View Full Version : Super Glue on wound? *Edit* Buddy's stitches are OUT!!

07-26-2007, 10:12 AM
Has anyone ever used Super Glue on a dog's wound?
Buddy put his foot through a glass window again when an unexpected thunderstorm rolled through yesterday when no one was home to give him his tranquilizers. :(

He has an inch long gash where his foot pad ends. It's not in his pad it's the flesh. The hubby came home at 4:00 to find the shattered glass and bloody foot prints all over the house and called me to come home from work.
It happened at about 3:00.
It was bleeding a lot yesterday but has slowed down. The problem is that every time he walks, it opens back up because of where it is.

They are in crates today I'm hoping that keeping him off of his foot all day will help it to start healing and stop re-opening.

A friend has used super glue on their dogs a few times to close open wounds.
I was wondering if anyone here has ever used it and how it worked for them.

Of course if it doesn't look like its any better today I'll take him in for stitches, but my thought is that the super glue would help to keep it from re-opening and it would be able to heal on its own.

Cinder & Smoke
07-26-2007, 10:50 AM
Has anyone ever used Super Glue on a dog's wound?
A friend has used super glue on their dogs a few times to close open wounds.
I was wondering if anyone here has ever used it and how it worked for them.

There are a lot of differing opinions found on various internet sites about using
"Super Glue" as opposed to sterile "Surgical Glue". Here's one guy's opinion >>>

"most forms of super glue aren't considered toxic to humans -- hencesome forms are approved for use as a "suture" material.

Scott, do you just look for one that says "non-toxic" or is it moreinvolved than that?

AFAIK cyanoacrylates in general are not toxic.

The ones made for medical use have a longer carbon chain on them, yielding a more flexible bandage. Plus, they are made to be sterile, and they have a dye in them. For example I think that Johnson & Johnson Liquid Bandage has an 8-carbon chain on the cyanoacrylate, and it is very flexible and comfortable. There is a similar product for vet use called VetBond. There is even a cyanoacrylate made for internal surgical sutures.

Regular superglue on the other hand is a methyl cyanoacylate, I think, which is 1 carbon, and it's crusty and rigid when it dries.

However, whenever I get a cut I still use plain old superglue on it and it works great. I have heard anecdotal evidence about doctors doing the same thing at home too. Note that you don't put the glue IN the cut, you use it to keep the edges sealed together by putting it over the top.

Hope Buddy heals up quickly!

finn's mom
07-26-2007, 10:51 AM
I have heard that it works, but I've never used it myself. Also, liquid bandage has worked, too. Again, never used anything like that. The only wound I ever had to deal with like that was far far too severe for anything I could do at home (it was a dog attack), so I've not had any experience with the super glue or the liquid bandage.

07-26-2007, 11:58 AM
I've done it, on smaller tears. It worked fine. Don't use on any kind of puncture or deep wound. Those need to drain. Pine sap works too on smaller wounds!

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I use it more often on my husband than on my dogs! Stuart's scalp and his hands have been held together by superglue quite frequently!

My Mom used to be a fly-in nurse in a very remote area. She says she never went anywhere without a tube of Crazy Glue!

07-26-2007, 12:34 PM

ya learn the darndest things here!

07-26-2007, 12:49 PM
It's all going to depend on how it looks today when I get homeif I use the glue or not.

I don't know for sure how deep it really is, it was a piece of broken glass, so it could be quite deep. I'll have to make sure I take a good look at it.

The hard part would be making sure I only get the glue on the skin and not inside his boo boo.

Oh Bud.... :(

Cinder & Smoke
07-26-2007, 02:39 PM
It was a piece of broken glass, so it could be quite deep.
I'll have to make sure I take a good look at it.

The hard part would be making sure I only get the glue on the skin
and not inside his boo boo.


You really need to be CERTAIN there aren't any Glass Fragments still IN the wound!
Not so sure how you can make that determination - gonna be hard to *see* into
the wound without causing more bleeding (and pain).
Maybe you should dial up the White Coats and ask them what to do?

A "little cut" is a candidate for a home fix-zit Glue Job ...
a deep cut, possible witha a foreign object (GLASS) imbeded is something I'd
be inclined to turn over to someone who signs their name with "DVM" on the end.

Hang in there Bud ... we'll figure this out purdy quick! ;)

Ginger's Mom
07-26-2007, 03:36 PM
Wow, this really is very interesting. I hope buddy's boo-boo is not serious, but just in case he may need some extra cookies tonight. And I am going to buy some VetBond, or liquid bandage or maybe even superglue on my way home tonight. I agree with Pat, the things you learn on here are amazing.

07-26-2007, 03:42 PM
I actually spread it open last night and flushed it with water and could see in it quite well (blech....) and didn't see anything. I was going to stop at a drug store on my way home from work now and buy some saline to flush it out with to be sure there's nothing in the wound.

I'll know for sure what's going on when I get home around 6:00.

*Watching the clock... tick... tick... tick...*

07-26-2007, 10:56 PM
Yes, one can use superglue on cuts. I've done it dogs, a snake ... and humans, too.

I asked my vet about it when I first heard about it. He told me it worked well and caused no harm, as long as you use your common sense. Obviously, one would not use superglue on a puncture wound or a huge gaping wound.

My grandma was a nurse, and told me the same thing.

07-27-2007, 05:53 AM
Buddy put his foot through a glass window again when an unexpected thunderstorm rolled through yesterday when no one was home to give him his tranquilizers. :(


AWW Buddy, we are so sorry you were spooked by that nasty storm and even more that you got yourself a booboo. I have heard of a super glue type material being used to close wounds but didn't know if there was a specific kind for this use rather than using the generic stuff you can buy in the store. I agree...the things you learn here! (((Hugs))) to you Buddy. In the future, just remember what my mom told me when I was little. It is just God moving his furniture. :)

07-27-2007, 08:20 AM
In the future, just remember what my mom told me when I was little. It is just God moving his furniture. :)

Oh I'd give ANYTHING for him to believe that!

Well... $180 later Buddy has 4 stitches.

When I got home from work yesterday, after him sitting in his crate all day the wound looked good!! No bleeding and it looked like it might close on its own!! :eek: :D Yippee!! Well.. That celebration was short lived. :(

I had to leave for a little while, so I gave Bud a happy pill and I left the fans on, radio on and windows closed just in case a storm came through. Well.. one did, and nothing I did worked to help ease him through the storm.
When I came home he had jumped through the window he had broken out the day before and now was trapped in our mud room and had ripped his wound open again. :(

There was blood all over the floor, doors and windows, he had been scratching on and jumping on them freaking out.
So we went to the white coats this morning and they gave him 4 stitches. I thought I was going to have to leave him there all day, but they just gave him a local and zip zip zip zip, we were outta there! :D

*sigh* Oh Bud....

07-27-2007, 09:42 AM
Used it and it works great. I also use the glue from drugstores that are for humans, works great also, never noticed a difference really and super glue was cheaper.

07-27-2007, 09:58 AM
Geez, I'm so sorry that he has such a horrible fear. Lilly and Zipper were terribly afraid of thunderstorms, but they never did anything like that. Hope the sweet boy will be healed up soon and that you can find some kind of solution to this horrible problem.


07-27-2007, 10:20 AM
oh, Buddy, you poor baby!
Have you ever talked to Nancy E about Buddy's storm fears? Maybe she could help communcate to him about it. Let's hope there are no more thunderstorms for a while (yeah, in Ohio, right :rolleyes: ) Big hugs to your Buddy baby, and to you too! Belly rubs for Sierra!

07-27-2007, 10:56 AM
Yeah Pat, I've spoken to Nancy, but Buddy has so many fears and mental problems that she couldn't get through to him very well. It was a sad reading and was hard to hear what she had to say, that's why I never posted here about the reading. It was hard for me to hear her say:
"Wow, he's one of the worst cases I've had" :(
I did order Green Hope Farm stuff, I just got it in the mail on Wednesday so I've been using that for the past few days, hopefully it take a little while before it kicks in.

But maybe I should give Nancy another call, I'm sure she'll be willing to try again.

I'll pass out the hugs! :)

07-27-2007, 12:26 PM
oh yikes.. :( poor buddy! give him a gentle squeeze for me please! let me know how green stuff works .. sure hope it will.

and super glue, neat to know! anyway - hope you got that window fixed already too!


07-27-2007, 12:26 PM
Poor Buddy. :( I feel bad for him that he gets so scared in the storms. That must be awful for him and you too.

07-27-2007, 04:35 PM
Angie, have you ever heard of these ? http://anxietywrap.com/
I got one for Smokey when he freaked out over storms. It was a big
help with him. He doesn't need it anymore & he still doesn't like t-storms,
but he doesn't get so terrilbly afraid & puts up with them a lot better.

07-27-2007, 05:02 PM
Angie, have you ever heard of these ? http://anxietywrap.com/Liz, I've heard of those, and also that putting a t-shirt on a dog will lessen their anxiety during storms. I dont know if it works, when Star gets anxious, if I get her to lie down where she can't actually see the storm, she quiets down.

On a less serious note, I'll post this link to "Meeshka's World", (one of my favorite sibe's blogs), if you'd like to have a good laugh over "anxiety wrap" from a Siberian's perspective. :D Great cartoon! Meeshka also has storm anxiety, so the topic comes up on her blog once in a while. Meeshka's World (http://meeshkaworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/anxiety-wrap.html)

07-27-2007, 05:22 PM
Liz, I've heard of those, and also that putting a t-shirt on a dog will lessen their anxiety during storms. I dont know if it works, when Star gets anxious, if I get her to lie down where she can't actually see the storm, she quiets down.

On a less serious note, I'll post this link to "Meeshka's World", (one of my favorite sibe's blogs), if you'd like to have a good laugh over "anxiety wrap" from a Siberian's perspective. :D Great cartoon! Meeshka also has storm anxiety, so the topic comes up on her blog once in a while. Meeshka's World (http://meeshkaworld.blogspot.com/2007/07/anxiety-wrap.html)

That's funny. :) But they do work & I like the elastic band for holding
the shirt closely to the body. (that's the point, to be like a hug to the dog)
A t-shirt could work just as well if you can manage to keep it tight
enough to the body of the dog.

07-27-2007, 05:24 PM
I think some dogs are just very sensitive to sounds. Think about it. Thunder is an awful sound if you don't understand it. So are fireworks. I had a toy poodle years ago who would get so upset after the 4th of July when all of the neighbors would set off fireworks for hours on end that he would actually get sick after a few hours of that. We are all wired differently and I believe dogs are too. Poor Buddy. I feel for you!

Edit: My sister-in-law's mixed breed actually crashed through her front living room window because the UPS guy was there. :rolleyes: This was a dog that was 20 lbs. soaking wet.

07-28-2007, 05:52 AM
Poor Buddy. :( I hope your paw heals quickly. I hope my Layla never gets that bad about the storms and she's getting quite a bit of practice this week. It seems Angie, we have either no storms or one right after the other. I don't suppose that helps poor Buddy. :(

07-28-2007, 07:12 AM
Poor Buddy. :( I hope your paw heals quickly. I hope my Layla never gets that bad about the storms and she's getting quite a bit of practice this week. It seems Angie, we have either no storms or one right after the other. I don't suppose that helps poor Buddy. :(

I know! What's with these storms lately?!? That's Ohio for you!! :rolleyes:

I'm going to check out those wraps you girls are taking about!

