View Full Version : What do you love about your cat(s)

07-26-2007, 09:23 AM
I got this idea from Dukedogsmom in Dog General...and thought it would be fun to ask all of our kittys hoomans what they LOVE about thier kitties!

Of course our cats will say "Well you love EVERYTHING about us...right?" and of course the answer is yes :D but Im sure there are things that stand out.

Remus: Whats not to love about my ambassodor boy? He's the socalite, always meeting and greeting everyone (critter or hooman) that walks in my door. He is a good judge of character too, if someone is really bad news, he can usually tell within a sniff or two and just walks off and hides. I also love his little chirp of a meow...and how he likes to hang out on the back or arm of my computer chair.

Spook: She isn't social in the slightest bit but she is a darn good protector kitty. She actually hisses at people who hang around our window too much (mainly the bratty nieghbor kids lol). Most people think twice about messing with my apartment when they see a black cat arch up and hiss at them through the window. The apartment manager actually likes her doing that, it keeps the majority of vandals away from our building! She also can be a cuddle bug in private, and if she knows you you had better darn well pet her!

Onyx: He is often refered too as a Maine Goon (thanks Reddhedd for the term :) ). He is my most playfull kitty, and is even starting to play with Hoodini (who doesn't quite get what the big black lummox is trying to do lol). He loves to play chase, with strings...well he just likes to PLAY...unless he is asleep or eating.

Hoodini: I have a lap warmer in training. He already is getting insistant about attention and will purr like mad if you hold him and rub his belly. He is content to let you pet him for HOURS, and if you stop he'll stand and stare at you until you start up again.

Of course all of my cats are adorable (well I think so anyhow ;) ) and they just seem to form a cohesive and cooperative pack even with Spook having well...cattatude. Each member has his or her place, and Hoodini is integrating very well. I guess thats why he moved immediately from "foster" to "resident" :D

Anyhow, enough of my rambling...;)

07-26-2007, 09:43 AM
The Fact Taht They Are There For Me And Love Me When I Not Not Deserve It.
I Wish I Was As Good A Guardian As They Deserve.

07-26-2007, 10:00 AM
Halo ~ I like that Halo is a very polite kitty. She never intrudes. Stays in the background -- but always near. She always comes when we all her. She is quiet (unless you put her in the port-o-prison!). She loves catnip. She is kind and gentle and a little timid. She acts like she's always on her best behavior.

Cammie ~ Hmmmm, I like that she is totally devoted to Bobcat to the exclusion of all human beings on the planet. :p I like that she has a protective, mothering instinct and attempts to comfort the other kitties if they cry.

Pepper ~ I absolutely love her NO ONE IS THE BOSS OF ME personality. She is a fearless daredevil who has worried many years off my life. I love that her horrible heart murmur hasn't slowed her down and that she is determined to live ever single moment of her life on the edge. (At this point, I think my heart is going to give out before hers does).

Willy ~ Our only true snuggler. I adore this boy so. He is sweet and loveable. He wants to touch and be touched at all times. He's a big lump of love!

Willow ~ I love my little Licky Lou! She will lick, lick, lick you until your skin is sore. She is a big, puffball of fur. She is skittish and hides when the doorbell or phone rings, but she's always close by. She brings me presents all night long (balls, paper, hair clips). She always wants to play not matter what time it is.

07-26-2007, 10:43 AM
I love that Squeak loves me as much as she does. She takes every step I take at home. She isn't very fond of anything or anyone else, but she loves her Mom! She's always been my sweet girl that Mom loves sooo much!

07-26-2007, 10:52 AM
Zippy is my heart cat and can't imgaine life with out my baby.She is alwas there for me and loves me for me.She is so funny and is a total Princess.She can alwas make me smile.Zippy was my first real pet that was mine.She rules the house.

Pumpkin what can't I say about my wild child.She is such a sweetie and loves being a brat then sucking up and I can't stay mad at her.She loves me for me and she is my little parrot.She sits on my shoulder like a parrot and it alwas makes me smile.

07-26-2007, 10:59 AM
MooShoo- he's my soulmate. He's in my bed every single night under the covers with his head on HIS pillow. He's loyal and loves me unconditionally. Alot more than I can say about some of the guys I've dated.

Mollie Rose - my 14 year tortie has been with me through my man failed relationships, my hysterectomy, depression and hospitalization. She was my very first cat.

