View Full Version : Lindsay Lohan arrested AGAIN for DUI...

07-24-2007, 12:01 PM
Lindsay Lohan Arrested for DUI – Again
TUESDAY JULY 24, 2007 09:15 AM EDT


By Ken Lee

Photo by: Courtesy Santa Monica Police Department

Lindsay Lohan was arrested in Santa Monica, Calif., early Tuesday morning on suspicion of drunken driving after a brief car chase, authorities confirm to PEOPLE.

Her attorney said Lohan, recently released from rehab, had "relapsed" and was receiving "medical care."

The actress, 21, was searched in the police station and a "small" amount of cocaine was found on her, says Santa Monica police spokesman Officer Alex Padilla.

Lohan – who was wearing her alcohol-detection ankle bracelet at the time of her arrest – was booked for DUI, possession of cocaine, transporting a narcotic into a custody facility and driving on a suspended license, says Padilla.

Two Breathalyzer tests determined Lohan's blood-alcohol level was .12 percent and .13 (the legal limit is .08).

"Addiction is a terrible and vicious disease," Lohan's attorney, Blair Berk, said in a statement. "Since Lindsay transitioned to outpatient care, she has been monitored on a SCRAM bracelet and tested daily in order to support her sobriety. Throughout this period, I have received timely and accurate reports from the testing companies. Unfortunately, late yesterday I was informed that Lindsay had relapsed. The bracelet has now been removed. She is safe, out of custody and presently receiving medical care."

Detailing the arrest, which was first reported by TMZ, Padilla told PEOPLE that at 1:34 a.m. the police responded to a call of one SUV chasing another in a residential section of Santa Monica.

More on Lindsay
Lindsay Lohan: From Rehab to Jail
Lohan, driving a 2004 Yukon that doesn't belong to her, was chasing a 2001 Escalade being driven by the mother of Lohan's personal assistant, according to police.

"The driver who called police turned out to be the mother of Lindsay Lohan's personal assistant," said Padilla. "Just prior to the chase – but I'm not sure exactly how much time prior – the personal assistant had quit."

The mother drove toward the police station, but ended up in the nearby civic center, says Padilla.

When officers arrived, they determined that Lohan was in the white SUV suspected of chasing the other.

After Lohan failed a field sobriety test, she was arrested. However, the two men in Lohan's car were not, says police Sgt. Robert Hernandez.

Lohan later posted $25,000 bail and was released from jail at about 6:30 a.m.

She was crying and upset but cooperative during the arrest process, said Hernandez. He did not know the amount of cocaine found at the time.

Lohan's publicist, Leslie Sloane, had no comment.

Last week Lohan quietly surrendered and was formally booked on misdemeanor charges of DUI and hit-and-run stemming from a May car crash. Only 11 days ago she completed a six-week stint in rehab at Promises, a treatment center in Malibu.

That had followed her arrest in May for DUI. Lohan was injured when her Mercedes SL-65 convertible hit a curb on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.

If charged and convicted of both DUI-related incidents (she still has not been formally charged by prosecutors from her arrest in May), Lohan will face a minimum four-day jail sentence. However, her lawyer could argue for rehab or community service in lieu of incarceration.

************************************************** *******

Okay, this broad needs the book thrown at her. Screw rehab, throw her arse in jail. Sorry to rant, but if it were you or me, we'd be in jail AND our license would be revoked. PERIOD :mad:

Oh, and another thing...with all the money she has, why the heck can't she get someone to DRIVE her around??? DUH!!!

07-24-2007, 12:11 PM
Apparently the ALCOHOL TESTING DEVICE on her ankle failed her.


I love this quote.

"She is safe and out of custody and sleeping it off...."


07-24-2007, 12:43 PM
She's not the only impaired driver out there endangering others...and many won't even CONSIDER rehab.

There are a number of folks in my home AA group who are "retreads" or who are back after going back out and doing "market research" - sometimes more than twice...and they shudder now at who they might have killed.

And I have met one or two that weren't that 'lucky'.

Jail is ok if she has access to meetings...most jails have them.

