View Full Version : Temporary Heart Failure - for ME! pics added #21

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-25-2007, 12:12 PM
A little background:
Last winter when we were in Arizona, we were near a small airport. The planes took off right over us, but they were small private planes so it wasn't really a big deal. It took CJ a while too get used to them though - and he most definitely did NOT like them!

Last week we were right by another small airport. However, some of the planes taking off were the huge lumbering planes they use for fighting forest fires. They were LOUD and LOW - I felt if we were on the roof of the motorhome we'd have to duck they were that low!

One time I had CJ outside when one took off and he literally freaked out! I was able to pick him up and calm him down though, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Well.......we're now no where near an aiport. So yesterday I was out walking him and I faintly heard a helicopter but didn't really pay attention. It decided to swing by us at the last minute (or so it seemed to me) and CJ freaked again, only this time he broke free from the rope! :eek: Turns out the knot I have attaching the rope to the collar came untied! Right behind us is a very wooded/overgrown area and someone at the campground reported seeing a cougar, so the minute he broke free all I could picture was my little boy being dinner for a cougar. :(

Fortunately he was a very good boy. He did start walking away from me, but he didn't freak and run away really fast. I tried to remain calm - at least on the outsdie - and kept calling to him, slowly moving toward him. He stopped to sniff something and I was able to catch him - whew!

I put him inside and I had to sit down because my legs were shaking so much! Then I retied the rope, using a pliers to make sure that knot was tighter than ever! It never even occurred to me to check the tightness of it, but you can be sure I'll be checking that every single time I take him out from now on!

Oh, and of course, after I grabbed him he complained as if to say "What's wrong, I was just sniffing over here - hrmph!" :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
07-25-2007, 12:23 PM
PHEW! That was close! I think once they are tramatized by something, they never get over it. Chester was scared to death of storms and Kitty Boo is too. Any loud sudden noise scares Chester half to death. All we can do is keep reassuring them that they are OK...

07-25-2007, 12:25 PM
I'm so glad you caught him and that he was so good.
When we were at Sallyanne's I managed to let Juni Rose escape. Well she hid under the veranda and didn't want to be caught and brought back in. (And if an Aby says she doesn't want she means it ;)). We spent HOURS out there trying to behave inconspicuous, bringing fresh food and toys until she finally became bored and simply HAD to play. She let me come closer and closer and then...... well the piece I first grabbed was not very nice of me but I kept it only for a second until I could get hold of all of little Juni who protested when I brought her in :D

Cinder & Smoke
07-25-2007, 12:42 PM
CJ freaked again, only this time he broke free from the rope! :eek:
Turns out the knot I have attaching the rope to the collar came untied!

The minute he broke free all I could picture was my little boy being dinner for a cougar. :(

Been there, Done that a tyme or two!
Mostly with Dawgs, although Boots da Kat managed a "slow stroll" out on the front porch
a few too many times for my heart!

My worst "escapes" have been with OTHER Peoples' Dawgs -
either being Dawg-Sat or Transported by ME. :eek:

Usual culprit has been Ill-Fitting Collars - so loose the Mutt could <shake> his head
and *zippppp* off comes the collar!

Talk about "shakey knees"! :rolleyes: Trying to "casually" walk up to and call a Not-so-Familiar
dog that really doesn't know you all that well - whilst you're holding his EMPTY collar ... :eek: !

GOOD BOY, CJ - for coming to Mommie!

07-25-2007, 01:09 PM

Wanna borrow the Edster for a while?

He loves the helicopters, choppers and cars with loud exhausts! :rolleyes:

A tip?

Have you seen the colored key rings with the snap gate? They are shaped like a "D" - they are called carabiners (kar a beener)- you can find them in a home improvement place.

Tie on a rope and you just need one hand to snap it thru the loop on the collar.

If that is too heavy you can get the same kind of thing in the rope section.

It's shaped like an "C" and has a piece on the open part that you slide the "C" closed and it screws closed..


One on each end of the rope helps you just snap it on and take it off.

07-25-2007, 01:16 PM

My worst "escapes" have been with OTHER Peoples' Dawgs -
either being Dawg-Sat or Transported by ME. :eek:

Not that one of mine hasn't given me enough heart stopping episodes, but having another person's animal give you the scare adds a whole other dimension. A regular visitor here now gets my phone number added to her tags. She actually has a tag that says *staying at Rachel's* but if her folks forget to bring it, I paste a sticky label with the number onto her regular tag.

Cinder & Smoke
07-25-2007, 02:10 PM
A tip?

Have you seen the colored key rings with the snap gate? They are shaped like a "D" - they are called carabiners (kar a beener)- you can find them in a home improvement place.

Tie on a rope and you just need one hand to snap it thru the loop on the collar.

If that is too heavy you can get the same kind of thing in the rope section.

It's shaped like an "C" and has a piece on the open part that you slide the "C" closed and it screws closed..

Hardware photos >>>

OK - More Tips:

How about a plain ole lil :eek: DAWG Leash??
They arrive already equipped with a PRE-Attached snappy thingy - no Knot required!

