View Full Version : HELP - post op info Happy Update Post #8, pics- HE IS HOME #15

07-14-2007, 08:28 PM

Has anyone here had a cat that lost its sense of smell?

Do they eat again?

Pyka might come home tomorrow. He will still have the feeding tube in his neck ( :eek: ) and will be syringed through that.

He will still be on morphine, and was SO confused when we visited him the other day....though he stopped 'honking' once we were alone with him for a while.

ANYWAY - post-op home care worry...the morphine.

And the surgeon said she couldn't guarantee his sense of smell would be there any more. Surely he WILL eat again?

Any ideas? Tips? Kind of scary as we are both new at this severity of surgery.

I feel that, even if he is wiped out on morphine, that him being home will settle him more and he is more likely to eat.

His blood work shows he is a bit jaundiced, though his liver function is just fine. Any thoughts on that?

ALSO - is there a good soft kibble made for cats who have hardly any teeth?? It's congenital - Pyka and Shiney both have just their fangs left.


07-14-2007, 08:59 PM
My only experience was with a cat who had a bad cold, so he might have had SOME sense of smell. I cooked a swordfish steak in butter, cut out the dark middle piece and cut it up in tiny bits, and hand-fed them to Smudge. He ate them all, and then started eating his own food.

Does it have to be kibble? I would think a nice canned food might work better. Also, morphine does a job on the appetite - once Pyka's off that, eating will be more appealing. Cats are ace at survival, and can tell when they're hungry! Don't know about jaundice.

Love, Columbine

07-14-2007, 09:06 PM
For the jaundice, watch the insides of the ears, the gums.. where you see the skin the most. My RB Bear (FIV+) was jaundiced before I even knew it. I had no idea he had been having liver problems (he hadn't been eating after Mac was adopted and his body started to shut down).

When the vet showed me his skin, I was appalled. I didn't notice the change, and I feel so bad about that.

His gums, and his lips were yellowed. The insides of his ears, and his skin by the bottoms of his ears were yellowed. Even the skin by his chin was getting yellowed under the white fur. :(

Watch them close. Gums and lips should be pink in color. If they look pale, get Pyka to the vet. If you see yellowish tinged skin, get him there super quick.

I don't think my Bear could have been saved... he was broken hearted from Mac being adopted. They were together for 5 years. Best of buddies. I tried everything I could, but he just gave up.

It was 1 year ago this July 5th that he passed. I still miss him every single day. He was my sweet tuxie boy.

07-14-2007, 09:10 PM
Thanks, you two.

Jenn - the bloodwork showed good liver function..they thought it might be temporary from the transfusion.

Will keep checking here....thanks! :)

07-15-2007, 12:15 PM
Well John Hancock Only Has One Tooth And He Eats What The Other Cats Eat , The Nutro Complete Indoor Dry With Fancy Feast Thrown In Once And A While.
For A Post Op Cat I Would Go With Royal Canin Kitten Dry And Fancy Feast Or Science Diet Canned Kitten.

07-15-2007, 02:49 PM
I was told that jaundice can occur from the anesthesia, too. But as Jenn said, watch the gums, eyes and inside of Pyka's ears. My Peeka had acute renal failure and by the time the vet showed me the signs, it was too late. Good luck.

07-15-2007, 05:42 PM
Dear Candace, I've never heard of that or come across a cat that had lost its sense of smell, so I have no advice or suggestions to give you, besides ask your vet LOTS of questions.

Did he come home today? I hope he will start to relax once he is used to being back in his safe haven.

Jenn has good advice about what to watch for re: jaundice. And Jenn, I am so sorry about your Bear.

We are all sending our prayers and good wishes and healing energies that Pyka will be well again soon.

Hugs and purrs,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel

07-15-2007, 06:37 PM
Jenn...was caught up with Pyka - but your dear Bear. I am so sorry. :(

************************************************** ********

Pyka's surgery was Thursday. We visited Friday. Visitors are put into an examining room and the pet is brought in there.

As I said in an earlier and longer thread - Pyka was quite freaked out on Friday, and barely knew what was going on, poor guy. Still oozing a bit from the nose, suddenly wriggling as if he was trying to get away - I guess the phentonol didn't help his clarity, though it helped the pain. We had a very short visit, and wondered if we had done the right thing.

