View Full Version : "A Pittance of Time"

07-25-2007, 01:45 AM
A Pittance of Time by Terry Kelly
I was originally sent this video for Remembrance Day a couple of years ago and I am happy that I am able to share it with you here. What a great tribute to our veterans.

From the videos description:
On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the stores PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us. When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the "two minutes of silence" to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.
Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the stores clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, "A Pittance of Time".



07-25-2007, 03:30 AM
A very prevelant presence........ We all need to remember those who have died for the cause not matter what the cause was and those who are still haunted by the cause................

07-25-2007, 11:24 AM

I'm crying my eyes out right now. I gave my own 2 minutes of silence in remembrance. Thank you so much for sharing such a gut wrenching video. We all need to remember the men and women over there who are fighting and who have given their lives so unselfishly. :(

07-26-2007, 12:02 AM
I downloaded both the audio (.mp3) and the video (.wmv). If anyone wants them, just PM me with your email addy and I'll send them to you.

07-26-2007, 06:56 AM

I'm crying my eyes out right now. I gave my own 2 minutes of silence in remembrance. Thank you so much for sharing such a gut wrenching video. We all need to remember the men and women over there who are fighting and who have given their lives so unselfishly. :(

I think that vid touched us all a bit.
I'll make sure and get you some tissues next time I post something like that :D
Glad you enjoyed it Donna.