And some people have to hit bottom several times or more.

Believe me...no one is more puzzled and upset than she is. Who relapses on purpose? No one.

But it's like recovering from a heart attack - you follow doc's orders and take the meds and walk every day....or you will relapse.

In L's case - you do NOT go back to clubs right away and drink just pop. It's too soon.

As I have heard in the program: "If you don't want to slip, stay out of slippery places."

Hey, L, come on up here and be anonymous...we've got a chair for you Monday nights.

A lot of alkies die in the streets...if only they were accorded the same attention... :(

07-24-2007, 01:38 PM
How sad that a young beautiful women with so much going for her has so many problems.

I am sort of confused about why Tammy Faye got so much sympathy and other celebs don't, I am not trying to start anything but I think its kind of strange.

07-24-2007, 01:45 PM
Thanks, Catty. I wonder if they've told her, or if it's sunk in for her yet that it's the FIRST drink that gets you drunk. Sad that she has to slip and slide so much in public. There's always a seat available at the meetings here in San Francisco too. We're used to having celebs in our midst and I've met quite a few; they're just like me - trying to stay sober one day at a time.

07-24-2007, 02:06 PM
I worry about the "other guy"......when I read things like this. What a waste of fame and fortune.

07-24-2007, 03:13 PM
I'm speechless.

07-24-2007, 03:23 PM
How sad that a young beautiful women with so much going for her has so many problems.

I am sort of confused about why Tammy Faye got so much sympathy and other celebs don't, I am not trying to start anything but I think its kind of strange.
Well, for one thing Tammy wasn't doing anyting to hurt others. Even during the PTL scandal, that was good old Jim Baker. Note that Tammy was not ever charged with a thing. She turned her life around for the best.

These spoiled celebs who have everything in life but some commen sense, do deserve our pity but they are dangerous. They need HELP in a big way but even when they get it, throw that away. :(

07-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Just thought of something....

How does a device on your ankle tell if you are drinking?

Like, do you have to breathe on your foot for it to register?


I'll put my money on an overdose; a car accident seems a little far-fetched now. :rolleyes:

07-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Well I don't want to speak ill of the deceased but Tammy Faye did have to go to rehab herself.

07-24-2007, 04:16 PM
Doesn't surprise me a bit. :rolleyes:

07-24-2007, 04:28 PM
Disney Studio has just announced that LL has just signed up for the sequel to the 2002 movie..Herbie: Fully Loaded.

Lohan starred in the remake of the Herbie the Love Bug movie.

The sequel is tenatively named: Lindsay: Fully Loaded.

07-24-2007, 06:36 PM
Well I don't want to speak ill of the deceased but Tammy Faye did have to go to rehab herself.

Well I was never a fan of Tammy Faye but I think that poor woman had
her hell on earth with her illness & we should let the woman rest in peace.

She was a good positive influence for everyone in her later years.

07-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Just thought of something....

How does a device on your ankle tell if you are drinking?

Like, do you have to breathe on your foot for it to register?


I'll put my money on an overdose; a car accident seems a little far-fetched now. :rolleyes:

They have been developing a similar device for diabetics for years, a bracelet that monitors your blood sugar. I guess it takes reading from skin and sweat ... Sadly, my friend Eva died before it mae it to market, she'd long thought there had to be a better way than stabbing one's finger.

07-24-2007, 07:10 PM
OT - Tammy Faye went to rehab voluntarily, as far as I know.

07-24-2007, 08:29 PM
OT - Tammy Faye went to rehab voluntarily, as far as I know.

I am not trying to say anything bad about Tammy, it just seems like a lot of celebrities seem to get into addiction problems. I don't want to see them get any special treatment either but it just seems so sad that they seem to have it all so why do they need to poison themselves?

07-24-2007, 09:11 PM
I am not trying to say anything bad about Tammy, it just seems like a lot of celebrities seem to get into addiction problems. I don't want to see them get any special treatment either but it just seems so sad that they seem to have it all so why do they need to poison themselves?

