View Full Version : Favorite Thing About Your Dog?

07-26-2007, 12:07 AM
What's the favorite thing your dog does? Dasher is such a cuddlebug. And he has to follow me everywhere. He loves to talk to you in little grunts. But my most favorite thing is when I'm taking a shower. I'll have to get him to move away from the tub so I can get in. As soon as I'm in, he's right back at the tub, nearest to me. I just think it's so endearing. So what's your favorite thing about your dog or dogs?

Kirbys Mom
07-26-2007, 12:30 AM
havin 4 dogs of the same breed all have the biggest personalities.
Kirbys is a complainer and gets exicted when i say his name hi pitched and giggly. Chewy is very submissive and u says his name slightly harsh or mad he rolls over on his back and shows his peepee and tucks back his arms.

my new additions of my 2 girls personailties are still bloomin and they are so playful its some what hard to tell. Tiger Lilly is bouncy and kissy and wants to play with the big dogs and Misty has a shell u have to break throu to get he out. she is very hard to get kisses from but when u get them u get alot. :D

07-26-2007, 01:04 AM
Roxy is just a huge sweetheart. She's always loving, even after you scold her. She's very obedient and quite smart. She's always looking for love.

Lily I don't think there's a dog any sweeter than her. She's a big lovebug, she always loves to be held, and she's just a huge baby as well.

And I love both of my girl's sweet noses :D.

07-26-2007, 01:13 AM
I love how happy go lucky and excitable Tango is, how talkative she is, and how playful she is. I couldn't possibly choose just one thing. I love pretty much everything about her.

My favourite thing about Dance is how confident and relaxed she is about everything. She just takes anything that comes her way. Nothing phases her.

Nobas Mom
07-26-2007, 02:36 AM
:D Wow, I don't know if there is just a favorite thing about my precious Noba. I guess it's the way he makes a situation funny even at that worst times. After a long day of work and I really don't have the energy to play with him, he seems to know it and he'll find a toy and come over to me and throw it around and entertain himself, often stopping for my approval. If he gets in trouble, he runs up to me and sits down and leans into me as if he was saying "I'm too cute to get in trouble". But I guess my ultimate favorite thing is that no matter how rough of a day you've had, or how much trouble he has managed to get into that day, he won't hesitate to curl up right next to you in the bed for evening snuggle time and forget about the day's events. Nothing like falling asleep with a drooling hound dog next to you!!! :D

07-26-2007, 05:24 AM
Oh gosh where do I begin....Reilly is just a goofball, he has two different ways he is with Jeff and I, with me he loves to snuggle and get on the bed and sleep with me, also thinks I am his personal jungle gym, and loves to peak his head in while im showering...lol He follows me everywhere, is very talkative, he is a definite sasser. With Jeff he most of those things, but maybe a little rougher. I think my most favorite thing in the world, is no matter how long I have been gone, from 5 mins to 5 hours, he is just as happy and excited to see me when i come through the door. Trust me I could go on forever......He is just the biggest blessing to my family there could ever be. :D

07-26-2007, 07:44 AM
Lets see...
Duke, well he is just MY boy. I love everything about him. I love that he is very expressive. You know vocally his mood, happy, sad, bored or just plain groucy. He has a different noise for everything and makes sure you know which one he means. He even does those heavy sighs when he is waiting for us to finish lunch because he knows he gets fed next. If we talk too much during lunch he will let out the absolute biggest *sigh* ever. Plus I always feel safe by him because I know he would give his life for his Mommy. He is my doggy bestfriend and I can tell him anything(he actually listens). Oh and he thinks that all company is coming to visit him :D

Champ, well she is our silly girl. She is not very intelligent for a boxer. She always has the same expression...DUH but she can always make you laugh. She loves to be near her people. Her focus is running and sleeping and when you talk to her, well it is like talking to a wall. (But we love her)

Chopper, now he is a ham. He loves to greet everyone. Is definately a little snuggle bug. Shows he wants his mommy by standing on his hind legs waving his front feet in the air. His personality is still developing but I love that when I pick him up to cuddle he goes all limp and just curves his body right into my arms and chest and lays his head down.

07-26-2007, 08:14 AM
Scruffy loves to be held like a baby. He always is ready to cuddle. I love that about him.

Bella is sweet natured. She listens very well and always behaves like a lady. But she can let her hair down and play like a puppy when she wants to.

