View Full Version : Boy beats, burns, and buries Pit Bull pups. I know the girlfriend!

07-25-2007, 05:03 PM
This is absolutely disgusting!


Sandra ( the owner of the pups) was one of my best friends in high school. She lived a few houses down. She has had a rough life, her mother abandoned her, her father killed himself about 4 years ago, and now this. I hope she leaves this scumbag for good. She deserves better... I also hope that she gets her dogs fixed....

As for him, may he rot in hell! :mad:

07-25-2007, 05:24 PM
He looks like a child.

How can people do such horrible things to an innocent animal? :(

07-25-2007, 05:36 PM
Also come to think of it, she is WAY older than him. She has to be atleast 22. She was 2 grades below me.

He got to walk right out the same day! Makes me want to vomit :mad:

07-25-2007, 11:09 PM
wow... what happened is horrible!

SO sorry for the person you know. :(

07-26-2007, 10:28 AM
How do you all know if any of it is true? You are judging him, yet he showed in the video there was no real evidence of any of it actually happening. There are two sides. You all are so quick to judge but you have no idea if it's true or not. Why do you wish him to burn in hell? How do you know it WASN'T just the older 24-year-old girlfriend just getting revenge? Maybe he did do it, but why are you all judging before you really know the truth and wishing hellfire burnings on the kid?

Why not wait and see if there is real evidence before wishing that on someone. People just assume the GF is telling the truth and he's lying, maybe SHE'S the liar.

07-26-2007, 11:29 AM
I agree with Vela. You don't know if he did that. He even showed the spot where she claimed the puppy was burried and there was nothing. I'm sure if I did that I wouldn't be very willing to show people that spot.
He seems pretty innocent to me.
But if he did do it then I hope all his dogs are taken away and he gets that 6 yr sentence.
Maybe the gf is the one getting revenge..if all those things happened in her life I highly doubt she doesnt have some sort of issues.

07-26-2007, 09:58 PM
Well, for one- THEY FOUND THE DEAD PUPPY AT HIS RESIDENCE! He is claiming that she killed the puppy, and then hid it at his trailer to set him up... :rolleyes:

On his another tape later that day, he THEN changes it saying they did not find anything UNDER his trailer. He was framed...

He was arrested because they DID find the puppy at his place. They just wont say WHERE they found it.

Hey - I hope he did not do it. I found it hard to believe that he Beat, and then burned it. BUT I personlly do believe he did it.

I also believe she should be in trouble for dating someone so young. So I am NOT on her side...

I just think that if it is true, he SHOULD rot in hell. I stand firmly by my statement...