The Leash too short for a good CJ Stroll - partial to your ROPEY?
OK - trip to Richard's Hardware Shoppe - and get one of either #7 or #12.
(the Swivel Eye Snap Hooks)
Then find yourself a real, live BOY SCOUT ...
* Hand Ropey and New Snappy Hook to Boy Scout -
* Request Boy Scout to tie "BOWLINE" to Snappy Hook

If you're really feeling adventerous --- here's a How-To for a do-it-yourself Bowline knot >>>
http://www.iland.net/~jbritton/bowline.htm (http://www.iland.net/~jbritton/bowline.htm)

Now if ole CJ manages to :eek: UN-snap his snappy hook ...
Use Plan B >>>


#TN-4 is the good ole Trapper's Throw Net ... for open-space capturing of Fleeing Felines.
#3350 is handier if said Feline is beneath a pricker bush! :p
Above NETS available (at HORRIFIC COST) from:


07-25-2007, 02:30 PM
OMGoodness, having just lost Lacey for an hour and a half a few days ago, MY heart started speeding up just reading your story! I am so glad that CJ didn't bolt and you were able to retrieve him quickly! Whew! I need to go sit down now.

07-25-2007, 03:54 PM
I Remember Pouncer Walking Along The Railing Of The Balcony In My Old Apartment And Me Being Terrified That She Was Going To Fall Or Be Pushed Off By The Neighbor When She Went Over To Thier Side.
And Of Course She Returned With A Flip Whats The Matter Dad, Just Like Cracker Jack.
They Dont Realize The Danger.

07-25-2007, 04:37 PM

I had that happen once with Hannah,in my old neighborhood. She got out of the door, and she jiggled her little behind down the road, and I was crying behind her. She finally went underneath a parked car, and I climbed under to get her. :rolleyes: It was a busy neighborhood, and drug dealers were all over. I can only imagine what would have happened if they would have caught me under their cars :o

Edwina's Secretary
07-25-2007, 05:36 PM
Been there...done that! That's why I use the walking jackets. Eddie hates it....chews on it regularly (Eddie...that jacket was NOT cheap!)

But the peace of mind is worth it....

Good boy CJ...those woods are FULL of lions and tigers and bears....Oh MY!!!

07-26-2007, 12:37 AM
How scary!!!:eek: I'm so glad that you were able to catch CJ and calm him down.

07-26-2007, 06:52 AM
Oh Debbie!!! :eek:

I was getting palpitations just reading that. I hope the leash arrives soon (hopefully this afternoon?) and then he can have a guaranteed secure walk (if it can hold a 100 pound dog, it certainly will hold CJ! :p)

07-26-2007, 11:44 AM
I can understand the heart failure! I once grabbed Peppito by the neck as he started jumping from the balcony, four floors down to a busy road.
And another time we were at my parents' house and Peppito was having a supervised walk in the garden, as everyday. This day my parents's dog scared him and he heard another scary noise at the same time. He ran to the neighbour, then disapeared behind some trees. Everybody was looking for him and I really thought we lost him as the main road that crosses the village is only 50 meters from the house. I went inside the house to get some food that he likes...and I found him waiting in my bedroom! In his run he found the bedroom window open and just came back "home", waiting for his hoomans!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-26-2007, 11:50 PM
Thanks everyone. CJ had a short walk tonight. When we pulled in this afternoon, there was a cat right by the motorhome. Looked real similar to CJ except buff instead of orange. As I was walking CJ this cat was kind of hanging around, but ran when Terry tried to get close to it. I didn't want any confrontations, so poor deprived abused CJ had to come in sooner than he would have like to. ;)

I hope the leash arrives soon (hopefully this afternoon?) and then he can have a guaranteed secure walk (if it can hold a 100 pound dog, it certainly will hold CJ! :p)
I was hoping it would arrive today too, then I could have added a new picture of CJ with his new leash. ;)

However, the people running this campground aren't very friendly or helpful. They wouldn't tell us when the mail normally arrives and all they would tell us is it hadn't arrived by the time we left this morning. It was probably there, they just hadn't checked their mail for all I know. :rolleyes: Then when we got back this afternoon, the office was already closed for the evening, so my luck it's sitting in their office right now. Hopefully "the friendly lady" will be working tomorrow. :rolleyes: Had I known they were like this, I would have held off on having you send it. I'll let you know as soon as it arrives though - thanks! :)

Cinder & Smoke
07-27-2007, 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by catnapper
I hope the leash arrives soon (hopefully this afternoon?) and then he can have a guaranteed secure walk (if it can hold a 100 pound dog, it certainly will hold CJ! :p)

I was hoping it would arrive today too, then I could have added a new picture of CJ with his new leash. ;)

Is anyone ELSE feelig left out in the Dark?

Did the Leash Ferrie make a s'prize offer?


07-27-2007, 02:34 PM
The people running this campground aren't very friendly or helpful.
I'm sorry you're having problems with some Oregonians.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-27-2007, 02:48 PM
Is anyone ELSE feelig left out in the Dark?

Did the Leash Ferrie make a s'prize offer?

Yes, actually she did, Phred. :D

Still no leash, but at least the "friendly lady" was working today and I got out of her that the mail arrives sometime between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, so hopefully today.......

