View Full Version : Seriousely mad cat

07-23-2007, 07:17 AM
Has anyone ever seen a cat scream louder than this one:

Its kind of funny at the end when it starts trying to talk.

07-23-2007, 07:50 AM
I think it's more scared than mad and I think it's sad to see so many people get kicks out of it...not here but that video has made the web rounds and has been on every forum I belong to...except mine.

Plus, for the girl to start him up again for the sake of a video, is just awful.

07-23-2007, 08:11 AM
If it's the video I think it is, I'm not going to watch it again. Just thinking about it makes me sad and angry. Some people will do anything for a laugh and this woman who antagonizes this poor cat should be ashamed and fired.

07-23-2007, 08:28 AM
OMG. I would not want to pick that cat up in that condition. It could scratch your eyes out.

Poor little thing. I had to stop watching it because it broke my heart.

I remember volunteering at the SPCA and came across one p.o. cat. I still have the scars on my arm! Cats can hurt. But I'm sure y'all know that.

07-23-2007, 11:33 AM
So very sad.

I hope he has an owner already, because he's not a good candidate for adoption. Even the most friendly of cats have a hard time finding homes. He needs to be out of that situation.

poor guy.

07-23-2007, 04:15 PM
That poor scared little Cat.
I know how scared she is as Pouncer Roccalnos was just as scred when we caught her and had her spayed. I know how scred she was when she got of the cage and eventually the house. At least shes still living around the house getting her meals.
We are praying that that Little Cats is given time to ajust.
The title Demon Cat is so mean and undeserved.