View Full Version : Next HUA Request

07-24-2002, 08:08 AM
WOWOWOWOWOW!!! You did a great job! It was amazing!

The first ROAR was a huge success. Tens of thousands of people wrote to
Tom Bauerle and thanked him for the comments he made about puppymills
on his radio show. He then talked about puppymills and the link to
Lancaster County Pennsylvania many times on his show. He said that he
had not known about puppy mills and had not known how many there were
in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. We can't even calculate the number
of people who now know about puppymills because of the actions of Tom
Bauerle. And your actions. You did a great job! Pat yourself on the

Shake Rattle and Roar asks you to send one email every two weeks. Five
minutes to send an email every two weeks and we can make the world
shake. We can rattle the cages at the mills until we break them free.
We can Shake Rattle and ROAR!

We have shown we can ROAR. Let's flex our vocal cords again. Now it's
time to announce the second ROAR. July 22 to August 4th.

Don Imus

Yes, the radio/tv talk show host. He's a really good guy when it comes
to animals. He has spoken out about cruelty in the past. He and his wife
are vegetarians. He's also done some wonderful things for children. He
hosts a radiothon that has raised 50 million dollars for Tomorrow's
Children Fund, the CJ Foundation for SIDS and Imus Ranch for Children.
This man clearly has a good heart.

He's also very influential. He was been featured on the Today Show,
Prime Time Live, 20/20, 48 Hours and 60 Minutes. Time magazine named
him one of the 25 most influential people. And he was on the cover of

Don Imus hosts a radio/tv show on MSNBC. This show is running ads
featuring Lancaster County Pennsylvania as a vacation spot.

Please email Don Imus [email protected]

- thank him for all the great things he has done
- thank him for his compassion
- ask him if he knows about the hundreds of thousands of
dogs who suffer horrible lives in puppymills across the country.
-tell him that there are more puppymills in Lancaster County PA
than in any county in the country.
- ask him to visit some of the many puppymill websites including
www.prisonersofgreed.org for photos of Lancaster County
- ask him to talk about the puppymills on his show.
- ask him if he has any influence over the ads that are aired on
his show. If he can influence the ads, please take off the
Lancaster County ads.



07-24-2002, 09:06 AM
Great news, Sue! I watch Imus every morning and will certainly send him an email. One's political leanings aside, he really is a devoted animal lover and will respond I'm sure, if enough people email him! Thanks for the update! Sandra

07-24-2002, 10:42 AM
Here's my email to Don Imus. I'm also a fan of his show. He really does do great humanitarian things.

Hello Mr. Imus,

First I would like to compliment you on a great show. I listen to on my way to school every morning and it gets me motivated to teach that day.

I am writing to you at the request of Hearts United Dog rescue in Nebraska. One of their major goals (and the goal of many dog lovers like my husband and me who have 15 rescue dogs) of the Rescue is to wipe out the horrible practice of running puppy mills. I know that you and Deadra are animals people and would never try to hurt and animal. For that reason, I am asking that if you have any control over the advertising on your show, that you request the ad for Lancaster County, PA be pulled. Lancaster County has the highest concentration of puppy mills in the entire country. If you have never read about puppy mills, please visit some of the websites dedicated to eradicating these death camps for dogs. One well known site is www.prisonersofgreed.org . The site is disturbing, but enlightening. No living thing should have to endure what these dogs do every day. They don't ever get to touch the ground, they are bred until they die, and never have any human contact.

I know what an influential person you are and I'm asking that you use a little piece of that influence to help these poor animals and help destroy this evil practice. You and Fred and Deadra and the rest of your family do such great humanitarian work. Please continue your great work. What you've done at the ranch is so wonderful. Again, I am requesting that you pull the ad for visiting Lancaster County, PA and make mention of the horrors of puppy mills on your show.

Thank you for taking the time to read my request and thanks for a great morning show!!

Aspen and Misty
07-24-2002, 12:48 PM
I am humiliated to say I live in PA. And real close to Lancaster. One of our pet shop sells puppies, and my sister boy friend works there. He told me that Omish people bring in dogs all the time. They say that their dogs got pregnet and they can't care for the puppies and they hope that they will get a better home here. But they come almost every week with a new breed of dog! Some of the puppies aren't even old enough to be away from their mom! Poor little things. I feel so bad, and every time I walk in there I wanna take them all home with me, but its better to leave them
:( .

07-24-2002, 12:52 PM
The Amish, I understand, are some of the worst offenders, so I'm not surprised that Lancaster County has such a problem. :( :mad:

07-24-2002, 03:55 PM
I was at a cat show in King of Prussia, PA and was told that alot of the Amish families are NORTORIOUS for breeding cats AND dogs and selling them. The conditions are deplorable and the pets are unhealthy. The only time I would ever get anything from a pet store is either to save an animal I believe is being neglected, or to buy stuff for my cats. That's it.!

07-25-2002, 06:02 PM
Sue, will you update us on the Imus campaign too??

07-25-2002, 06:13 PM
I sure will, mugsy!!

07-25-2002, 07:01 PM
I'm not sure why I do this to myself. I went to the prisoners of greed site and sat and bawled for 20 minutes looking at the deplorable conditions these dogs live in. I also signed their petition and wrote a letter to the PA legislators for them.