View Full Version : Darby & Sassy

07-24-2002, 06:34 AM
Dear Sweet Darby & Sassy, let me be the first to congratulate you both on being "Dog of the Day"!
What beautiful dogs you both are, and you sound so full of energy!
Darby, I'm so sorry your time with Aussie was so short, but lucky you, you now get the loveable Sassy to spend the rest of your days with:D
Sassy, sounds to me if you just found the perfect forever home for yourself! I bet (by the look of your picture) you & Darby spend your days playing together & nights sleeping together, what a wonderful pair you two make! :D
Again Congrats to you both!!

07-24-2002, 07:17 AM
What a beautiful pair you are Darby and Sassy!!!:) Look at those smiles!!:D No doubt you are in the arms of a very loving family! I was so touched by your unfaltering love and loyalty for one another!!:) Darby, I too am so sorry you lost your beloved pal, Aussie. But being the sweet, gentle, loving dog that you are, you opened up your huge heart and found room for another wonderful friend and companion to share your days with!! What a team!! Congratulations to you dear Darby and Sassy! Your family must be so proud to know that their beautiful furkids are honored here today! Yay, Sassy and Darby, our most deserving brother and sister team Dogs of the Day!!! Loads of kisses and hugs for you both from me and mine!!

07-24-2002, 07:43 AM
What wonderful companions you must be for each other, Darby and Sassy! You are both certainly stunning to look at, and I can just picture you running each other ragged, and your humans too!!! What a fun life you must have! :) My "duo", Honey and Lilly, both agree that having a companion is the MOST fun!!! :D

Congratulations on being our stunning Dogs of the Day!! :D

07-24-2002, 10:03 AM
Hi Darby and Sassy what beauties you are and guess what, you live up the hill from Daisy and Perry our two Mini Schnauzers, we live in Paradise Hills and have for 40 years.
Anyone can tell how happy you both are by the look on your faces, and the wonderful devotion that you both have to each other. Congratulations dear, sweet, happy, wonderful Darby and Sassy, Our Very Best Dogs of the Day. I'm sure your family will be giving you some extra special treats on your very special day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

07-24-2002, 11:00 AM
My, what beautiful doggies you two are! Darby and Sassy sitting in a tree . . .
You must bring such unending joy to your parents guys, we can tell just how happy you are by the expressions on your faces!
Congrats for being Our DOGS of the Day!:D :) :D

07-24-2002, 12:25 PM
So? When's the wedding??? ;)
What a beautiful, romantic photo of Darby and Sassy holding paws!! AWWWWW!!!
Big smiles, so happy!!
A very lovely story of human/animal love....
They both deserve more huge kisses and hugs, esp today!
Our very, extra special couple, Darby and Sassy! D'sOTD!! :) :)

07-24-2002, 06:49 PM
What a CUTE pair you two are! I like the fact that Aussie's have all the variety in color/markings, etc.

Hope the 2 of you get special treats and an extra long session of ball for your special day! Congratulations to Darby & Sassy! :) :cool:

07-24-2002, 09:44 PM
Darby & Sassy, you sure do the Aussie Shepherd breed proud. What a magnificent pair you are! And I'm so pleased that your owners went to Aussie Shepherd Rescue when they were thinking of getting a dog. Good on them!
Congratulations to you both on becoming Dogs of the Day... from a fellow 'Aussie' (with only 2 legs!).
:) Marie

07-24-2002, 11:48 PM
You are a gorgeous couple!! Amazing that beautiful animals have to be rescued, isn't it?? And thank God there are wonderful people who devote so much time to doing just that. Congratulations on being our Dogs of the Day!!!!:) :) :)