View Full Version : Possible new family member.... EXCITED!!!

07-16-2007, 10:33 PM
Ok, a Rottie Rescue that I deal with here in PA has been looking for a pup, but not too young pup, for me for a long time. They know I wanted to have a rescue dog, and that the dog also needed to be cat friendly and kid friendly (for when I take him/her to work/school). :)

I got a call from them the other day, and an update today... there is a 5month old Rottie Lab mix, still has his tail (yay!!) and I believe the ears are natural as well!! They said he's on the large size, which doesn't scare me, as I love big puppers. They said the person who had him gave him away to another person who crated him for 23hrs a day for 2months. :(

What kind of impact will that have on the pup?? :confused: They said he is now in a foster home, and loves everyone and everything, big and small. This is a good thing! :D Hopefully by the weekend I'll be able to meet him and see how that goes, and then take things from there.

I have been wanting a Rottie, or Rottie mix since I was a little girl. I absolutely love the larger breed dogs, and my friends had rotties that were the the most loveable and devoted dogs. Wouldn't hurt a fly (unless that fly was hurting their family member....), but so well trained and socialized. I had given the rescue the word that I was looking back in April and she knew I wasn't in the mood for all the puppy things, but an older dog with some idea as to what to do I'd love. I definitely want to go to obedience classes and do all the right things.

What are the main things you'd recommend that I would gave for ANY dog if the house has never had a dog in it before and also has kitties. I need some good advice here! Also what would you suggest as far as collars, and harnesses, and things like that. A rottie is going to be strong, but I don't want to get something that he would be inhibiting his movement or would make him feel uncomfortable in any way. I know some people talk about Haltis, and I have no clue about them and why some are pro and some are con....

Any help on this front would be greatly appreciated.

I'll post pics when I get to go meet him on the weekend, or sooner if possible!

07-16-2007, 11:30 PM
Yay for you!!! :D Good luck!!!


Now on to the advice. Since your kitties have never been around a dog before (at lease since being in your house) I'd suggest getting a baby gate and giving them at least one room for them to call their own. I actually just seen a nifty new one! It keeps out larger animals and has a small section for the small animals to go through.

I say see how the dog does on leash first before deciding what walking "equipment" you're going to need. There are plenty of walking threads on here (PT)(dog general and dog behavior) for advice on training and what equipment to use when "all else fails."

Normally I prefer rolled leather for comfort for the dogs, but I'm not sure on a Rottie. I get the rolled leather for the longer furred dogs so it doesn't get matted. (I also keep them loose as I'd rather have an untagged dog running loose than a dog that hung itself on something if it gets out. For all walking purposes i attach the leash to another collar or piece of equipment, but not the collar with the ID on it.)

You may want to reconsider the type of trash can you have in the kitchen or its placement. (some dogs are trash hounds, others aren't. My bet though with the dog being a lab mix is that it will be.)

As well as the cats having their own space, a dog likes to know where their own space is. It doesn't necessarily have to be accessible exclusively to the dog, but always there for them. A specific blanket/bed/pillow or crate. (This will also make travel with the dog much easier if you go on vacation.)

p.s. hope that helps.

Any other areas of care that you might have questions about?

07-16-2007, 11:49 PM
How exciting!!! Can't wait for pictures!! He sounds like a little angel who could use some extra super loving care!! Looks like he has your number!!!

Aspen and Misty
07-17-2007, 01:42 AM
Your post has touched a special place in my heart because my Konnor started out his life in much of the same way. He lived with my sister when he was a puppy, due to some unfortunate circumstances she moved into a small apartment and when she was gone she locked him in a bathroom. Well as a growing pup he was bored and when my sister would come home she would let him out but he would get into so much trouble because he was bored so she just locked him up again. He spent about 2 months locked in the bathroom 24/7 and eventually chewed his way halfway through the wall. Thankfully my sister realized he needed a change and brought him to me. When he came to my house he never stopped running. For the first month he was unmanageable, bouncing off the walls, doing laps around the house just running, running, running!! Luckily we had a yard and plenty of patience and he eventually calmed down and now he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Good luck with your new puppy! I hope he fits well into your home and the kitties learn to love him!

Ashley :)

07-17-2007, 06:16 AM
It sounds like you've gotten some pretty good advice. I can't think of anything to add.

I hope this is the pup for you. It sounds like he need some TLC and I'm sure you could do this very well:)
Needless to say rotties have a big spot in my heart (my RB Angus was a rottie) so I wish you the best.

I will be checking back to see the pictures!

critter crazy
07-17-2007, 07:35 AM
Awwww....How exciting for you!!! I love rottis, I have had a few over the years, and they are the greatest dogs!!! You are going to be so happy with your Rotti, they are just true Lovers!

07-18-2007, 11:18 AM
ohhh I'm excited for you!!

07-19-2007, 11:02 AM
Ohh how exciting :D. I wish you all the best with your possible new family member.

07-23-2007, 05:40 PM
I hope it all works out!!! love to see pictures as soon as you get them!!!!!


07-24-2007, 08:58 AM
YIPPEEE for you!!!

As far as leads and collars I personally like nylon but some people like leather. It all depends on what you like and what will work best for the dog.

You should wait and see how he does walking (if he pulls) before buying any type of harness.

Since he has spent so much time locked in his crate he may feel that his crate is his safe spot. I would be sure to get a crate (big enough for him to grow into) and leave it accessible to him at all times. (door open) Sometimes an animal needs a safe zone to go to when they are not feeling too sure of a situation especially coming into a new house.
I wish you all the luck in the world and I can't WAIT to see pictures!!!

07-24-2007, 11:34 AM
Any update, Jen? I know nothing about Rotties, just rescue in general, and in the right place, at the right time, it does work out!

Good luck to you!


07-24-2007, 01:39 PM
My first rescue, Hokie, was crated or placed in a small run for most of his first year. He went back to the breeder, a friend of mine, and she worked with him for awhile and gave him to me.
When I got him he couldn't handle freedom and roamed the neighborhood for 3 weeks looking for other dogs to be around. He just wanted to be around other dogs. In the mean time, a 13 month old was also returned to the breeder/friend of mine and I took him on too as a companion for Hokie. We installed Invisible Fence and they haven't left the property since. We have 10 acres and enclosed 3 for the dogs. It worked very well for them but not for all dogs. I'm very lucky that they respect their boundaries.
Good Luck!!
Labmomma X 2