View Full Version : Tripod!!

07-17-2007, 05:53 PM
I haven't been on Petoftheday.com for a few weeks. I've been in Reno and Lake Tahoe. I felt so lost without my daily "fix".

I just got back and found a message on my voice mail. There was a 3-legged cat at the SPCA I inquired about before I went on my trip. The cat's name is Peggy. However, I call it Tripod (thanks to a member of this forum). Well Tripod was on "hold" because a little girl was losing a leg to cancer and she said when she gets out, she wants to adopt a 3-legged cat. Now, I'm not sure what happened to the little girl (I'll ask about her when I go to the SPCA), but the message on my voice mail said that Tripod is available! I can pick her up on Thursday, after work.

I'm so excited. It's like it was meant to be. And what great timing to get this message right when I got back from my trip.

So now I have to go and buy a poop box, kitty litter, and cat food!

The big "test" will be the FENWAY TEST. Will they get along? How will they react? What's weird is that on the plane back home, I read an article in BARK magazine about introducing a cat to a dog. Maybe that was a premonition?

I will post pictures of Tripod when I get her! But I just wanted to share the good news with all my pet loving friends!

07-17-2007, 05:56 PM
YAY!!! I remember your post about him. Sounds like this was suppose to happen (I just hope the little girl is okay).

I'll be sending good thoughts your way that Tripod and Fenway hit it off well! I can't wait for pictures.


07-17-2007, 06:04 PM
We can hardly wait to see your New Companion Cat Tripod. If shes anything like the three legged Cats on our site like the irrepressable Flutter you are in for a lot of fun as these Cats refuse to admit that they are handicapped in any way.

07-17-2007, 08:28 PM
CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to "meet" Tripod! :D

critter crazy
07-17-2007, 08:34 PM
Congrats!!! Souns like you two were meant to be together!! Cannot wait to see Tripod!!:D

07-17-2007, 08:41 PM
Yes! I'm so excited! I often wondered whatever became of our little buddy but was afraid to ask. Can't wait to see pix of him. Congrats!

07-17-2007, 11:50 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I can't wait to see her pictures and hear all about her. I hope that the introductions will go smoothly.:)

07-18-2007, 12:09 AM
Congratulations on the (about to be) addition! I have but one question, is Tripod a three legged cat or is the other cat or both?

07-18-2007, 12:28 AM
Tripod has 3 legs and Fenway is a 4-legged terrier mutt. :)

07-18-2007, 12:36 AM
Ok, sorry.

07-18-2007, 08:17 AM
Congrats! I too have a 3 legged kitty.... but please *PLEASE* I'm begging you. Please rethink the name Tripod. Its degrading and insensitive in my opinion. Once you have a 3-legged cat you don't even realize they're missing a limb. I often see Flutter walk by and pause for a second when I realize, "hey, she's only got 3 legs!" because she does everything the others do.

07-18-2007, 08:19 AM
Congrats! I too have a 3 legged kitty.... but please *PLEASE* I'm begging you. Please rethink the name Tripod. Its degrading and insensitive in my opinion. Once you have a 3-legged cat you don't even realize they're missing a limb. I often see Flutter walk by and pause for a second when I realize, "hey, she's only got 3 legs!" because she does everything the others do.

Actually Catnapper, I stayed up till 2am last night thinking about that (yes I'm exhausted this morning). I wrote down a whole mess of names. I will "officially" name the kitty when it comes home and I can get a feel as to what her name really is. So stay tuned.

07-18-2007, 08:26 AM
Whew! :D

Sorry you couldn't sleep over it. I too stay up all night worrying about stuff like that. I can tell you're excited though, as you should be! A special needs kitty is more than special needs.... they are truly special because their determination and resourcefullness (is that a word?) is inspiring.

I actually still hate Flutter's name. Its that because when she was a kitten her half leg stuck out and Fluttered. I hated it then and hate it now. But she was a foster and I couldn't change the name per the rescue's rules (until I adopted her of course) by the time I adopted her, I had spent 6 months calling her that so I couldn't break the habit. I really felt it was demeaning to her to pick on her handicap. I wanted something beautiful for her. So now I try to tell myself she's Flutter because she makes my heart flutter. Or I call her Madame Flutterby, which for some reason makes me think of a wonderful graceful stage performer (ok, now I sound REALLY nuts :p) Anyone have an idea why I think of opera or ballet with that name? Half the time I call her Squeak-Squeak because thats how she talks to me.... which in reality is a much dumber name! :D :D :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-18-2007, 08:31 AM
Ohhhhh, I cannot wait to see your new cat!! I agree with Catnapper, try to find another name that suits this kitten.
We have a 3 legged cat too! We called her "Snoopy", which almost sounds like the Dutch word for "sweety": SNOEPJE. She was born with an underdevelloped right frontleg. No problem at all for her, she runs faster than my 3 other cats ;) :D

07-20-2007, 09:22 PM
Elizabethann, did you get the kitty? I'm looking for an update.

07-20-2007, 09:27 PM
Jazzcat, you read my mind. I was wondering, too. And Elizabethann, whatever you name her will be A-OK. I still think Tripod is a cute name. It's not demeaning at all. It aptly describes her condition: Tri means 3 and pod means foot and she has 3 feet/legs. But she's your cat and you can name her whatever you like. I just hope you get her. She deserves a good life. :)

07-20-2007, 09:40 PM
Laura's Babies use to post a link to Patrick's Journey. He is a young man who was terribly burned in a house fire, and it took many many months for him to recover.

He wound up getting a Bengal kitten who was missing a leg, or part of one. Pat didn't mind, because he had had physical challenges too.

He named the cat Meter. Meter is "about three feet". :D

07-20-2007, 11:25 PM
Catnapper..you think of opera because Madame B-utterfly is a beautiful opera. Madame Flutterfly is a great way of thinking of your little fluttery ballerina.
I can't wait to hear news of this new special baby coming to PT with welcoming smoochies. :D

07-21-2007, 12:15 AM
I *love* Flutter's name and always have! She's our little Flutterby, which is what we always called butterflies in my family.

07-21-2007, 07:16 PM
Laura's Babies use to post a link to Patrick's Journey. He is a young man who was terribly burned in a house fire, and it took many many months for him to recover.

He wound up getting a Bengal kitten who was missing a leg, or part of one. Pat didn't mind, because he had had physical challenges too.

He named the cat Meter. Meter is "about three feet". :D

Candace, I was thinking about Patrick's Meter too while I was reading this story. I miss the daily log by Pat's father. :(
And Meter doesn't sound degrading for a kitty. :) But as others said whatever you name the new kitty will be perfect. :D (I haven't voted on your poll yet either :p)

07-21-2007, 08:58 PM

07-22-2007, 12:08 PM

Yes, she has a thread in Pet Poll (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=130799) in General. :)

07-23-2007, 07:39 AM
Please see my update on my new kitty here:


She is such a love. She slept with me & Fenway last night. Fenway was on one side of the bed and JoJo was in the middle. I was on the other side of the bed (all 3 inches). Luckily, I managed to not fall off the bed. :D

07-23-2007, 01:47 PM
Now, JoJo and Fenway, you guys need to make a little more than 3 inches of room for Meowmy on the bed! Or, maybe you can do what Cassie Kitty does to me. She lets me lie down first, and then she climbs over me, parks herself squarely in the center of the bed, and purrs. I wish I had a nickel for every night I've given up trying to move her and slept on the sofa.