Today - Sunday - three days post-op, we went again. What a difference! :) A lot of bandages had been removed. He knew Mom, and actually napped a few times, covered in his familiar old sweater from home (I don't know HOW many cardigans Mom has gone through! :D ). We visited for an hour and a half this time!

He did react if he heard the water faucet turn on - and a couple of times he very much wanted to get onto the floor and walk around. But we kept him on the table, on his blanket, covered up in his sweater...and responded SO well to head patting. Mom rolled up a bit of blanket and sweater so he could rest his head... Mom wrung out a facecloth with warm water and wiped his face down, which he has always loved. :)

We are bringing him home tomorrow...they want to do one more blood panel. Bilirubin is half what it was yesterday (think it has something to do with jaundicing -but all liver enzymes are normal, as is his blood count). They'll do it at 2 am.

Here are some pics of the sweet boy - I couldn't find the feature on Photobucket that makes pics smaller, so I apologize for the size (though his dear face is nice for ME to see!)

Pyka napping, Mom's TLC

Still napping and more TLC

On his blankie, covered with sweater :)

....couple more....

07-15-2007, 06:42 PM
"Camel head" and bandage

Neck bandage, feeding tube, stitched ear

His intense scratching (caused bytrying to reach the inflamed and horrid sinuses, we now know) had his one ear in a large hematoma. It was surgically removed June 4...and after the stitches and stents were out over a week later, it kept filling with fluid. The vet put a pressure bandage on, and said it wouldn't happen again.

The bandage was painful, and Mom removed it 2 days later. It was bloodsoaked...and the ear kept filling up.

So, while Pyka was getting the turbinectomy (Google it!), another surgeon 'quilted' his ear so that the tissues would start to heal together, and no fluid could get in.

Thanks for prayers...a few more requested, as we hope Pyka starts to eat in the next few days. :)

07-15-2007, 08:01 PM
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us. Pyka sure looks worn out. I hope that he'll start eating on his own soon. I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

07-15-2007, 08:11 PM
I am just so glad that he could relax enough with Mom to nap a lot today! Friday - it just wasn't happening.

I think once he gets home and realizes where he is, he will just SLEEP for about 8 hours straight.

He would wake up at times and "honk" (his normal sound), and would be soothed back to sleep.

He didn't purr...but looked so comfy, which was great.

It may be a few days before he eats, but Mom will keep up the tube feed. She is to try him on his regular food in the regular place...if he doesn't eat it, then do the tube feed. Even if he mostly loses sense of smell, warming the food will help that a bit. And Mom always does that anyway.

07-15-2007, 08:36 PM
Aw, sweet boy. What a fighter! Blessings to you all.

07-15-2007, 10:05 PM
Catty1, those pictures of Pyka and your mom and very sweet. He looks so comforted....

Prayers on the way for a speedy recovery.

07-15-2007, 10:13 PM
Soon all the kitties will want that quilted ear look, Pyka - you'll be at the forefront of fashion, worry not.

07-16-2007, 05:25 PM
We waited in the examining room, and a tech came in to talk to us and explain a few things.

Then he brought in the carrier and blanket and sweater (see # 8 & 9), and said he was bringing Pyka in separately as he wanted to show us a few things.

They had removed the feeding tube as he was throwing it up. He showed us where the incision had already healed - and said Pyka was starting to sniff at food!

Mom was out of the room for a moment when the tech brought Pyka in. He looked SO much better without all the bandages and tubes! The tech set him down on the wide windowsill where the carrier was, and Pyka HONKED and was heading straight into that carrier - "LEMME IN THERE!!!!!" The poor tech had to fasten the door shut. Mom came in and he was a little better.

He was so quiet on the way home...the odd little "mow" 'I missed you. Is that really you, mommy?' :)

As long as he eats now, that is good. A bit at a time. I think he just needs to rest for a few hours - he'll need a good sleep.

Thank you again for all your prayers...hopefully he will eat today, even a little! (Mom has a med syringe for the Clavamox, and can use it for liquid food, water and Cat non-lactose milk[which I have checked 3 stores and they don't have it. :confused: ])


07-16-2007, 05:40 PM
Whew is right! Poor li'l Pyka has been through it! Lots of healing prayers headed his way.....

07-16-2007, 06:23 PM
I just called Mom - about 2 1/2 hours since he was brought home. She tried feeding him, no go. She took him to his litter box, and he peed until she thought the box would float away, and did a little #2, which he hadn't done at the clinic.

She also went to wipe him down which he wasn't crazy about.

I suspected he wouldn't eat this soon - because he went back to his carrier and SLEPT!!! I am sure he is totally pooped - and when he wakes up, he'll be in a bit more mood for food.

Sure hope so! And he sneezed ONCE - hope that is all!

07-16-2007, 06:42 PM

Try putting some canned cat food in the microwave very briefly. That should trigger his sense of smell, or whatever is left of it. As your vet about an appetite stimulant. I might helps as well.

07-16-2007, 07:12 PM
Awe.. those pics of Pyka. I just wanted to gather him up and hold him close! I'm glad he's feeling a bit better... he just needs to rest and feel more at home and then he'll eat.

C'mon Pyka... you gotta eat and get all better!

07-16-2007, 07:43 PM
Hey, he just got home! He needs a good sleep and THEN we can try the food. Poor guy just ZONKED out! It's like a hospital - there are staff there 24/7, taking blood tests at 2 am, etc. I was there! He needs a LOONG nap! :)

I think Mom tried too soon!

She always warms the food tins in warm water.

I'll check in with her later tonight.

07-16-2007, 08:11 PM
Ohhhhhh... welcome home, Pyka!

Sweet dreams, brave soldier! And you can be proud of your battle scars.

So glad to hear how well he's coming along.

More prayers, hugs, and purrs,
Pat Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel

07-16-2007, 11:04 PM
Mom is worried - he hasn't eaten, all he wants to do is sleep.

He is well hydrated, though.

I think he needs a long good sleep, then he will be more interested in eating.

What do you think?

He will be in his carrier for tonight. He has sneezed a couple of times...but likely her place(anyone's home) would be a bit dustier than the pet hospital. There was blood in his sneeze - but heck, the surgery was only Thursday.

Mom just worries - she hasn't had a cat this ill before. I think after a good sleep he will do better.

She's going to syringe some beef baby food tomorrow.

Prayers that he eats, ok? I think he will - if he doesn't, that mean old feeding tube goes back in on Wednesday. :( And was throwing that up. :(

07-16-2007, 11:33 PM
I just saw this thread. I feel sooo bad for Pyka! He looks so tired, I think a good nap would help him feel better. I hope everything heals ok and he gets to eating soon.

His intense scratching (caused bytrying to reach the inflamed and horrid sinuses, we now know) had his one ear in a large hematoma. It was surgically removed June 4...and after the stitches and stents were out over a week later, it kept filling with fluid. The vet put a pressure bandage on, and said it wouldn't happen again.

The bandage was painful, and Mom removed it 2 days later. It was bloodsoaked...and the ear kept filling up.

So, while Pyka was getting the turbinectomy (Google it!), another surgeon 'quilted' his ear so that the tissues would start to heal together, and no fluid could get in.

Just a side note, this is the reason our head vet never just drains any hematoma, he always stitches them very similar to Pyka's ear.

07-16-2007, 11:40 PM
Catlady - the vet did stitch the ear, and there were stents in it...but according to mom, the hematoma had hardened, which is why they couldn't just drain and stitch it.

It's healing now.

I hope he eats! :(

07-16-2007, 11:45 PM
I'm glad to hear that he's home now and he'll be able to get some rest.:) I hope he'll start eating tomorrow. I'll continue to keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

07-17-2007, 06:05 AM
I think that sometimes they know better than we do. Creamsicle didn't want to eat either after her spay and Pyka has been through much more than that. Maybe the poor li'l guy just needs to rest a bit more.

07-17-2007, 06:11 AM
Gosh, it is breaking my heart to see this guy like this, although he couldn't be getting better treatment and TLC anywhere else. I hope he has a speedy recovery. I just want to run there and snuggle with him.


07-17-2007, 08:42 PM
Catlady - the vet did stitch the ear, and there were stents in it...but according to mom, the hematoma had hardened, which is why they couldn't just drain and stitch it.

It's healing now.

