View Full Version : NIKKI - even MORE pics!!!

07-23-2002, 07:55 PM
I thank you on all of the fantastic comments on Nikkis other pictures (if you havent checked them out then please do so!) and here are more! I took the camera out with us when we played! I hope you like them, i couldnt get her to pose as well when there was a tennis ball around! :D
If you'd like to see a beautiful boxer, click here! (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291581201)

07-23-2002, 08:31 PM
Nikki is so gorgeous. I love those bathing beauty pics :) Does she ever go swimming?

07-23-2002, 11:54 PM
Wonderful! Pics! She is just as gorgeous as ever! ;)

Sara luvs her Tinky
07-24-2002, 12:30 AM



07-24-2002, 09:12 AM
You guys really outdid yourselves this time! What great pics! Nikki, you are the sweetest pup! And SO beautiful! I love your little sibling too! What a cutie:)

07-24-2002, 10:25 AM
Very cute!! Nikki is very photogenic!

07-24-2002, 11:25 AM

Dixieland Dancer
07-24-2002, 12:21 PM
AHHHHH another ball loving goldennnnn errrrrummmm I meant Boxer! LOL Nikki was acting just like my crazy ball lovers do until we came to the pool shot. That would of been an invitation to jump in even if mom said NO!!!

She is a sweetie and I can just imagine getting a big slurp with that extraordinary tongue!!! :p

07-24-2002, 12:50 PM
I like your pics!!
She`s so cute!! I love the ones where she has the ball on her nose!

Former User
07-24-2002, 01:30 PM
Wow, great pics! I esp. liked the ones where that tennisball was on top of her nose, so funny, and oh so cute!

07-24-2002, 08:57 PM
Thanx for the fantastic comments! Nikki is THE MOST energetic dog in ALL of Howell! LOL! she has enough to share with all of her neighbor friends! she is totally insane when it comes to running, she runs SO fast we think she is part greyhound! (and she very well might be because we dont know if shes pure boxer) when she runs her fastest, we call it the SUPER DRIVE and she is a brown BLUR! oh my goodness she is a running goddess! haha! And yes, she LOVES swimming! just not in our pool. she fell in once when she was a puppy and now she wont go in it. plus we dont want her to rip the lining. she swims in lakes and ponds and practically hogs the sprinkler so the grass doesnt get any water;) hehe! shes my sporty baby! we tried to get her involved in fly ball since she has a fettish for tennis ball and loves running and jumping, but i just havent had the time. im thinking about it next summer though! i hope we can! i've got to harness that energy somehow! :D

07-24-2002, 09:14 PM
What very adorable pictures!!!:D

07-24-2002, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by BoxerLover
Thanx for the fantastic comments! Nikki is THE MOST energetic dog in ALL of Howell! LOL! she has enough to share with all of her neighbor friends! she is totally insane when it comes to running, she runs SO fast we think she is part greyhound! (and she very well might be because we dont know if shes pure boxer) when she runs her fastest, we call it the SUPER DRIVE and she is a brown BLUR! oh my goodness she is a running goddess! haha! And yes, she LOVES swimming! just not in our pool. she fell in once when she was a puppy and now she wont go in it. plus we dont want her to rip the lining. she swims in lakes and ponds and practically hogs the sprinkler so the grass doesnt get any water;) hehe! shes my sporty baby! we tried to get her involved in fly ball since she has a fettish for tennis ball and loves running and jumping, but i just havent had the time. im thinking about it next summer though! i hope we can! i've got to harness that energy somehow! :D

Adorable pics. Nikki is so cute.

Neat, you live in Howell! Hey they just recentlly had a balloon fest in Howell and I was there with my two dogs with the "Rock 'N Roll K-9's" group. I didn't see any boxers there that I remember but it would be neat if you were there and you saw Graham and Kersey perform. Did you go to it by chance? It was around a million degrees outside so if you did then you were pretty brave. Both the dogs and me (and everyone else in Rock 'N Roll K-9's) were just about to have heat strokes!