View Full Version : If you love your dog or cat, you must see this....

07-20-2007, 10:03 PM
I just viewed and listened to the most eye-opening video I've seen in ages. It's about commercial dog food, even the most expensive and 'naturally good' ones...and the effect they have on your pet. The who, what, why, and what to do about it is all here. You can give your pet more GOOD years with fewer/no problems from bad breath to total collapse and death and most things in-between.

I know PTers love their pets so spend a few minutes and go here:


I found this courtesy of Michael Lee's site and his newsletter. Mr. Michael Lee is a quality person who loves to help others.

You don't need to sign up or purchase anything to look, listen, and learn.

To the good health and happiness of your pets....