It is so sad to see him freak out as bad as he does. It breaks my heart every time. If he's outside and hears something that scares him he'll try to get out of the yard. He'll try to jump over the fence and I've also seen him bite and grab hold of the fence as if he's trying to tear the fence down!!! Like he's trying to run away from the sound. :( I had an animal behaviorist tell me that maybe after he was dumped in the woods (and spent a few months running loose on his own) maybe he someone shot at him trying to kill him.

Pam, a 20lb dog did that!! :eek:
If I had a window that big that Buddy could get to I'd have to put bars on the INSIDE of the window

07-28-2007, 07:19 AM
I had an animal behaviorist tell me that maybe after he was dumped in the woods (and spent a few months running loose on his own) maybe he someone shot at him trying to kill him.

Pam, a 20lb dog did that!! :eek:
If I had a window that big that Buddy could get to I'd have to put bars on the INSIDE of the window

Oh my gosh Angie. I sure hope that behaviorist was wrong. I don't even want to imagine that happening to sweet Buddy! That is unbelievably sad and there are definitely people out there that could be that cruel! :(

Yes, my SIL's dog was 1/2 husky and 1/2 some sort of terrier. She never liked delivery people of any kind. They had two very low to the floor windows in their living room. This happened during the summer and my nephew was off from school. She got a phone call at work......"Mom, Jetta just broke through the front window because the UPS man came." She obviously had to leave work right away to tend to that. It turns out that after Jetta was outside all she did was run around barking. She never even went after the UPS man. :rolleyes: Their other dog, a GSD that they got as a puppy, was afraid of thunder too, but she would go inside the fireplace to hide until the storms passed. :(

07-28-2007, 09:52 AM
The wrap I'd need to buy for Buddy is $75!!

But then again, that's cheaper than the $180 vet bill from yesterday! :o

07-29-2007, 10:12 AM
I thought I we were going to have to go back to the white coats for stitches again!!! Yesterday when I let them out the back door there was a bunny in the yard and they both took off after it!
(This rabbit has been trying to build a nest in my back yard for the past few nights! :mad: )
Because of where Bud's stitches are, he is only to be outside on a leash so he doesn't run and tear the stitches out. I called him back in the house and looked at his paw and I'd swear he partially torn his stitches out. The area doesn't look just like it did after the vet put the stitches in, but the wound is still being held together and that's the important part!
He's still being a good pup for Dr. Mom! He lies down on his side so I can get a good look at his paw when I change bandages and he takes his 4 pills a day like a good boy too!

07-29-2007, 10:42 AM
Here's a few pictures...
I wish I would have taken a picture of his foot before the stitches, but anyway... here's after.



He is sick of me messing with him, I lay him down and roll him over 10 times a day to look at his foot!


...few more

07-29-2007, 10:46 AM

And the princess... who tears Buddy's bandages off of his foot!!!


Here's Bud by the window he broke out and cut his foot on, and the same window that he jumped through the next day!!
"Humm.. maybe I should have used this door handle instead of breaking out the glass"


07-29-2007, 05:40 PM
Poor Buddy. :( I hope the cut heals up quickly.

07-29-2007, 06:26 PM
Poor Buddy. Please give him a kiss on the paw from me. Angie, I'm so sorry about the reading with Nancy. Usually she's able to help us and make it better. I wish I knew how to help Buddy. I guess you've tried Rescue Remedy and all that? Did she tell you about (I think it's something like Greenfield farms?) Maybe they could fix up a mixture of something to calm him.

07-30-2007, 12:54 AM
Poor Buddy.

I hope that Green Hope Farm stuff works. If it doesn't i HIGHLY suggest some lavender oil applied directly to his chest. I seen it work wonders on a highly stressed puppy.

I wonder if a degaussing strip would work. (It's something electricians use when working on sensitive equipment. It would have to be grounded to something though and the strap I think would have to be touching some of Buddy's skin. I figure if it's sensitive enough to stop motherboard from getting fried by minuscule amounts of static we don't even see, it might help for pets.)

07-30-2007, 05:08 AM
Angie, do you have a dog bootie? When Star's paw was hurt I put a dog bootie on her, then wrapped & taped the top of it. Kept her from pulling off the bandages. I stuck her foot inside a platic bag & taped that on to go out whenthe ground was wet. I've used just the bootie several times now, and she doesn't seem to mind it at all.

They're quite inexpensive from this place, (just a few bucks), you can order only one if you want, and they're very quick to fill your order. www.dogbooties.com (http://www.dogbooties.com/dogbooties.html)
:confused: Poor guy, kiss that pawsie for me.

07-30-2007, 11:38 AM
A plain ol' sweat sock will work too if you don't have any booties handy. Just tap the end up with vetwrap or something that won't stick to his fur.

Hope Buddy is feeling better soon.

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2007, 12:03 PM
Poor Buddy.

I wonder if a degaussing strip would work.
(It's something electricians use when working on sensitive equipment. It would have to be grounded to something though and the strap I think would have to be touching some of Buddy's skin.)

Degaussing Strip - aka "Anti-Static Wrist Band" ~

A device worn by Electronics Workers who handle ultru-sensitive electronic assemblies.
Two or three problems for a Dawg >>>

* Would have to shave the fur off an area of the wrist or leg
* Would have to connect the conductive wrist band to a good "ground" - with a wire
* Fido prolly would NOT like being "wired to the wall"
* Not so safe during a Lightning & Thunder storm! :eek:

When I worked for IBM, the folks who handled senstive components, cards, and boards
HAD to wear "Anti-Static Wrist Bands" when working at their benches ...
but had to STOP working and REMOVE the wrist bands whenever a storm was
reported near the Plant.

Favorite trick was if someone spotted the sun slip behind a cloud, they'd
holler "I think I heard THUNDER!" ... :eek:

Wrist Bands *flew off* and the Manager dashed to a window to "check"!


07-30-2007, 12:06 PM
I'm a pro now at foot injuries as this is his 3rd one. :rolleyes:
I use old socks and use self adhesive wraps because they are sticky enough to keep the sock on, but don't rip his fur off when it time to take it off.

I can't tell you guys enough about what a good boy he is! He knows when I want to look at his foot or change his wrapping. I sit down on the floor by his first aid kit

Val-I've tried TONS of stuff over the years, Bach's Rescue Remedy, the Plug in things... you name it, and I’ve tried it. Nothing has worked. :(
I just bought 3 different types of flower essences from the Animal Wellness collection from Green Hopes Farm (the stuff Nancy talks about) I bought Separation, Anxiety and Outburst. I've been using all 3 for almost a week now and haven't seen a change, but then again we haven't had any storms lately. Fingers crossed.

Crow- I'll give the Lavender oil a try and I'll also look into the degaussing strip. Funny thing is that my husband is an electrician!

I'm going to try the anxiety wrap a shot too.

Poor dog won't know what hit him the next time a storm hits. I'll be giving him pills, rubbing oil on his chest and paws, stuffing him into a t-shirt... etc. :D

Thank you all for your input and help!

07-30-2007, 12:12 PM
Poor Buddy. I can just image how fearful you are while it is storming. I wish I could give you big cuddles so you wouldn't be so afraid.

Thank goodness it was only his foot, had he gone through the window the first day he may have ended up cutting himself all up. I know what you go though, my parents have a JR that just goes bonkers long before we can even hear the thunder. They have tried all different stuff too but as she gets older she gets worse. Give Buddy some hugs for me.

Ginger's Mom
07-30-2007, 01:14 PM
Poor dog won't know what hit him the next time a storm hits. I'll be giving him pills, rubbing oil on his chest and paws, stuffing him into a t-shirt... etc. :D
LOL, I just got a mental image of this, too funny. :D
Poor Buddy, I hope he feeling better soon.