I hope he eats! :(

I meant the part about the "quilting" stitching. That's the only way I've ever seen a hematoma surgery done where I work.

Either way I'm glad it's healing, those things hurt and are not any fun to deal with for the pet or people.

I hope Pyka starts eating soon! Thoughts are with you both.

07-17-2007, 10:37 PM
Tuesday July 17.

(sorry, just realized this got long)

Went over to mom's today with some Whiskas milk. She was worried he was bleeding and might need another transfusion - and she showed me his blanket from overnight.

There were spatters with blood in them; bloody but not pure blood. He is swallowing sometimes when he is quite awake - and his poop is black. I am not really worried about this, as the surgery was in an area LOADED with blood supply - I am surprised he needed only one transfusion!

Mom has had to wrap him in a towel to syringe-feed him. I helped with the first feeding tonight by filling the syringe a little ways. She would then put it into the corner of his mouth and squirt it in.

I said I wished there was a better way to feed him - as the stress would raise his blood pressure and wouldn't HELP what bleeding there was.

He was a bit dehydrated when I arrived - he also got a couple of doses of Whiskas milk with a bit of water.

A few minutes later, he was hydrated.

Second feeding time - Mom held him and I just held the syringe - this all happened naturally - when he went "MOW" I shot the contents into his mouth from the front. He licked and smacked and swallowed. Got at least 5 good shots in - he was SO much calmer, I think because food put near the back of his mouth triggered a gag reflex. From the front - and mouth open already - it was easier.

I have so much office work to do at home....Pyka is going for a checkup tomorrow at the vet. Mom will ask for a hydration and a B12 shot. Hopefully he will perk up and start to eat on his own soon. He's SO bony! :(

Interestingly - I opened a window to cool the place down. Pyka went and sat in the window and sniffed the outside air. He sneezed a bit, and I got a damp cloth to wipe up the spatter. He looked down at the newly wet surface I had cleaned and put nose down and SNIFFED. I hadn't seen him do that yet! Of course, when Mom went out for a 20 minute walk, I stayed with him while he napped, and put an open bottle of Vicks under his nose. His tad of a sniffle cleared up after a few minutes.

After Mom came back, I put the Vicks back - and he turned his head away from the strong smell! WOOHOO! That's what I was hoping for, just to dry things up a bit.

Mom will ask the vet about something like this tomorrow.

QUESTION: Does anyone here think using a good ionizing air filter during the next few days of recovery is a good idea?

07-18-2007, 12:33 PM
Vet visit this morning: He got another morphine patch, and DIDN'T need HYDRATING! :D

Mom got some more food, and we got a larger syringe. Also, we found out that we need to work up to 1 1/4 can per day - but NOT NOW. LOL Maybe by next week.

Prayers the little guy will start eating on his own soon - as the food builds him up - apparently the AD post-op food is just PACKED with everything - he may start to eat.

Meanwhile - I am going over twice a day to perfect my squirt-into-mouth-while-meowing technique! :)

07-18-2007, 01:48 PM
So sorry to read about your Mom's very handsome fella!! Have you tried baby food?? Will say prayers that Pyka starts to eat soon!!!! Hugs to you for helping your Mom, and hugs to your Mom, I bet she is worried about her boy!!!

07-18-2007, 03:58 PM
I am going over twice a day to help with feeding. kb2yjx, the vet told us how much food he had to have. He got nearly 1/3 of a can mixed with warm water for lunch. Then he was ready for a HUGE nap (and we give him lots of loving afterwards).

It is SO much less stressful on him when two people feed him.

Mom will be washing a LOT of shirts for the next few days.

I hope after a day or so of more food (the specialist didn't say how much to feed him) he will feel strong enough to eat on his own.

The regular vet said the sneezing (which is not too bad) and a bit of bleeding will carry on for a while, nothing to be worried about.

So we will just stuff his tummy and give him Clavamox drops and carry on!

The day he eats on his own, I will be SO HAPPY! :D

07-18-2007, 06:09 PM
I know your Mom is so happy to have your help!!! Sometimes the cats can be difficult patients thru no fault of their own. Then there are the times we just luck out because they realize we are helping them!!! Yes, we all will celebrate the day that Pyka eats on his own!!! But for now will just send prayers that that day comes VERY SOON!!!!