View Full Version : Swimming Rabbits

07-17-2007, 08:30 PM
My bunny, Pickles, is a dwarf bunny, is a year and a half, and is pretty small for his age. I wanted to know if it is safe for him to swim. I looked at some other sites and some people said that their rabbits drowned, others said that their rabbits love to to swim. I took him in the bathtub today and he just kicking around trying to get back on dry land. Is that normal? Also, are there any ways of training a rabbit so it can swim for real? Pickles kicks both feet at the same time instead of alternating. I saw a bunny swim with alternating feet on a you tube video. It made me think pickles might be different.
Thank You.

07-17-2007, 10:21 PM
HI, I have a rabbit and he doesn't like to swim. He can float on his back, but I never leave him when he does this--I'm ALWAYS there watching him. I also give him a bath, but very rarely since rabbits don't ever hardly get dirty...
From what I've heard and read rabbits can drown and don't like to swim so it's probably not a good idea for you to put yours in water or any water that is deep. If you want to see if he'll play in some water why not give him a plastic bowl/bucket and see how he likes it?

critter crazy
07-17-2007, 10:44 PM
Rabbits dont generally like water. I would imagine placing a rabbit in water, is like trying to give a cat a bath. It is just going to freak out! But I am sure just like with cats, there are some exceptions to this rule. I would not put my rabbit in water. JMO

07-17-2007, 11:39 PM
Some rabbits love to swim, some hate getting wet. Miss Hoppy gets very mad at me if I even mop the kitchen floor and her paws get a wee bit damp. I get "mad bunny" looks, and she feels she has to clean her paw at every step.

But some bunnies, like Zowie and Talbot (http://petoftheday.com/archive/2002/June/23.html) obviously enjoy it!

07-22-2007, 09:32 AM
From reading the House Rabbit Society it says to not give bunny a bath because it often stresses them out and it makes them cold. However if bunny likes a bath and it's nice and warm outside (no cold drafts) I see no reason not to.

07-22-2007, 09:36 PM
From reading the House Rabbit Society it says to not give bunny a bath because it often stresses them out and it makes them cold. However if bunny likes a bath and it's nice and warm outside (no cold drafts) I see no reason not to.

Hee hee - other than the "look of death" one gets from certain bunnies - we've only had to give Miss Hoppy a couple baths in her lifetime, which took both humans - one to hold her in the water and keep her from escaping, the other to apply the shampoo, and I'll tell you - if looks could kill, I'd have been a smouldering pile of ash the minute she was out of the water.

07-22-2007, 10:54 PM
This thread caught my eye, I just can't imagine any bunny enjoying the water. I can't believe you gave miss hoppy a bath Karen, she must have a better temperment than my nephew bunny truffles, I think I would be a blood stump if I tried that with him :D

Blue Dragonfly
07-26-2007, 07:00 AM
Usually they do not like swimming. The only time i ever put my rabbits in water is if they get dirty and just put a tiny of warm water in the bottom of the bath tub. Also if it is a really hot day, i usually spray them down with a little water from a hose, or occasionally i will let them swim with me in a little pool we put up in the summer. I watch them like a hawk, and do it one at a time. i also keep my hands under them as they swim. Bunnikins use to be so good at it. she would just float (I dont know how she did it) and then would swim with rythmic strokes. she would swim to me and jump on my shoulder. She was amazing. the other rabbits just panic and start splashing and sinking in the water. our pool was only small, about 60 cm deep. just above my knees. If you try it, only do it when it is very hot and only leave them in for a very short time, as they can get cold a lot quicker than us. if they dont like it, dont do it again. Careful, cause if they dont like it, they will panic, and when you try to get them, they will scratch your arms off. also dont put them in pools with chlorine or chemicals, because the with drink some of the water when they are cleaning themselves off. also they will leave fur behind in the pool. lol.