View Full Version : Scaly skin; Linatone?

07-23-2007, 05:17 PM
I chose to put this here because it isn't a real serious health issue and I didn't want to "bump" someone in Health.

Bobby gets a ring of scaly skin around his "waist." It is VERY itchy!! Last time, as he had just come in, it got really bad and one nipple was inflamed. The vet thought an allergy, not sure. Put him on prednisone for 10 days, and it cleared up.

Now it is starting to return. Anyone have any ideas? I'd prefer not to keep having him on prednisone.

I just ordered some Linatone Plus from Jeffers; it hasn't arrived yet. I am going to try that. Made sure I got something OK for both dogs and cats.
Has anyone experience with using Linatone?


Thanks for any ideas, suggestions.

07-23-2007, 05:26 PM
Awww! Poor Bobby.
I have never had that problem but am sending prayers that you and the White Coats can relieve Bobbys misery.

07-24-2007, 05:01 PM
Well, the vet put him back on the prednisone to get rid of the scaling.

She said the Linatone may be enough to prevent it returning. Or I could also try DermaCaps -- which they sell there. So I'll try the Linatone first.

07-24-2007, 10:09 PM
Try 1 sardine a day! My vet says..."a sardine a day keeps the vet away!" Bobby will like it much better than DermaCaps! ;)

See my comments here : link (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1869126#post1869126)

I hope Bobby starts feeling better soon! :)

07-25-2007, 07:07 AM
Wow thanks Kater. I hadn't made the connection as one was hot spots and the other was "maybe allergies." And both are MY threads!!!

07-25-2007, 08:57 AM
Smudge used to have very flaky skin (which, since he's a longhair, led to mats!) so the vet suggested 3V Caps, which are fish oil and vitamin E and he loves the taste. It really improved both his skin and his coat.

He's also allergy-prone, and would get huge itchy lesions on his face & neck and scratch himself to pieces! He got a steroid shot once and immediately caught such a bad cold that he didn't want to eat - it quieted the lesions, but I didn't want him getting sick. The vet suggested chlorpheniramine maleate (not that costly for humans, and I just cut up the pills with a knife) and his lesions are clearing up nicely. Smudge is the classic Unpillable Cat! But a quarter of a pill ground up and dissolved in water, mixed in his food with his 3V Caps, a spoonful of Solid Gold tuna (and his Cosequin, which he doesn't like either but the tuna drowns both it and the allergy medicine out) he'll eat more times than not, and bit by bit his handsome little face is healing right up.

So, see what your vet thinks of 3V Caps and chlorpheniramine maleate - that's what worked out for Smudge.

Love, columbine

07-25-2007, 03:44 PM
Are you sure this isn't ringworm??? It sure sounds like it from what I read. Have your vet test him for that, and if it is - well good luck!

We can share stories, health issues, etc.

Really, ringworm is VERY contagious, so get this taken care of right away!!

07-25-2007, 04:27 PM
Definitely NOT ringworm. Crystal had that and this isn't it. (Same vet who saw her is seeing Bobby.) This is just around his "waist" and it completely lceared up in 4 days last time he had the 10 days of prednisone. Gone completely for several weeks, now starting again. The vet is thinking maybe a seasonal allergy.

Started the prednisone again yesterday to get it to clear up.
Started the sardines today to get it to stay gone!
Will start the linatone when it arrives by UPS, due tomorrow. That is also going to be used as a preventative. Hope it works.