View Full Version : I think I am certifiably INSANE...

07-20-2007, 07:06 PM
:rolleyes: at myself...

I went down to visit my mom today...as you may know there is a feral cat litter habitating in my moms front garden. Bitz, my widdle RB kitten, was from the same mother. The neighbor (whos been keeping an eye on the momma and kittens along with my mom) thinks that the litter Bitz came from was momcats first litter. This litter is a heck of a lot more healthy and was born right as it was starting to get warm, unlike the Bitz's litter which was born right before winter hit last year.

Well...with the help of the sweet neighbor lady and my mom (and the local shelter who finally agreed to let the neighbor lady rent traps) we are going to get ALL of the kittens and momcat vet checkups and a good home! Momcat looks too darn young to be having kittens, so we are focusing on her especially as she may already be pregnant again (her kits are no more than 10 weeks old we figure). We know who the dad cat belongs to, my parents clod across the street neighbors who just let their unfixed male (a beautiful blackie) run around unsupervised outside.

Well...one kitten already has a home...

Mine :D

I have the word "SUCKER" tattooed in big lettering on my head, in ink only CATS can see. We were getting a count of the kits and hubby saw this little black and white guy peeking out from the bushes right next to my moms house. The kitten MEOWED loudly at him and then ran off. We continued our survey and then quick as lightning the little black and white boy darted PAST my hubby and right into the engine block of my dads jeep :eek:. We figured we had better get him out, as he got himself stuck and started to yowl his fool head off. Mom ran and got the keys and we opened the hood and hubby scooped him right out and into a carrier. The little guy meowed at hubby again and looked up with his big green eyes and said "Can I PLEASE have a home with you?"

My husband is as hopless as I am :D

The little guy is now in the bathroom, with the rest of my herd sniffing at the door. Introductions will go slowly, and I am already scheduling a vet check for my new little resident. Admittedly, if this little stinker had been a girl kitty I probibly would foster her until the humane society could place her. Spook is queen female and does NOT tolerate another girl in the house (I've had a few girl fosters, all of which Spook detested which propigated peeing issues :rolleyes: ) but males she welcomes with open paws. Even when Wenisrubber came with her kitties, she tolerated and even played with Soni the male (RIP poor boy) but she wanted nothing to do with Isis the female except to hiss and growl at her. Onyx integrated back into our household with minimal problems as well.

Spook sniffed at the little boy in the carrier, with not even a hiss. She even managed a half hearted headbump as we carted him into the bathroom. I'm not sure what she'll do now, having to keep THREE boys in line but I'm sure she'll enjoy herself in her own demented way lol.

No pictures, as I just got home and the little tyke is all nerves...he just got hauled out of an engine block and driven 30 miles so Im giving him some time. He has the most beautiful green eyes, and outside of being a bit too thin and a bit dirty, he looks healthy. Well, thats one kitten saved, by our count there are four more kittens and a momma to save too! I'm gonna try my damnest to get the rest of the kits good, loving homes, even if I have to pitch for some vet care.

Welcome to Pet Talk my little miricle kitty! After the whole thing with Bitz, I am so glad I can do more for this litter, and prevent new ones. I buy food and litter in bulk, so adding another mouth isn't going to be any more of a strain on my pocketbook. I save for emergencies, and luckily I had the rest of the furpile scheduled for a vet checkup and the vets up here give group discounts :D My landlord might complain a little, but luckily for me she loves cats!

As far as names, the only two that come to mind are Romulus and Fuzzball (thank you hubby :rolleyes: ). We'll just have to see what his purrsonality turns out to be.

Sorry to ramble :D

07-20-2007, 07:31 PM
How about Jeepers, as his run into it was the turning point in him getting a home with you? :D

That is so wonderful about the mom and other babies, that you can get them. Poor momcat...I hope she can maybe be socialized, especially if she is young.

Bless you!

07-20-2007, 09:02 PM
How about Jeepers, as his run into it was the turning point in him getting a home with you? :D

Catty1, you beat me to it! I was thinking the same thing as I read the story!

As for socializing, it is quite difficult to socialize a cat older than 8 weeks. The group I am with, PawsWatch, won't accept over 12 weeks and some regional groups only take up to 10 weeks. Most people want to adopt a kittne and when they adopt an adult, they want a lap cat, a "petable" pet. The older they are, the best you can expect is a cautious shadow living in your home. I have TWO of those just now. Releasing her and maintining a feeding routine and providing shelter in winter is often the only solution.

Whatever you decide, good for you to get the Mother in for a spay. That will solve much of the problem.

07-20-2007, 09:15 PM
I just mention that because Oscar was 2 1/2 when my then-boss started taming him. He was an outdoor cat...it took a few months, but now Oscar is an indoor kitty with me and the BIGGEST suck and mommy's boy ever! (not that I'm complaining! :D )

I guess it depends on how truly wild she is...I was thinking of her apparent youth, and hoping that would give her a better chance.

Whichever way it works - spayed is better for her. :)

07-20-2007, 09:16 PM
Howdy Sucker!!! LOL!! Sorry, I understand because I've been there.