Maya Linn - VERY vocal meezer mix who wakes me up when my alarm clock fails, only because she's hungry.

Shortie Girl - She's my perpetual kitten who LOVES to play fetch and loves her armpits scratched.

Lexi Joon - my 6 month old hairless baby is full of energy who loves to play fetch, and loves wrestling with her "unca" MooShoo.

07-26-2007, 11:00 AM
I love that she greets me at the door (sometimes!) after I've been gone. I love that she tucks her backside into the bend of my elbow for sleep. I love when she deigns to give me kisses with her little grey nose. I love that she has allowed me to be her caregiver all these years.

07-26-2007, 11:48 AM

Tabitha: She is my first cat, my heart cat, my "19 year old kitten" as she has her momets of being very playful and running through the house like she is 4 months old again! Tabby is my cuddler, and loves to sleep on the pillows next to my head, with her head tucked next to my ear, purring (quite loudly!) right in my ear. She also has to have at least one paw on me at all times! She loves to lay on the back of the couch while I watch TV and purr in my ear.

Sasha: She is my "silly sister Sasha" as she keeps me entertained! She loves to play with her milk rings! And can she toss them high into the air! She also loves to play hockey with them on the linoleum in the kitchen. She will cuddle on her terms and on her time only. And every morning, she wakes me up by sitting in the middle of the bedroom meowing loudly until I get up and turn on the water in the bathroom sink. Once I sit up, she will run to the bathroom and I find her on the vanity, with her front paws in the sink, waiting patiently!

07-26-2007, 11:53 AM
The Fact Taht They Are There For Me And Love Me When I Not Not Deserve It.
I Wish I Was As Good A Guardian As They Deserve.

now you have to know that's not true. you are a cat friend and hero and we all know it. :D

i love how sig will come up to me and look up and meow because he wants loving. i love that


Laura's Babies
07-26-2007, 01:03 PM
Amy- I love her for her determanation and her never give up spirit. I love how it makes me feel when she looks up at me and gives me that special look that says "Pick me up!"..

Giz- I love her sense of humor, adventure and her zest for having a good time and playfulness. She is so much fun to be around.

Samantha- Her devotion to me, the fact that she never gave up in her effort to be mine. I love how she likes to curl up in a lap or hide under the covers and how playful she can be.

Kitty Boo- How faithful and devoted she was to Mama and how sweet she can be with me. I love that she sleeps with me every night and how she wakes me up with that gentle touch on my face with her paw... That is just SO sweet!

07-26-2007, 01:54 PM
Snow- She is so lovable and friendly! If your sad, she will always be there by your side. She is a wonderful, fat and lazy cat that I love!

Angel- She is so playful! I can always play with her. She has a great personality and is lovable, but sometimes not always friendly. LOL! I love that wonderful cat!

07-26-2007, 06:33 PM
Puddy - I love how she looks at me, as though she truly likes me. I know she loves me but she looks at me as though she likes me. And I love how she likes to hang w/the humans. Her head goes back and forth from person to person as though she understands every word of the conversation.

Boo Bear - I like that he comes when I call him, much like a dog would. And boy, does he ever talk. And he likes to check out new people; he'll jump up on their lap and look them square in the eye, as if to say "My mom might like ya but I'll let you know later what I think."

Pidge - I love how she taps on my arm when she wants attention. And I love her sweetness; what a sweet disposition she has. It's always seemed as though she's just grateful to have a home.

Creamsicle - I love how she just has to touch your face and smell your breath. Maybe it's because she's deaf and she's compensating, I don't know. She can melt the coldest heart.

Yodie - I love her eye kisses. She gives me lots of them and leg hugs, too. And she's another talker, sometimes to the point where I have to say "Aw, shuddup already!" :p And she'll just suddenly flop over and expect a belly rub, no excuses, Mom!

Coco Puff - I love the way he schmoozes me when he wants something. He's such a handsome blue eyed lover. If I was a cat, I'd be in big trouble. Another talker, too. Goes through the house, sounding like he's saying "Oh well!" And he still makes that "boop boop" noise, so much so that I call him Booper every once in a while.

Specs - I love the white rings around his eyes, as though he's wearing specs. And I love the way he sleeps upside down. All cats do that but the way he does it, I can't make out head or tail!