Yes.... addiction is a terrible thing and I really feel sorry for anyone suffering from addiction... BUT that sympathy from me STOPS when you KNOWINGLY get behind the wheel of a vehicle while you are drunk and or high. There is NO excuse for that. Addiction or no addiction.

Would the world feel so sorry for her had she killed a single mother on her way home from work? or had she killed anyone for that matter?

There is NO excuse for drunk driving.... absolutely none. and no one should feel sorry for someone who willingly endangers the lives of others. You want to poison yourself, kill yourself, that's your business and you may have my sympathy.... but when you put others in the path of your self destruction... that is a line that should never be crossed.

07-24-2007, 09:46 PM
I feel sorry for her. She had so much going for her.

All that power at such a young age has given her a false sense of reality. Life is not all party party party and no repercussions. She's only 21 years old and already looks 40. Hard life for a young woman.

I also wonder why on earth these starlets are driving drunk... Yo, anybody ever heard of a chauffeur? :rolleyes:

07-25-2007, 12:13 AM
All good points and a really good point about hiring a driver she has more money than she knows what to do with.

07-25-2007, 12:16 AM
Believe me...no one is more puzzled and upset than she is. Who relapses on purpose? No one.

I know people that have relapsed and it's not cool. If lindsay wants to quit I hope she gets the strength and support group to do it. I must say that therapy dogs can work wonders :D

07-25-2007, 01:17 AM
So, like is anyone really surprised about this???!!! :rolleyes:

I just happen to have Jay Leno on right now, and one of his guests is "Lindsey Lohan" played by Rob Schneider.......what a hoot!

He is dressed up in a long blonde wig, short black dress with an ankle braclet!! Apparently Miss Lohan was really suspposed to be a guest on the show tonight, and um because of certian circumstanses, well Rob filled in for her.

I'm sure someone will have this on You-tube by morning - if you get the chance, watch it, you will crack up laughing!

07-25-2007, 10:30 AM
Speaking of celebrities, anyone remember when Drew Barrymore was
having problems with drinking & drugs? She has really seemed to turn her
her life around & rescued her career & personal dignity.If she can do it,
these wannabees "actress" can too.

07-25-2007, 01:49 PM
Speaking of celebrities, anyone remember when Drew Barrymore was
having problems with drinking & drugs? She has really seemed to turn her
her life around & rescued her career & personal dignity.If she can do it,
these wannabees "actress" can too.

I don't like 12 year old drunks.

When they turn 21 the fun begins!



A statement by Lohan-

The drugs were not mine, the woman I was chasing tried to run me over.

I am innocent.

She forgot to mention the booze that someone planted on her and the driving.



I am very interested in the eulogies at the funeral of one of these bimbettes.


My money is on overdose.

(Now, I am not advocating harm to anyone-I just fear for the innocent people in the way of britney, paris, nicole and lindsay.)

07-25-2007, 08:45 PM
I really dislike Rob Schneider.

I didn't see his appearance on Jay Leno's show last night....but he stole my joke about Herbie and being fully loaded.

See, I could do his job! :D :rolleyes: :confused:

07-25-2007, 10:11 PM
I really don't care for Rob Schnieder either, but the whole thing was just a laugh a minute.

How sad it is when someone can make jokes out of your life, and sadly the jokes are true!

07-27-2007, 11:23 AM

Apparently LL hijacked a GMC truck, driven by three GUYS. One jumped out and she ran over his foot.
She drove it a 100 miles an hour and did sime donuts aroiund another car
and finally ended up near the Santa MOnica Police Department.

As the police questioned her she tried to blame it on the passenger in the truck.


Two ways to look at this.

LL could be the next female action hero or Southen California guys are wussies! They couldn't toss that turd out of the car? :eek:

07-29-2007, 11:10 PM
Seems like her Mom isn't helping matters either!! She should try to actually be a mom instead of the girl's best friend. I mean, what kind of mom goes to the clubs with their daughter when they are fresh out of rehab? Screwed up family I think. Heck, she is probably doing the cocaine with her. :rolleyes: