View Full Version : Baby panther adopted by dog in Belgrade zoo *CUTE warning*

07-16-2007, 09:11 AM
Baby panther adopted by dog in Belgrade zoo after mother tried to kill her
Published: Sunday, July 15, 2007 | 9:35 PM ET
Canadian Press

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) - Man's best friend helped save a tiny cat.

A worker holds two weeks old black panther, Milica in Belgrade's zoo, Saturday. The cub is adopted by a dog, who helps rear it along with her own puppies, after baby panther's mother tried to eat it.
By Darko Vojinovic, AP

A 15-day-old female panther named Milica has been adopted by a Rhodesian Ridgeback after the cat's mother refused to feed her and tried to kill her in the Belgrade zoo.

"The mother panther has killed all her cubs since 1999," zookeeper Dragan Jovanovic said.

"We believe she has been traumatized by the sound of NATO bombs" during air strikes in the Serbian capital that year, he said.

Now Milica fights with several newborn puppies over milk from her adopted mother. She also appears to enjoy every bit of attention she gets from her new family.
© The Canadian Press, 2007

07-16-2007, 09:47 AM
poor thing.looks more like a kitten to me.i would of brought it in as a kitten :rolleyes: and would of wondered where all my cats went :D ;)

07-16-2007, 01:48 PM
That poor Mom! What a shame being traumatized by the sound of bombs. :( Baby sure is cute, though. From the looks of those nails, she's gonna need a BIG scratching post! :p

07-16-2007, 03:38 PM
OMG! Cute kitten w/KILLER KLAWZ! :eek:

07-16-2007, 03:47 PM
That Dog Had Better Be Careful If That Kitten Kneads Her While Nursing.
That Would Hurt.
But Its Wonderful How Different Species Will Cooperate A Lot More Than We People.