Freckles, 99.999% of the Oregonians we've met are very friendly and helpful. It's just two of them at this particular campground that are stinkers. I guess there really does have to be a bad apple in every bunch. But don't worry, we love Oregon and the coast. Had I realized you were in Portland, I might have made an effort to see you while we were in Portland. :)

07-27-2007, 03:05 PM
I would of been shaking to with that scare.I'm so happy you all had a happy ending :) .
I like the idea Phred had with a net having it around for a 'just in case'.I think those can come in handy at times.
We walk Monty on a leash and we get scared all the time the a small plane will fly by or some other loud noise will happen.We stay right on the property,but we still get scared that this could happen.

07-27-2007, 04:28 PM
I guess there really does have to be a bad apple in every bunch.

The best apples are in Washington! :confused: ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-30-2007, 11:14 PM
Kim (Catnapper), aka the Leash Fairy, noticed CJ.....errr....Clark I mean....was doing his exploring at the end of an old rope. She had a retractable leash she wasn't using so she sent it to CJ. Here are some pics of him - and me - "learning the ropes." Har, har, pun intended. :rolleyes: :D

I'm feeling rather bread dead tonight (too much allergy medicine) so I can't come up with any catchy captions, so feel free to add your own if you want. :) Ok....I had to leave that the way it was since it proves how dead my bread....errr....brain is. :rolleyes: :D





Thank you so much, Kim!!! :)

07-30-2007, 11:37 PM
I'm glad to see that the new leash is working.:) Thanks for sharing these pictures of CJ with us. He sure looks happy to be outside again.:)

07-30-2007, 11:38 PM
Looks like the new leash is working well. :)

I'm so glad CJ is okay and didn't head for the hills. What a scare.

Cinder & Smoke
07-30-2007, 11:40 PM
Hey! ~ :cool:

Mr. Clark has his own Zippy-Winder!

Our lil Min-Pin buddy - lil Heidi - showed Dad how they work :D
She's a Zippy-Winder "Ace" - knows how to tell the two different *clicks* apart!

One *click* means "Brake OFF" - only the lil Springy Thingy Winder is holdin da Dawggie back ---
She'd hear DAT *click* an be off runnin like a bolt a lightnin!

Da udder *click* meant da "Brake is ON" (an nunbuddie is gettin any closer - OR farther apart) ...
Dad hadda hard tyme figgerin out da lil Dawg wuz stronger than the Winder Springy;
and that he couldn't *reel her in* wiffa Brake SET! :rolleyes:

Heidi played Dad like a Yo-Yo wiff dat thing!

So Mr. Clark ~~~
You figgered out when ya can *PULL* onna springy thingy and get away from Mom?


07-31-2007, 03:39 AM
CJ looks smashing with his new and elegant leash- and we come to see your new hairdo as well :D

07-31-2007, 04:48 AM
Oh CJ, you are beautiful with this leash and under meowmie's supervision! Enjoy your walks sweetie! :)

07-31-2007, 05:33 AM
Note to Mommy,

Don't drop the handle part while it is springy mode as it will start *chasing* CJ and put you both in heart attack mode.

07-31-2007, 07:59 AM
Sorry for being so slow here. It's good to hear CJ didn't get too far away and you were able to get him back inside.

Now this new leash seems a great idea! You would almost think that he was used to it, judging from the pictures. What a good boy he is. :) I doubt I could get one of those on Fister - wish I could! It would be nice to take him for a stroll at the cemetary.

Laura's Babies
07-31-2007, 08:30 AM
CJ looks like he is really enjoying taking you out for a walk. Goodness, it is amazing what one pt'er will do for another one. I think that was so sweet of Kim to rush off that to you so CJ can walk you safer and you can't get away!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-01-2007, 12:49 PM
Thanks so much everyone. It's been really windy here the last few days. I tried taking CJ out yesterday, but a big gust came along and blew him sideways, so both he and I said that's enough and I brought him in. I don't need him blown into the ocean or anything. ;) :rolleyes:

and we come to see your new hairdo as well :D
Don't even think of looking at my hairdo in these pictures! It's humid here, and my hair poofs when it's humid, add the crazy wind and....well....let's just say a hat would do me good. ;) :rolleyes: :D

Killearn Kitties
08-01-2007, 01:08 PM
Oh poor CJ! My girls hate the wind, and the thought of being blown sideways ... :eek:
I'm glad he seems to have taken to his leash though, he looks very comfortable.

08-01-2007, 01:49 PM

First, your hair is soooooooooooooo cute!! Its the first thing I noticed in the "new zipper-leash thingy" pictures. CUTE!!!!! It looks so great on you....NO WAY are you retired...no freaking way!!! You go GIRL!!!!

Second....my insides are STILL all tied in knots and not to be gross or anything, but you all know my uhm...illness...I hafta go potty now...after reading about CJ's (and yours) scare!!! WOW! Talk about an "E-Ticket" thread! Whoa!!! I'm just SO GLAD he was OK and you caught him OK. Thank God!!!

He look fabulous in his new leash thingy!

Hugs, Kelly :)