View Full Version : oh man man man man man......

07-17-2007, 02:03 PM
I was sooooo close into getting a puppy this weekend.......

I was :( getting a gorgeous brindle Bull Terrier puppy.........but now Iīm not.....:( ......

I didnīt got her because I was going supposedly out of town this past weekend and I couldnīt get her if I was leaving sooo I asked to had her on hold till monday when I got back..... but when they got back to me they were already sold :( ....... buu huuuu......

so close yet so far.......well maybe it was still not the time.....

07-17-2007, 02:06 PM
Awww...I am sorry you didn't get the puppy. But to me that means there is just a better one out there somewhere waiting for you to snatch him/her up!! ;)

07-17-2007, 02:29 PM
OMG for my next breed thats EXACTLY what I want a brindle bull terrier, they're soooooooo cute!! Sorry you didn't get it :(

07-17-2007, 05:12 PM
Sorry you were let down, you'll find the puppy who is meant for you soon though!

07-17-2007, 05:15 PM
Aw thats too bad! :( Bullies are my favourite breed! I especially love Brindles and tri-colours. I'm sure you'll find the right pup soon.
Keep us updated!

07-17-2007, 05:55 PM
If you didnt get her this time you wasnt meant to have her, there is another dog somewhere waiting for ya! You'll see.. :D

07-17-2007, 07:10 PM
maybe contatc another bulltrarrier breeder near you and get put on a waiting list :). I'm sure in time your prefect puppy will be born :)

07-18-2007, 03:05 PM
thanks!!..... yeah I figured if it wasnīt meant this time a more perfect one would come........ eventually....... ;) ........ hoping sooner than later :p

I had the chance into getting a white one a while back, but I didnīt felt the "click" besides Iīve been looking into a brindle one...... then I saw a tri, sooo cute but still not click....... then this one came up, we sorta clicked but the situation wasnīt playing along......... so........ he/she better be there waiting for me to meet up.......

aarrgghhhh...... I canīt wait!!.......

the thing is BTīs are not quite popular where I live, they are very scarse, so it has taken me a while to find some decent lines.....I just had a BT burst lately but hoping to find the right one soon..........

Iīve also been looking into Poms, I know :rolleyes: waaaay different, but I want them ;) :p ...... I also want to add a 3rd Husky but weīll see......Iīll keep you posted....