07-26-2007, 08:21 AM
I like it when Fritz sits up and begs to go out the front door and when you tell him something like he is getting his haircut, he will cock his head to one side and to the other.

07-26-2007, 09:01 AM
My favorite thing about Hannah is also the thing that can give me the most aggravation. I love that she has a mind of her own. Let's just say she likes to make her own decisions and doesn't hesitate to debate whether what you want her to do is what she wants to do. :p

My favorite thing about Tucker is he is so accommodating and so appreciative of everything one does for him. In addition he is a bed buddy beyond compare.

07-26-2007, 09:28 AM
I love it when Buddy is about to fall asleep and lets outs out a big SIGH.

I love it when in the winter when Sierra curls up in the crook of my legs and sleeps with her head on my feet.

07-26-2007, 10:15 AM
My favorite thing about Zoey is that she works so hard to please me everyday. When she was doing agility, I had no idea how much pain she was in, in reality she was doing it all to please me.

My favorite thing about T.j is how he loves to sneak kisses, only when your not looking, if your looking it's just no fun to give kisses.

Only having Sage for 3 weeks, a lot of his true personality hasn't come out yet. But my favorite thing so far about Sage is how excited to see you, he is just such a bouncy boy!

07-26-2007, 10:57 AM
Keeva's always so happy! There's not a thing that gets her down. She always wears a smile on her face.

Kaedyn's independent streak is my favorite thing about him. :p He will, of course, obey commands but his cheeky attitude about other things always make me laugh.

Kai is my heartdog. He always shows me how much he loves his mama. He's always up for anything I ask him to do.. obedience, agility, swimming. He's not an energetic dog (like Keeva) but when I come home, he goes NUTS and acts like a goof! Apparently when I'm not home, he sits by the door (or gate if he's outside for his potty break) and waits for me to come home. He's a sweetie. :)

07-26-2007, 01:57 PM
Duke- I love his sense of humor. He is so funny when you walk through the door and he runs down the stairs with his tail shaking one hundred miles an hour! He taught me so many things about life!

07-26-2007, 02:05 PM
Her very sweet face, since she has a tan patch on one side of her face, the her eyelashes are white on side and tan on the other. And she has a great smile!

Ginger's Mom
07-26-2007, 03:45 PM
Very cute thread. :)
Actually, just recently we have had a rather large turn over in the canine population in our neighborhood. A lot of old friends moved out, and several new dogs moved in. Ginger seems to feel it is her duty to welcome all of the new dogs (that are her size or smaller) into the neighborhood. It is really very cute. the other thing I love about her is our snuggle time when I get home from work, that seems to be very important to her, and no matter how many other dogs are visiting, as far as she is concerned that is our special snuggle time, no one is allowed to interfere with that. Other than that they can do anything they want. She really is just a sweetie-pie.

07-26-2007, 03:52 PM
My favorite thing about Ebony is the way she loves to cuddle!! She is seriously the best cuddler in the world, she pushes right up against you, and grunts because shes so happy to be close. It makes me smile.

My favorite thing about Tikeya, is how shes always right there when I need her. Anytime I am feeling down, or just need a friend, she is right there. Its like she sences I am in need of a hug, or a kiss.

My favorite thing about Daisy is her goofy nature, she knows just how to make me laugh, the way she slides off the couch, or sits on Ebonys head. She does so many things to make me laugh, shes a big character.

My favorite thing about Oscar is how floppy he is, right when you pick him up he turns into a ragg doll. You could seriously hang that pup upsidedown and he wouldnt care. (not like I do that though ;))

My favorite thing about Baby is how well.. she thinks shes a baby. She is so sensitive, always wanting to please everyone, she so so happy go lucky. Her main goal in life is to love every human she meets.

07-26-2007, 04:14 PM
This could take awhile!

Earle---I love that I never have to worry about him. I can take him anywhere, do anything with him, he can be around any dog, any time and he's fine. Never growls, never fights. He's just happy to be part of things.

Muskwa---Although some days it drives me to drink, I love that quick mind of his. I enjoy the challenge of trying to stay one step ahead of him.

Bandit---I love the way he talks. Bandit always has something to say about everything. He grumbles, howls, wooos and carries on pretty much non-stop. If he's awake, chances are he's talking. You can have full converstations with Bandit.

