View Full Version : Transformers.

07-15-2007, 02:52 PM
Anyone seen this movie?

We are going to see it this afternoon. I have heard it is REALLY good.

07-15-2007, 04:49 PM
I saw it. It was really good. Parts of it played like a GM car commercial, but it was still really really good. :)

07-15-2007, 05:00 PM
I LOVED it! Graphics were really great.. very fun movie!

07-15-2007, 09:09 PM
WOW what a great movie. I REALLY enjoyed it. and there were some really funny parts too lol. I would definitely recommend it.

07-15-2007, 09:14 PM
Saw it for the third time this morning. :o :cool: :D

We really love the movie. I never owned any of the toys as a child since my parents considered them boyish, but I caught the cartoon from time to time. In college I watched the more recent versions (Beast Wars) and read the comics.

Andy's trying to figure out how to make a transformers costume (those that really know us would understand ;) ). In the meantime he's updating his Boba Fett costume.

I'm trying to find a '77 camaro at a steal of a price to re-create my own Bumblebee. :D

Saving my pennies.....

Optimus Prime and Ravage grace my desk at work currently. Toys are slowly invading my new work station. ;) Don't think my co-workers mind. :D

07-15-2007, 10:57 PM
Parts of it played like a GM car commercial My boyfriend said the same thing lol.

I think it was a GREAT movie!
The first time we went to see it with friends we arrived 10 minutes early and it was already sold out. Second time we got there for our tickets but there was no seats left. Third times a charm right? We finally got in the third time. I just had someone kicking my chair the whole time.

07-15-2007, 11:46 PM
Went and saw it the first day it came out at the 10pm showing! It was packed to the brink! My brothers and I got there an hour early and we got so-so seats.

LOVED the movie though! I literally LOLed many times in the film and I loved all the action in it. The CGI was awesome! The way they transformed was very well done and it looked so real! I thought Shia's acting was wonderfully done and I have to say..I felt sorry for him in some parts when he was all uncomfortable around Mikaela (Megan Fox).

I wanted to go see it again the next day, but my parents didn't let me. :D

07-16-2007, 12:28 AM
I really enjoyed it :D

07-16-2007, 01:53 AM
Looks good! I haven't been able to see it yet, though. Apparently, there are OVER 17,000 moving pieces in the transformer's hands. BOY - I sure don't envy the graphic artists for this movie! But I do say kudos for a job VERY well done!

07-16-2007, 02:08 AM
It was sooooo good, Joe & I saw it for a 2ed time tohight, but it was our first time seeing it with each other...

Joe & I want to go see it in IMAX next!!! :D

07-16-2007, 04:49 AM
In college I watched the more recent versions (Beast Wars) and read the comics.
How true to the comics is the movie? Are there people in the comic?

Justin was looking forward to this movie (he and some coworkers/friends saw it first showing on opening day). Justin liked it, but was disappointed with the movie as a whole. He loved the transformers, but he didn't think the story line was too great and some of the parts with the people were lame. Maybe they're expectations were too high, I don't know. We did watch Elbert and Roper Saturday and one of them gave it a thumbs down, he felt the movie shouldn't have had people in it at all.

07-16-2007, 08:46 AM
That was a great movie! I really like it.

07-16-2007, 11:34 AM
How true to the comics is the movie? Are there people in the comic?
Depends on the comic series. Some take place on Earth (with people), some take place on Cybertron, and some are cross-fandom (like GI Joes vs. Transformers).

Transformers were originally a toy line that became popular so they made a cartoon show out of it. Then comics were made.

The original TV cartoon had the Transformers on Earth and were good friends to the Witwicky family. :) So the movie is closer related to the old cartoon.

There is a real nice Movie Prequel comic out that fills in some of the movie plot holes.

finn's mom
07-29-2007, 08:28 PM
I just saw the movie a couple nights ago, and LOVED IT! I thought it was great, great, great. :D

07-29-2007, 10:39 PM
I saw it on Friday night - was VERY impressed. I want to go see it again so bad! :D