07-30-2007, 06:53 PM
aw angie, aw buddy. i come back from a weekend away, and allathat happens. so sorry and ear skritchies

07-31-2007, 01:23 AM
Poor dog won't know what hit him the next time a storm hits. I'll be giving him pills, rubbing oil on his chest and paws, stuffing him into a t-shirt... etc.

LOL! Poor guy!

Hopefully *SOMETHING* one of us suggested will work.

(Oh i don't know why this reminded me of this... other than i just got done posting it to another board of mine. ... For about 15 years now I've had horrendous crippling "female" pains one or two days a month. *ehem* Nothing has worked to take away the pain... 15 years of trying to find SOMETHING that will help. Well for about a year now I've been taking some herbal supplements. They're Ok to the point where I'm not ready to kill myself just to escape the pain... almost just a figure of speech there... well four months ago completely by accident I found Northland Cranberry Grape juice. :-D If i start drinking it the day before and then the day of... I can function!!! Not coherently... but the pain is so minimal that i can deal with it... up to three pain killers and that's it. I'm soooo happy. ...anyhow the point of the story is that it took 15 years and pure chance to find something that worked. ...I really hope it doesn't take you that long to find something that helps buddy... But I'm sure it'll take a LOT of experimenting and process of elimination. I had also taken carob and some chi tea a few months back. The next time i had both of those, but not the juice. :-( oh well, now i know.)

07-31-2007, 01:32 AM
YIKES!!!! I didn't know that about the storms!


Hey, I wonder if attaching it to one of those grounding strips would work :D :p ;) You know... the ones that are supposed to keep your computer safe in storms. (So far ours has... thank goodness... because we get a LOT of power surges here.) Ah HA that's what it's called... Surge suppressor.

(please don't take me seriously... I don't think hooking up a dog to something plugged into the wall is a good idea... if it's not the intended purpose of the equipment.)

Degaussing Strip - aka "Anti-Static Wrist Band" ~

A device worn by Electronics Workers who handle ultru-sensitive electronic assemblies.
Two or three problems for a Dawg >>>

* Would have to shave the fur off an area of the wrist or leg
* Would have to connect the conductive wrist band to a good "ground" - with a wire
* Fido prolly would NOT like being "wired to the wall"
* Not so safe during a Lightning & Thunder storm! :eek:

When I worked for IBM, the folks who handled senstive components, cards, and boards
HAD to wear "Anti-Static Wrist Bands" when working at their benches ...
but had to STOP working and REMOVE the wrist bands whenever a storm was
reported near the Plant.

Favorite trick was if someone spotted the sun slip behind a cloud, they'd
holler "I think I heard THUNDER!" ... :eek:

Wrist Bands *flew off* and the Manager dashed to a window to "check"!


07-31-2007, 07:35 AM
Alright then... I won't "plug him in" when a storm is about to hit! :D
Thanks Crow and Phred for the info!

Last night I was having a few beers on the patio and he knocked a beer bottle over and glass went all over the place. :eek: He took one look at the glass on the ground, looked at me and walked the other way like he was saying "Been there, done that.. not doing it again" :D

The area of his stitches is looking a little irritated. I think it must be itching or bugging him because out of nowhere he tore off 2 bandages yesterday. :rolleyes: That is NOT like him! So I glopped a bunch of Neosporin on him and wrapped him up again this morning before leaving for work and sprayed apple bitter on his bandages.