RB Peeka - She started the tapping me on the arm thing. She melted my heart the first time she did it. And when she and her brother Boo Bear lived w/my son for a couple of years when I was separating from my husband and living in Sedona, she'd be sure to leave a toy of hers in my suitcase so that when I'd unpack, I'd find it. It's as if she was saying "Don't forget us, Mom." It always made me cry. And I loved giving her stub rubs where her tail had been amputated. She'd raise her head up high as if to say "Oh yeah, right there, Mom."

07-26-2007, 06:48 PM
Smudge is incredibly sweet-natured, always trying to do what he thinks I'd like him to. One time he found a packet of beef jerky I'd left in a box below waist level, and he carefully took it out of the box, then came and got me to show me what he'd found. Last week he had a tummyache and hurried into the kitchen to find me cleaning his box! He gave a querulous little "Meow?" and waited for me to put the cover back on before he dashed in and did his very urgent business. He greets me at the door with lots of toe kisses every day, and most mornings he'll give me a bit of a cuddle when he hears me begin to stir. He's not a lap cat (wouldn't fit!) but we just enjoy being near each other. His "happy place" is sprawled on the floor behind me as I work at my desk. Smudge is wonderful!

Love, Columbine

07-26-2007, 06:55 PM
Mitzi's purr - she's got the loudest purr in the world IMHO.

The little paw print on her nose. The way she chases her tail - still! It always cracks me up and she does it at least once a day. I tried once to catch it in video, but she's way too fast and I'm usually laughing too hard to hold the camera still.

I love the way she puts her paw up to grab treats - she never uses her claws; it's always a gentle tap on my hand to ask for it nicely.

Her little voice - she's using it a lot more now and the psychic said she would - she's finding her voice in the world! Her little mrrt's - she's chirping in glee at me at lot more now too and I just love it.

Her beautiful coloring, especially on her face; her fluffy white ruff and her white mitts (I call them her ice cream feet because they're tri-colored in different places - just like ice cream!)

07-26-2007, 07:18 PM
Lets start with My princess of the house Lexie.

I just love how she looks up at me with the most love in her eyes, i swear that cat says i love you to me, I love when i say at night you coming to bed with Mama and she miaows and runs up the stairs with me, i walk though lol.

Ellie-mae, i love how when you cuddle her she makes the most unusal little squeaks, to anyone else you would think i was hurting her but i know it is just her and how she instantly purrs immediately you pick her up. I also love how she is my only lap cat, although lately she has been slacking on the job lol.

Ash, I love how he does floppies on demand, however they are becoming less and less as he ages. I also love how he becomes an instant kitten at times, chasing his tail ,running up the stairs with a wild look in his eyes,and he has a face full of expression,i swear he frowns sometimes.

Nikkita my second princess, i love how she is more vocal than the rest, my cats are very quiet kitties most of the time, I love how she has become an almost indoor kitty these days, she is still a bit timid at times, but has the sweetest gentle nature just like me Lexie. I love how her and lexie love to be buried under blankets,and Nikki will just come over to us demanding to be under the blanket and cuddled up to us at nights on the couch.

There are many other things i love about them all, but these ones come to mind instantly. :)

07-26-2007, 08:20 PM
Ducky- Oh boy where do I being with this guy. He is always there for me, if I'm upset about something I can fin him and just sit there and hug him and he wont move. He comes to bed every night with me and makes himself go under my arm so it looks like I'm hugging him then he puts both his front legs around my neck, I love waking up with him there. Sometimes he will get up before me though and will go around waking everyone up. It's so cute he will go to everyone's room and scream (well it's cute to think about) and he does it at the time everyone gets up for work. He also knows tricks! If you say be a silly Duck he will roll on his back and start going crazy (I have a video of it I will have to post), if you say bed time Duck and pat on the bed he will jump into bed with you, and he begs for treats (he will go on his back legs and stand up). I just love the little bugger.

Ivy- I havn't had him long and I'm not going to have him much longer but in the time I've had him I like that he kisses on command, which is just adorable. He of course loves to cuddle. How if I'm sleeping and Duck is with me (seeing as Duck sleeps half on me) Ivy has to climb on me and get closer to me then Duck. His amazing blue eyes.

Hank and Molly aren't really mine they are my families so I dont take care of them and they aren't bonded to me but of course I can pick things out about them that I like.

Molly- She is such a love. She loves to come up to you and ask for her head to be scratched. How she is ALWAYS ready to play and fetches.

Hank-How he thinks he is the greatest thing around. He walks around like a King (acts like one too) and looks like a lion. It's not nice for the other cats but I think it's funny sometimes how stuck up he is to everyone.

