View Full Version : 2 legged cat

07-18-2007, 02:24 PM
a long time ago, there was a two legged cat that someone was gonna adopt and darned if i can remember who it was or what the kitty's name was. but it was an orangie if i remember right.
just wondering if they got him and how things are working out.
~Aki :D

07-18-2007, 04:57 PM
I Remember That Now As Well.
Did Someone Take That Unlucky Orange Cat In , And How Is He Doing.

07-18-2007, 10:49 PM
I think that Lizzie adopted him if I remember correctly. She also ended up changing his name. I forget all of the details.

Edit: His name was Beans and she changed his name to Surya. Here's a thread about him:Surya (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=117325&highlight=Beans).

07-19-2007, 02:52 AM
I wonder how Surya is doing, if he's still picking on the black cats?!!

07-19-2007, 09:44 AM
I wondered who on earth you were talking about and tried to imagine a two-legged cat, for some stupid reason I had an image of a cat walking on its front legs only, so laughed with surprise when I realized you were talking about my Surya. I guess I've become so used to him that I don't think of him as that disabled - even while making all kinds of adjustments because he is. He does have front legs, tucked up like wings, and he does use them - in the litter box mainly or to grip another cat as he wrestles with them.

He's very happy and surrounded by cat friends, which is what he most enjoys. I tried repeatedly to have him upstairs, even setting up one of his low litter boxes in the sitting room when he wouldn't walk to the litter room any more. But all the other cats used it, Surya peed on the floor - on all kinds of surfaces, and I just couldn't keep up with the mess. So he's in the daylight basement (which is sitting room and bedroom looking out onto a wild back garden) and most of the other cats, particularly all the rambunctious boys, stay down there with him willingly.

He does have some problems that have come up fairly recently. His vision is not clear, he sees shapes moving more than detail. I don't think it was all that good even when he first came to me, I kept thinking that was why he went at the black cats. The vet checked him out by repeatedly moving his finger towards Surya's eyes and Surya didn't react at all, didn't move his head back no matter how close the vet got to his eyes. He also had a seizure about six weeks ago. I'd just brought him home from the vet where he'd been all day for loss of appetite. They couldn't find anything wrong with him, I'd just got him home and he was moving around for a few minutes when he started thrashing, spasming and foaming at the mouth. I had him back at the vet within five minutes where they gave him iv valium. His temp had shot up to 104.5. They gave me some valium suppositories for him in case he seizured again, to keep him calm while I got him to the emergency vet, but unless he's had some while I'm at work he's been clear ever since.

Surya and I thank you for asking about him.

07-19-2007, 10:00 AM
BEANS! yes! that's the one! :D

surya is a neat name too

glad he's doing well, he seemed to be such a little angel, back then

~Aki :D

critter crazy
07-19-2007, 10:12 AM
do you think we could get some new pics of Surya?? :)