07-31-2007, 09:21 AM
I don't think I've replied but I have been keeping an eye on this thread Angie.
I'm glad to hear that he didn't step into the broken glass again, but Buddy...leave that owie alone so it can get better:)

08-01-2007, 12:07 AM
Maybe you should buy the beer that comes in the plastic bottles :D :p

Seriously though... glad he learned his lesson. Poor guy. *scritchies*

Oh i hope the wound isn't infected. :(

08-01-2007, 12:24 AM
Degaussing Strip - aka "Anti-Static Wrist Band" ~
A device worn by Electronics Workers who handle ultru-sensitive electronic assemblies.
I work on my computer all of the time and have never wore one. LOL! I hope buddy gets better and his stiches heal so he can go back to his normal self... tearing down the house lol!

08-01-2007, 07:18 AM
Maybe you should buy the beer that comes in the plastic bottles :D :p

Seriously though... glad he learned his lesson. Poor guy. *scritchies*

Oh i hope the wound isn't infected. :(

Oh yeah!! I just saw them in the store the other day!! Great idea!! Even better because the plastic bottles are 16oz instead of 12oz!! More beer for me and no glass to break!! :D It would be better for everyone.

His wound is not looking as good as I would like it to. :(
Half of it has healed up nicely and is staying closed, but the other half is still open and I can clearly see that the stitch is almost torn out all the way. When I change his bandage I can tell that it's been oozing. He's been on 1000mg of amoxicillin a day since Friday and I've been glopping the Neosporin on too. He's not favoring it at all, so I'd assume it doesn't hurt him or bother him.
Please say a little prayer for my Bud that his foot heals up and it's not infected.

08-01-2007, 07:20 AM
I work on my computer all of the time and have never wore one. LOL! I hope buddy gets better and his stiches heal so he can go back to his normal self... tearing down the house lol!

Waaaaaait a second... you're not the one that has to clean up the house after his episodes! What are YOU cheering him on for? :confused:

Believe me.. he needs no encouragement to destory my house he does that just fine on his own! With help from his assistant Sierra. :p ;)

08-02-2007, 09:30 AM
Well... one stitch has ripped all the way through. :(

The one that ripped out is the middle one and where the wound is not looking the best.
The wound is very close to being healed closed all the way except one tiny little place, where this stitch ripped through.
I hope it heals the rest of the way on it's own and I don't have to take him back for stitches again. :(

08-02-2007, 10:34 AM
buddy, honey, i know this isn't in your nature, but consider laying around for just a week, let the foot heal. soak up the loving and stay far away from glass. angie can you replace the window glass with plexiglass?

08-02-2007, 11:18 AM
buddy, honey, i know this isn't in your nature, but consider laying around for just a week, let the foot heal. soak up the loving and stay far away from glass. angie can you replace the window glass with plexiglass?

Joyce, I'm going to print this out and hang it on the fridge so Buddy reads it everyday!! :D

We would replace it with plexiglass but we are only weeks away from putting our house on the market to sell! They stay in crates almost all the time now when we are not home to make sure it doesn't happen again.

08-02-2007, 08:38 PM
Sorry to hear about Buddy, I hope his foot gets feeling better soon. No more jumping through glass, ok Buddy?

08-03-2007, 12:25 AM
What about replacing all the windows in your new home with Plexiglas or lexon then? :-)

...We would replace it with plexiglass but we are only weeks away from putting our house on the market to sell! They stay in crates almost all the time now when we are not home to make sure it doesn't happen again.

08-03-2007, 12:42 AM
I hope Buddy's foot is ok. :(
poor guy.
lots of gentle hugs to him and to you -
and of course to the princess too!

08-11-2007, 11:11 AM
Yep! I took his stitches out Thursday night!

I'm SO glad that's over! And I'm making sure it doesn't happen again!

08-11-2007, 11:20 AM
Whew, that seemed pretty touch & go for a while.
Now Buddy, PLEASE, no more jumping through windows!

08-12-2007, 08:27 AM
Glad to hear your Buddy is all healed:D

Be a good boy and no more jumping through windows!

08-14-2007, 11:39 PM
Yay Buddy! :)

08-15-2007, 05:04 AM
Great news! Here's hoping it never happens again. :D