07-26-2007, 08:48 PM
I like evary thing about my cat

07-29-2007, 04:26 PM
Mopar- I love that she is my guardian angel always there but never demanding....always protecting.

Tucker- I love his devotion, love and tenderness.....I love his kindness to strangers and how he brightens everyones day.

Sweet Chloe- I love her sweet charm her clumsiness and nondemanding personality and how she gets so excited when she gets a glimps of her daddy and wants his attention.....

Precious Paris-I love the loyalty that comes with this little girl how she managed to heal my horribly wounded heart after I lost my 6 yr old siamese. The constant talking about any at all.... And the fullhearted love and tenderness that lets me know that she loves me as much as I do her....The fact that she will always be my soulmate. And the sweet paw to my face to let me know that she is there.....

08-01-2007, 03:56 PM
When we got Cocoa Kitty, he was starving, but he was starving for love more. He wanted petting first, then food. He is a very therapeutic cat and always cuddles up to wherever hurts.

08-01-2007, 04:21 PM
;) I guess I should say what do I not Love about my Cats.. I Love everything about my babies..

Maya & Inka's mommy
08-02-2007, 08:33 AM
Maya: she is my princess, because she can sit like a real princess. When she looks at me and produces a very high sounding meow, I melt :) . She is also our "mommy-cat", because she took cate of every newcomer in the cat-household

Inka: she can look at me with such a sweet smile, and she purrs like an old diesel :)

Zazou: She is a beautiful cat, and SHE KNOWS that :) .

Snoopy: I love her very high and thin meow; she can sleep in the weirdous positione :)

K & L
08-02-2007, 12:28 PM
Just about EVERYTHING! Mostly how they all come running to greet me when I walk through the door!

08-02-2007, 02:29 PM
I love how Isis just goes with the flow. She's VERY easy going and laid back. She's very accepting. Isis is so peaceful, loving, and graceful. She puts up with a lot (Spanky trying to play). I love her so much!

Don Juan's mom
08-02-2007, 09:57 PM
Don Juan is my special boy. I love his thick fur with its pretty spots and stripes, and the way he'll *beg* to be brushed. I love him climbing on my shoulder (all 12 pounds of him) to snuggle and purr. I love the way he takes possession of any female lap in the house. (Does that name suit him!) I love how, at the age of seven and a half, he still managed to hop on top of the shower door for some "balance beam" practice... then paced back and forth for about five minutes, trying to decide how to get back down. :D

Zerlina is always at the door when I come in, ready to greet me with a nose kiss. I love her vast vocabulary of meows, purrs and chirps. I love giving her belly rubs. I love her spider hunts, and her ability to snatch flies out of the air. :eek: And I love how she keeps her big brother alert and exercised!


08-02-2007, 10:10 PM
OK - I haven't posted on here in a while, but I was just checking back in and had to post a reply here. I have been in and out of town during the last few weeks for a class I am taking for work - so, I was without my dear hubby and 6 cats the week of July 16-20, as well as this week (I get to go home tomorrow!), and will be out of town again the week of Aug 13-17, but luckily that will be the last time for a while. Anyway, as you all can imagine, I am missing my cats terribly (and my husband, too, I suppose - LOL). Here's what I love about each of my cats:

Bailey: He was the first one - we raised him from the time he was a 1.5-lb, sickly 4-6-week-old stray that we took in. He had lots of stomach issues and ended up being a very expensive "free" kitten. We wouldn't change it for the world. He is now nearly 5 years old (9/17/02 is the estimated birthdate), 19 lbs, lean and strong. He rules our house, and is very handsome. He plays when he feels like it, has his own places to sleep, and just loves to surprise us every now and then by curling up with us in bed or on our laps, which is unusual because he is the most independent of all of our cats. He has a very talkative nature, especially when he wants us to come pet him as he drinks from the bathroom sink.

