View Full Version : Who has pics of "my" sunflowers???

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-15-2007, 09:02 AM
Remember all the sunflowers we had in our garden last year?
I made a thread where I offered to send out sunflowers seeds; then I sent out seads to several people. I wonder if my seeds are growing into nice flowers? If possible, please post pics of them here :)

ps.I cannot post pics of ours, because...... we don't have any :( . The snails ate them all :eek: :mad:

07-15-2007, 09:28 AM
I planted a few at this house, and I am moving in a month or two, I will plant the rest at my new house :)

Here are the ones I planted so far :) They didn't get trampled by the dogs!!!

Daisy and Delilah
07-15-2007, 10:36 AM
I haven't been able to plant mine yet, Lut. As soon as I can get out in that yard and plant something, I'll post some pictures. :)

I hope you don't mind but I shared some with my sister and she has planted her's in her yard. She also planted some in her students school garden that she's tending over the summer. And....she shared some with her father in law in Michigan two weeks ago. He was stationed in Belgium during the war and he was thrilled to get them. She asked if she could gift some to him for his 90th birthday. I thought that would please you greatly. Your wonderful seeds are everywhere!! :) :D :)

07-15-2007, 11:24 AM
Lut ~ I have let you down. Maybe I can blame global "warming". We just haven't had a normal summer here. We planted them and they germinated but they are only about a foot high. There is no way that they will mature this summer.

It is currently 54 F here (12 C) :(

But, we have many seeds left for next year. We will try again next year.

07-15-2007, 11:34 AM
Quite ashamed here, Lut, and I apologize...
Mom and I haven't gotten around to planting anything. And, I hope you don't mind, but I fed a few seeds to the mockingbirds. It helped feed the little guy in these pictures:

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-16-2007, 06:09 AM
Thanks for replying! "Adoremydogs", your flowers are beautiful!!!

No reaction yet from Jen Bkr, M&M, Lori Jordan, Sirrahbed, Jen Luckenback, Mina's Mommy, and "John Gioielli"

I want pics, lots of pics!!! :) :)

07-16-2007, 07:41 AM
Lut, my dad (John Gioielli) planted the entire package and for whatever reason only about 5 came up. :confused: They are not flowering yet, but the next time I remember my camera I will photgraph his plants.

Mine never got planted :o :o :o as my garden was a total mess this spring and I never had the opportunity to clear out the weeds. I am so embarrassed to have you go to the trouble of mailing them, and here they still sit on my desk. :( But I will be able to have them for next year.

07-16-2007, 09:45 AM
I just recently planted mine, so I don't have any pics yet. We had some odd weather and I was afraid to plant them too soon. I will get some pics up when they get a bit bigger (although you know how bad I am when it comes to posting pics! I will though!)

Maya & Inka's mommy
07-16-2007, 11:02 AM
I remember my camera I will photgraph his plants.

Oh, thanks!!!

Mine never got planted :o :o :o as my garden was a total mess this spring and I never had the opportunity to clear out the weeds. I am so embarrassed to have you go to the trouble of mailing them, and here they still sit on my desk. :( But I will be able to have them for next year.

Don't you worry, the seeds will still be good next summer.
Ha ha, I am hopeless in this matter too; it is my hubby who has green fingers ;) )

07-16-2007, 11:31 AM
:o I am ashamed - my seeds are sitting on my kitchen counter still - I see them daily and have the best of intentions.........had plans to proudly post my own pictures of my "Lut & Bernard Sunflowers".....but I am sorry to report that I have not planted them
. Lut - you are such a sweetheart to have sent them to me and I DO appreciate it - really I do :o.... :cool: .... :)

I shared them with dil Chris (chrangharris) and she DID plant hers. So far, she has not had any flowers, so I do not know for sure if the squirrels got them or if the location just was not good enough.

I am glad to read that I can still use them next year. I hope I make myself do it. I garden pretty often but have never really been very good at it and that frustrates me. My garden is pretty - but nothing to take pictures of or show anyone :D

Do dear Lut, I will absolutely keep my seeds, I am happy that you sent them to me, and hope I get more serious about my gardening ability next season. (((HUGS)))

07-16-2007, 06:35 PM
I don't have any now but I could send you some pretty ones that were out at my horse barn a few years ago.

M&M's Mommy
07-16-2007, 07:58 PM
Thanks for replying! "Adoremydogs", your flowers are beautiful!!!

No reaction yet from Jen Bkr, M&M, Lori Jordan, Sirrahbed, Jen Luckenback, Mina's Mommy, and "John Gioielli"

I want pics, lots of pics!!! :) :)

I've not planned mine yet. We just recently moved into our new home, and I haven't had time to take care of the yard. I plan to plant them in the front yard & if I have some seeds left over, I'll plant them on the backyard as well.

I will definitely send you pictures of the flowers once I have them :)

07-16-2007, 08:29 PM
How neat!! Sunflowers from Belgium all the way to the US?? Very cool!!

AdoremyDogs...they look GREAT!!! :D :) :D :)

If you have any seeds left, I'd LOVE to plant them in my mom's garden. They'll thrive here, we have lots of sun and my mom is wonderful with all types of plants so she wont let me kill them (not that I *want* to kill them, I just sometimes love plants too much), she has green thumbs, fingers and toes - I call her gardens the gardens of Eden - ha ha!

Anyway, its so nice to see Lut and Bernard's Sunflowers over her on this side of the Big Pond. :)

Hugs, Kelly