I can't wait to see pictures of your new addition. :D

07-20-2007, 09:19 PM
There is an absolutely WONDERFUL shelter up in Tahoe that specializes in socalizing older ferals and puting them in good homes. If the Humane Society here can't/won't take the mother, Im going to contact the Tahoe shelter to see if they have room in thier fostering program for another kitty. My MIL got her older cat, Draco from them. He was not only a ferral, but an escape from an abusive home on top of it all. They did a great job with him and he went from being a snarling, hissing mass of angry fur to one of the most loveable lap cats I've seen...so there is ALWAYS hope!

The kittens Im not worried about. "Jeepers" (I like the name, if it doesn't stick it sure as heck is going to develop into a nickname!) is handling himself quite well. I do see a daddys cat though :D He's spent the last couple of hours curled up at the hubbys feet under his desk(after eating and drinking like a good boy). The other kittes have been ejected from our room, to give the little guy some time around people. He is an absolute doll and so are the others, so they shouldn't have any trouble getting placed.

Poor momma cat...I feel bad for her. She is awful tiny, I think she is either REALLY young or her growth has been stunted for some reason. She eats a lot though, from what I hear. I hope she isn't pregnant again...her poor body looks as if she can't handle another litter. :(

07-21-2007, 08:51 AM
Hey DJ,

Don't feel bad, I have "Sucker" tattooed on my forehead!!! Great job! Glad to hear the kitty has a furrrever home! Pictures please... :rolleyes:

07-21-2007, 09:45 AM
My Dear Mother told me that if you do something thats beacuse you have compassion for someone who needs help then you are in the right no matter who says that you are wrong or crazy.
Theres nothing wrong with helping those who truly need the help, its the selfish people who sit on thier hands that are wrong.
Amen to you My Dear Mother and I certainly would feel a lot worse if I let that Dear Lady and the Porch Cats down.

07-21-2007, 09:49 AM
I hope you can find these kitties their furrever home. You are a great person for saving these kitties, just make sure that the mother gets spayed so thast you wont end up with another litter of kitties! Pics please...

07-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Woo Hoo!! There are lots of us with the word "Sucker" stamped on hour heads that only cats can see. Momma needs to be given a chance to be socialized cause they are some of the most loving kitties ever. I know, a couple in my broad were ferals. I've actually been blessed enough to be able to love on some of my fur babies in my colonies. Takes time, patience, and love. Can't wait to see a picture of your latest addition. Our last addtion, a tuxedo, is an absolutely terror and joy. One minute you look and see the devilment in his eyes and know,"oh, my here we go" to the purring, kneading machine the next. :D

07-21-2007, 11:44 AM
Aw, Christine - good for you! He sounds cute and I, too, like the name Jeepers to go along with his green Peepers :)

07-21-2007, 02:43 PM
Well my husband has decided on a name...

Houdini! :D Master of escape and hiding. This cat can hide in the middle of an open floor :rolleyes: and concidering his color you'd THINK he'd be easy to find.

When he isnt playing hidden kitty he is the worlds biggest cuddler...and he has the motor of a cat three times his size. If I can coax him out of hiding long enough Ill get some pix. Im hoping he'll relax more in the next couple of days.

07-21-2007, 03:45 PM
As long as hes not like my Pouncer Roccalno whos a real Houdini.

07-21-2007, 06:10 PM
OK, then, spell it JeePurrs! Houdini is fine too, he he!

07-21-2007, 07:48 PM
Congrats on your new kitty!!!:D He sure sounds like a cutie pie and I love both of the names Houdini and Jeepurrs.:)

I'm glad that you'll also be helping the mama and her other kittens to be socialized and to find their forever homes. Good luck.:)

K & L
07-22-2007, 07:53 AM
Congratulations on your addition! Is there anyone willing to TNR the mom cat? Maybe take up a neighborhood collection to pay for the spay?

07-22-2007, 02:50 PM
TNR is an option, but I hope momcat can be socalized, as my mom lives near an open field where a lot of coyotes and other preditors roam. With the busy shopping center not too far away on top of it all, it just isn't a safe place for kitties to be outside :(.

Momcat purrs and comes up for pets when the neghbor feeds her, so I don't think getting her acustomed to a home will be too much of a problem. Although I'm thinking the neighbor just might make momcat go "poof" soon ;) She really does love momma kitty...and I think she is willing to foster the trapped kits until shelter space opens up. Such a kind, older woman who loves animals of all kinds...Im glad my mom made friends with her!

07-22-2007, 02:54 PM
Bless you, your mom and her friend for helping these precious kittens and their mama. I pray that all turns out well with them.

Your Jeepurrs/Houdini sounds like a real cutie pie and I can't wait to see him.

07-22-2007, 07:55 PM
*grin* :D This is so great. I am so happy you were able to help. :D Plus, I'm sure Remus, Spook, and Onyx are glad to have an extra friend to play with! :D

Give the new baby a cuddle for me. :D