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View Full Version : So disappointed in Malone :( (3 pics)

07-14-2007, 03:15 AM
I know I haven't been around much lately, but I have lurked when I have time. I can't sleep tonight :rolleyes: so here I am.

Anyway, Malone is doing great!! Ever since Emerson passed, he has been such a great dog. Really, he has mellowed out, so much more affectionate and playful, and trustworthy (no more counter surfing or trashcans). So, I took steps to uncrating him when we were gone. And he was doing soooo Well!! (or so I thought) We hadn't crated him for over a month, and in fact I put the crate in the attic on June 1 (the day after our anniversary)

Last week sometime, I noticed that he was barking like crazy when I got home on two separate occasions. Thought it was weird but didn't think a lot about it. Well, last Sunday night, I came home to this:



YEA! :eek: :eek: :eek: is right! He had jumped and snagged 2 HUGE bags of gift bags that were hanging in the closet. There were at LEAST 100 gift bags, 50-60 of them were from my baby shower. And he was FRANTIC. I don't know whatever got into him, but I figure it is separation anxiety. There were about 20 bags that weren't chewed to smithereens.

So, he is now back in the crate while I am gone :( and doing a bit better. Sometimes he is still barking like crazy when I come home. This is really stressing me out because I want him to be happy while I am gone. I have gone back to like when he was a puppy and leaving him a frozen kong with peanut butter or gravy in it, or a stuffed marrow bone. And that definitely helps. I put him in his crate 15 minutes before I leave and don't make a big deal about it. Nor do I recognize him for at least 15 minutes after I get home.

Any other suggestions are welcomed!

And to show you what a NAW-TEE boy he is, here is one last picture:

Who me, Ma? I would make a mess? I don't think so!! I'm a Veggie-table!!!

07-14-2007, 04:09 AM
Wooow! Well my only suggestions are not to make a big deal when you leave or come home, though if this is separation anxiety I'm not sure if this is the best way to deal with it. I know my two have calmed down a lot when we come home. We ignore them completely until they settle down, and then and only then do we give them attention.

07-14-2007, 05:45 AM
Well Malone I don't believe a word of this. :p I think someone surely broke into your home while your humans were away and framed you. I think it must have been the notorious *gift bag bandit* or some other evil person. Nosiree Malone, it couldn't have been sweet adorable you. :p

Anna, I am so sorry. I don't have any suggestions because it seems like you are doing exactly what I would do in the same situation. I hope this will pass. Dogs..... ya gotta love 'em! :D

finn's mom
07-14-2007, 06:24 AM
Poor guy. :( I wonder what he's thinking, he's got to be worried about something. Sounds like the crate is the best way to go, and I'm sorry I don't have any other suggestions.

07-14-2007, 06:42 AM
Don't know if you know or not but Dasher had a huge SA problem. Carpet and padding ripped up from bathroon and my bedroom and moulding torn down. He somehow busted out of his metal kennel, without getting hurt. It was ruined. Anyway, what I did was find out what motivates him. His favorite thing is food and second favorite is playing fetch. So, we play before I leave, then when I put him up, I give him a Milkbone. Then, when I get home, we play fetch again Before he got better, I was using Kongs filled with frozen peanut butter. Also, I carried my car keys from room to room and put on my shoes when I wasn't leaving.
Poor Malone. I know it must be a hard adjustment for him. Try not to be hard on him, though I know it's difficult. I meant to ask you how you reacted to that when you got home. Even if you're furious, you've got to hide it from them because the worse reaction you have, the more nervous it makes them for the next time you leave. We'd love more pics of him. Give him some hugs from me.

Daisy and Delilah
07-14-2007, 07:18 AM
Awwww!! Look at that sad facie, Malone. We also think bandits came in and made that mess-surely it wasn't you.

Good luck with him. I've known my kid's dogs to act like this in the past. It must be hard for him(all of you). Maybe he needs a playmate?? :)

07-14-2007, 05:42 PM
I know how you feel. Kia's been crated for the 6 years I've had her. Sometimes I let her stay out of the crate, and she'll do great for weeks and then one day I come home to find the house destroyed. :eek: :( :mad:

I just don't get what goes through her head.

07-15-2007, 06:48 AM
Gee, Anna, I think he had a good time doing that damage. Maybe he was having a bad day? What about gate? Is he too big for that?

We had a dog once that would chew right through the door in the kitchen to get in to the rest of the house. We have photos of him with his head sticking out of the hole he just chewed.

I guess a crate is the answer! Some dogs acutally like their crates. Does Malone?

I bet you were surprised and angry to see that mess! Yikes! :eek:

07-15-2007, 10:47 AM
This might sound wierd but do you leave a radio or anything on for him while he is in his crate?

My two have to stay in crates while we are out because they too would have a mess..... in their case I am not sure it would be SA so much as "WOW this is fun.... we can make a mess and mom can't stop us."

anyway I give them a kong and a toy for the crate when it's time to go in as well as some biscuits. I give the crate command although Belle is usually already in their patiently awaiting the hot dogs in the kong lol. They go in their crates and they get their goodies. I turn on some music for them that they can hear all day long.

They used to bark when we would first leave but not anymore.... and if we come home earlier than expected we usually find two sleeping puppies just waking up from a nap.

they don't EVER get hot dogs unless it's in their crate.... so it's a special treat for them and I really think the music helps to calm them and not feelso alone.

07-15-2007, 04:00 PM
I agree with what sparks said about music sometimes helping. it might be worth a shot.

Before I read the whole thing I saw the pics and just thought you were a messy person :D

The last pic made me let out an "awwwww" when I saw it. poor guy.

07-15-2007, 04:33 PM
AWWWEEE!!! He missed you! He wasn't trying to be naughty, he was just saying "Take me with you next time!!" Poor Malone. Left all alone. What's a boy to do when he's all by himself??

Just looking at those big, sad eyes, I could never be mad at that face!