View Full Version : Hey Sandra....get a load of what came off of Petland's website

07-24-2002, 03:05 PM
Hi all,

I just went to Petland's website and lo and behold look what I found after I wrote that letter and never got a response. I'm going to keep looking, but this is the beginning and I just about threw up!

Pet Welfare at Petland

Petland is aware of the many animal welfare issues in the news today

We know that members of some animal rights groups would have you believe that all pet store puppies are bred and raised in substandard facilities. This is untrue. Petland also disagrees with the agenda of animal rights groups that would deny people the right to own and live with companion pets.

Like you, members of the Petland family love pets, and we share your animal welfare concerns. The health and well-being of our pets comes first for each of us at Petland.

07-24-2002, 03:11 PM
OH GAAACKK!! That makes me sick. They certainly do know how to suck up to the uninformed! There are 10 pages about how wonderful this yucky place is. Ok, I'm done now. Sandra, you REALLY have to go to their website and read this!! www.petland.com

07-24-2002, 05:15 PM
Ok guys...I'm a little out of the loop--I've never even heard of a PetLand until now but....

Petland stores employ trained animal care technicians and retain the services of a licensed veterinarian to carry out the animal care routines developed over the past 30 years. The veterinarian visits the Petland store on a weekly basis to review protocols with the Petland staff.

**Wouldn't they HAVE to provide the name of the vet(s) that they use?
**And if the vet approves (and thereby contributes to the purchase of) unhealthy animals, would his/her liscense be in jeopardy?

Forgive me if my blonde roots are showing! ;)