Paxil---Beyond her flawless abilities as a lead dog, I love her sweet, gentle personality. She's always happy, full of kisses and ready to snuggle.

Chum---I love that he has no idea he's a dog. Chum truly believes he is a person! People meeting him for the first time always make some comment to that effect. A good friend of mine once said that she pictures Chum sitting in a smokey club singing the blues--that would be my boy.

Pacer---I love that he trusts me now;that the overwhelming fear and panic he used to live with all the time are gone.

Chase---I love the way he loves Goldie. Her life is much happier now that she has her special friend. I also really like the way he leans in for attention.

Goldie---I love that she doesn't let any of her physical problems slow her down. She's happy, playful and content with her life.

Sleet---She's my canine soulmate. There isn't a thing about her that I don't adore. My life would be completely different if I had never met Sleet--she was my first sled dog. I hate how fast her age is starting to show.

Pingo---I love the goofy side of her. She's a fine little lead dog, but she's at her most adorable when she is trying to carry 10 tennis balls at once and stash them in her ever growing pile of treasures in her dog house.

Sundin---I love his happy little personality. He may be shy, but he's the happiest dog in the yard. I love the traits he shares with his mother too(Pingo). He hordes things, he chases tennis balls and he's reliable leader.

Delta---I love that he came home! I enjoy our morning conversations. He always greets me at the door with a big wooo. It was terribly quiet when he was missing.

Antare---I love how sweet he is when he relaxes enough to let his guard down. I like the way he looks out for his brother.

Heyoka---I love his big goofy personality. He's a gentle giant. His name means clown who teaches through his antics. He is well named.

Kayleigh---I love the challenge of Kayleigh. She's a tough dog with lots of issues. She's my problem child and she's taught me a great deal.

Deuce---I love the joy with which he greets everything! He's rambunctious, on the edge of out of control and happy about it! He completely enjoys the comforts of his new life and actually seems grateful for them.

Raven---I love her crazy side and her sweet side. We call her Crazy Raven more often than we do just Raven. She's hyper, loud, full of attitude and at the same time, a sweet cuddly girl who when she slows down wants to be a lap dog.

Founder---I love his big voice and the way he has gone from head shy to giving head bonks to get attention.

Mac---I love that he is still a big puppy. I could do without the nipping my butt habit, but it's fun to see him play, run and do all the stuff he missed when he really was a puppy! He's also a truly beautiful sight when he runs--long, lean with rippling muscles and a look of pure joy on his face.

Ozzy---I love that he's a momma's boy. That he when the world overwhelms him, when he just can't cope, he knows that I am always a safe place for him.

Hobo---I love his determined spirit and pure enthusaism; the way nothing slows him down, not even a wolf trying to eat him! I love his happy dance, his joyful barks when he is excited and the silly way he covers his eyes when I try to make him go outside..."I can't see you, so you must not be able to see me!"

Franklin---I love the gifts his shyness gave me and the other dogs. Franklin was the first of the timids to enter my life. Without him I wouldn't have know how to help Antare, Pacer, Sundin and the others. I love that he has unpacked his baggage and isn't a timid anymore!

Anvik---I love his utter devotion to me! Huskies are generally pretty independant creatures who don't really care about pleasing their owners. Anvik's world begins and ends with me. It's a nice change!

Tehya---I love her openness. She is essentially undamaged despite a rough start to her young life. She just wants to explore, make new friends, play, and cram as much as she can into every day. Imagine how much fun life would be if we all lived the way Tehya does!

07-26-2007, 04:35 PM
This is going to be hard to narrow it down.

Kersey: I love how cuddly and adoring and affectionate she is. People come over and are surprised at how loving Kersey is. She's so protective when we're not around but she turns into a complete mush when you come in. She will plop her 80 pounds right into their laps if they will allow it. She doesn't discriminate. She loves everyone, young, old, babies, kids, non-dog loving people....doesn't matter to her.

Boone: He's the only non golden or lab I've ever seen who insists on grabbing a toy when he's greeting us or anyone else. He dances and prances with a toy when we come home or when we wake up, or when he comes in when he's been in the back yard. If he can't find a toy to prance around with, he will grab anything that he can find in his frantic search....book of matches, sock, piece of paper, wadded up Kleenex. It's just so adorable and unusual for a GSD to do this and I love it. It really reminds me of my labby boy growing up...he did the same thing.