Leila: She was the next we adopted, when she was about 6 months old, in May 2003. She is a very beautiful, petite tigress of a cat. She would be one to bring us plenty of small dead animals as trophies if we let her go outside. Although she is rather vicious when she is approached for claw-trimming or taken to the vet or provoked by any of the other cats, she can be quite loving when in the mood, curling up and letting us pet her until she grows tired of it. She is a wild one, and we know her limits - we let her come to us. She loves to sit in our 4-season-room looking out at nature and is quite good at chasing toys, especially tiny, furry mice. :)

Leo (RB as of 8/12/06): He was the next that we adopted (in April 2004) - we had way too short of a time with him. Although we don't know exactly how old he was, he was too young to die like he did last year (kidney failure, most likely caused by something he ingested/was exposed to during his time as a stray) - he must've just lived a really rough life before being rescued, nursed to health by the rescue group (bad case of ear mites deformed his ears so that they looked crinkly, which added to his charm, and he had a bad respiratory infection at that time as well), and adopted by us. We loved him from the moment we saw him - he came to meet us at the PetSmart Luv-A-Pet Center - he was the only cat allowed out of the cages in there to walk around while the volunteer was working in there. He sat on my lap at first meeting and had the most unique voice saying "Hello" to us. His meow sounds even sounded song-like, so much so that I was able to make up a special whistle for him (and later sounded it out on my flute and on the piano - Leo's song still makes us tear up). He was a big guy, around 17-20 lbs while he was with us, loved to snuggle right up next to us in bed (next to our faces), loved to meet new people and hung out, no matter if he new who came to visit us or not, and he could be quite playful when in the mood. He really loved all of the other cats, especially Bailey and Claudia, and even Leila, though she didn't seem to tolerate his advances like the others. :) He was a gem and is sorely missed.

Claudia: She is a sweetie - we adopted her June 25, 2004, after first meeting her just a few days ahead of that - we saw her go into the Luv-A-Pet Center for the first time to be available to adopt after being fostered. She started purring as soon as we saw her - she has the most wonderful purr. We adopted her only a few days later, before the next weekend, b/c we knew she'd go quickly. She is just over 4 years old now, and is the most beautiful, fluffly, short-legged little Snowshoe mix. She's as sweet as can be, and has a purr like no other - she even clicks when she gets really revved up - everyone gets a good smile/laugh out of that happy sound she makes. She loves to be with us, and follows us around. She sits on our laps and cuddles up with us at night. She's very playful when she wants to be, and she seems to enjoy the company of the other cats when she's in the mood to chase/play. She's a delight, and she is kind of "my" cat, as she really does seem to gravitate to me more than any of the others. :)

Vincent: He is going to be 2-years-old in Sept (he was born around the 7th) and we adopted him last September, several weeks after losing our dear Leo. He had a rough go of it the first time he found what he thought was his furrever home, b/c the dog living in that house attacked him when he stole some dog food and broke his front right leg very severely. The rescue group took him back and put him through surgery through specialists to repair his leg. You wouldn't know that had happened to him by the way he acts now. He never ceases to want to play, and can jump higher than most cats I have seen (though Leila rivals his height in jumping). He likes to actually fetch little, soft tinsel balls and bring them back to us, like a dog/puppy might. He does have this crazy whine that he employs when he wants us to give him water from the bathroom sink, but he also has this happy grunt and steady purr when we pet him and brush him (which he actually seems to enjoy, unlike most of the others). He's fun, though he irritates his sisters a lot sometimes! Most of the time, he sticks to playing/rough-housing with his brothers, which is quite amusing.

Mikey: We adopted this little one along with Vincent so that he'd have a buddy in the house, coming in against the 3 older ones. Mikey is a tiny little orangeman who is very playful, sometimes almost death-defying! He likes to run as fast as he can and jump onto our balcony in our 1.5-story house, so that it looks like he could fall from the balcony to the great room - it worries us to no end. He was supposedly 1-year-old around April 25th, but he is still only around the same size as our two girls, weighing in at only 8 lbs 8 oz. :) He plays like a kitten and gets into trouble like a kitten, and we think he will resemble a kitten, at least in looks, forever, much like his sisters do. He is a lot of fun and loves to play with many different types of teaser wands and little furry puff toys. He actually can catch a soft, small toy when it's thrown to him, many times. He sometimes curls up with us and just purrs away, and sometimes likes to plop right down on our work and just begs for loving. :)

Bryan: He is the furriest of all of our furbabies, and came along in October last year, shortly after Vincent & Mikey. He was up for adoption at the same time as Vincent & Mikey, but we didn't take him initially, hoping he and his natural-born beautiful brother would be adopted together. Alas, they weren't, and he was there, and we loved him dearly and wanted to give him a wonderful home. He is the sweetest thing, though a little shy. The 5-cat household we had was not very harmonious at the time, but as soon as he came home with us, it's almost as if things instantly calmed down. Everyone seemed OK with everyone else, rather than being thrown into more turmoil. He loves to curl up and nap just about anywhere and has much of the personality traits we loved about our dear Leo - he loves belly rubs (on his own terms) and lives for us to go down to our basement - that's his favorite place to hang out. He meows and talks just about as much as Bailey, and sometimes cries out because he wants us to come love on him. He can be very playful and really enjoys playing with all of the kitties, especially his brothers. Sometimes he wakes us up by licking our hands and faces, and sometimes he curls up with us in bed, though he's pretty independent like Bailey. He is almost 1.5 years old now and we just love him to death! :)

All of our cats are great....hope I haven't rambled too much!

08-03-2007, 10:50 AM
Oh, there are SO many things I love about Fister. These are just a few of them.

I especially love when he comes to bed and wants to snuggle. :) I read before I sleep, and the minute I take the book, he's there in front of me, giving head bumpies first, and then settling down. After a little while, he turns on the side and starts purring, knowing I'll put my arm along his side and give him tummy rubs. He'll even let me rest the book on him! Later on, he stretches his head up against mine - it's just SO sweet!

Fister is so considerate, when I go to sleep, he jumps down and takes a sip of his water, then goes to sit in the window sill in the other room. But if he sees something exiting, he comes in to tell me immediately, very loudly - I could do without that, because I just fell asleep. But he will settle down next me and go to sleep too.

I also love it when he jumps up to sit next to me on the computer. I often go to get a little snack or chocolade in the evening, and I bring him some treats too. :p

He's also very sweet in the morning, when I get up and go for my shower, he plomps down exactly on the spot I was, and waits till I come back. He's become such a cuddle bug lately. :)

In the mornings, he sits patiently waiting for me to finish my breakfast, then it's brushing time - same procedure every day.

Fister likes a set scedule every day, he sleeps in various places, but always the same place at a particular time of day. Once in a blue moon, he changes his habits - and I soon adjust. LOL!

08-04-2007, 08:01 AM
Thanks for all the replies, guys!

08-04-2007, 06:24 PM
The main thing is the unconditional love that my cats give me.:)

Storm: He's my first cat and my heart kitty. He knows when I'm not feeling well or when I just need a good cuddle. He's a very intelligent nuturing cat even though he can be stormy at times. He's always purring and for an 11 1/2 year old he can still play and act goofy like a big kitten.

Sunny: He's such a goofy,funny,energetic boy. He's my eternal kitten and my furry alarm clock. He makes me laugh and helps ease the stress of every day life.

Sky: He's such a lover and wants to be with me or people in general. He's my kitty dog. He loves everyone and everyone loves him.

Starr: He's my baby boy and a very big mama's boy. He also a wonderful lap cat.

Pearl: She's a very intelligent nuturing loud cat. She's a big mama's girl and has to sleep in my room with me every night. She likes me to pick her up and hug her and loves to sit in my lap as well.

Ziggy Stardust: She's a sweetheart and loves to give me headbumpies. She only loves me but gets a lot of head licks from her siblings too. She also loves to play play play and it's a lot of fun to watch her.

RB Pepper: He was my gentle giant and such a laid back easy going cat. He loved to knead my chest and sit in my lap. He would remind me when it was bed time by meowing at me and then jumping into bed. I sure do miss him.:(

08-05-2007, 09:32 AM
Another thing I love about Smudge is how smart he is, how he figures out how to communicate with me. This morning he was giving me Purr Therapy (sitting/napping on me before I get up) and I went to pet him, and he kept turning his head until my hand landed on a blob of tangled fur just back of his left ear. I'd consistently missed it with the brush (I'm gingerly around his ears because he's had lesions on them lately) and he couldn't reach it with his tongue, so he showed me where it was so I could pull it out with my fingers - and just sat there purring, nice and still, while I worked it out.

Love, Columbine

08-05-2007, 05:32 PM
What I love about Double-Oh... is that he is truly one unique cat. He isn't like normal cats. He is a big cuddle bug and is one of the very very few cats I've ever come across that will just sit there and lick you without having some canned food on your fingers ;)

He is one of the dogs, as his personality is more that of a dog. He isn't annoying (anymore! hehe), and has a very sweet meow.

I just love all his quirks, and he can jump insanely high!! I love how he chases invisible bugs and things that only he can see.

And I love how he snuggles with us at night :)