that point when I had Marina Mar. She was so sick. We did all kinds of tests. She was at the vet every other day for blood work. When they finally realized what it was, they told me that the last resort would be kitty chemo. I said absolutely not. I loved her with all my heart and could not put her through daily blood draws and her being even more sick than she already was. She was only 3 1/2. :(

Oh and for the record, I would NEVER say that to someone. That's just plain cruel.

You do what YOU feel is right. No one here can fault you for thinking about what's in your pets best interest.

07-28-2007, 06:24 PM
I have Kirsten's PayPal addy - please PM me if you can help.


On July 28/07, one USD = $1.369

07-29-2007, 07:27 AM
Catty1, thank you so much for doing this for Luna!!

moosmom: I'm very sorry to hear about your poor little Marina Mar. She was still so young!! But I think it was the right decision not to do the chemo.

Gary, please stop blaming yourself for what happened to your Pouncer! I'm sure you did what you could at that point. We all need to make our experiences, also with cats. I know I made a lot mistakes with Aysche, my first cat. No one ever realized how sick she actually was. Little was known about FIP in the early 80s, but we all live and learn... Here's (http://www.catmom.de/aysche) her story if you are interested...


07-29-2007, 09:36 AM
Oh, forgot to say...

Medusa, I didn't mean to justify, it's just that I'm so frustrated about the entire situation that once I start speaking about it, I cannot stop... I'm sorry for that. :o It's just hard to believe that it came this far, but it's going on and on and on... like today when I read that the prices for dairy products will rise by up to 50%. OMG!!


07-29-2007, 09:42 AM
There's absolutely no need to apologize. That was my point. This is one of the hazards of internet talking; sometimes it's difficult to get a point across.

It's only natural to be concerned about rising costs, etc., especially where the care of our furkids are concerned. We have to have a life, too. Of course, we want the best for our pets but we need to take care of ourselves, too. Otherwise, life becomes narrow and pinched and then we can become resentful. You're doing everything right where Luna is concerned, that's for sure. The way I see it, you're a responsible pet owner who wants only the best for Luna. How can anyone find fault w/that? No worries, Kirsten. :)

07-29-2007, 09:50 AM
It's only natural to be concerned about rising costs, etc., especially where the care of our furkids are concerned.

It wasn't like this in earlier times that all my thoughts are circulating around my existence. It has just become so hard these days. Even without Luna and Lily, life wouldn't be a picnic. I never meant to sound as if I could live a life of luxury if they weren't here. Actually, they are the only luxury I have! :)


07-29-2007, 10:27 AM
On July 28/07, one USD = $1.369

This had me more hopeful than it was..... I took this to meant MY $50 would actually be MORE for Kirsten, when in reality it is less.

50.00 USD = 36.6380 EUR

1 USD = 0.732760 EUR & 1 EUR = 1.36470 USD

I am not saying this matters, but I am posting in case someone else would be making the same mistake as I did.

07-29-2007, 11:57 AM
I Should Not Have Brought My Pouncer In The Mix. Her Lung Had Collapsed So There Was Little That Could Be Done.
I Was Just Negligent In Not Seeing That She Had Lost Weight And Her Paws Were Ice Cold. Its Funny How We Can Look At Our Cats Everyday And Not Really See Them.
We Are Praying The Luna Will Be All Right. Joseph Prays That They Can Make Tony Romas Today.

07-29-2007, 12:50 PM
Gary, I'm very sorry about little Pouncer. :(

Jen, thanks a lot! It's very appreciated! :)


07-29-2007, 03:45 PM
:) Kirsten how is Luna doing?? I hope not too much discomfort.. So per $100.00 US is $136.90 Euro right.. Please reply so I will know what to send.. Now did I miss the How Much Do We Need?? Give Luna Many Huggss Kisses & Prayers from my furr purr clan..

Candace where is the PayPal Account??

07-30-2007, 01:42 AM
I had to make some sacrifices to get Jasper cared for this month, and thinking about it I know that he is more than worth it. I would sell everything I own for him without batting an eye.