View Full Version : My foster, Mama Rosie - poor prognosis post 29

07-12-2007, 10:26 PM
A few weeks ago, I visited the shelter to check on three fosters I'd returned for adoption. I didn't have a carrier in my car. I had no plans to take any cats home with me. But....on my way to help socialize some new feral FeLV+ kittens with a friend, I stopped for a visit in the geriatric room. I was about to leave when a very skinny cat, drooling heavily and caked from her face through her chest, all her legs and her tail in reddish brown residue came out of her box and meowed her way towards me. They told me she had stomatitits and the stains were from her constant drooling. They were force feeding her sometimes. She didn't appeal to me at all. I didn't have any room because I still had two sick fosters at home with all my own cats. But I couldn't walk away from her. They had never fostered out a geriatric cat but I persuaded them to let me take her. Here she is after a week after coming home with me when her weight had gone all the way up to 3 pounds 11 ounces! They were giving her 35-70cc of AD mixed with Friskies each day. I boosted it to 50cc of AD three times a day (and have boosted it even further since then.)

I think this photo, though not very good, shows how thin she was:

And this one shows how, when I tried to soak away all the mess caked into her fur, it simply came away in places:

It breaks your heart, doesn't it?

I took her to my vet at the end of the first week when her cold got worse and found out that she didn't have stomatitis after all. The reason she is incapable of eating on her own is not that she is in pain and doesn't want to, but that her tongue cannot move forward. It's almost completely fixed in place due to old scarring from sores and current sores, and possibly some growths. She is far too weak still to sedate and examine. When she is ready, I'm going to battle for my vet to do the job because three shelter vets misdiagnosed her.

She is so easy to force feed, simply sitting in front of me as I sit on the floor and opening her mouth for the syringe like a baby bird. After all the starvation she suffered, she craves her feedings.

I call her Rose.

07-12-2007, 10:32 PM
OHHH, what a lovely girl! Sweet Rose.

Your mom will just keep on feeding you and you just keep on eating. And when you are stronger, a whitecoat will look at you, and I hope he can free up your poor tongue! And all your fur will grow back, you'll see, shiny and soft and new. :)

An adult girl at three pounds!

THANK GOD you took her, Lizzie - I know you had no room, but this little one can be saved.

HUGS and give that girl some nice pets for me.

07-12-2007, 11:16 PM
OMG.. what a heart breaker. That poor girl has found an angel to help her, truly. She would have died in that shelter. Bless you for taking that poor soul in. Gentle hugs and kissies to Rose. You will be beautiful once more my dear girl, you have gentle and loving hands to care for you.

07-12-2007, 11:22 PM
Your post made me cry, it's really touching to know that there are angels out there like you who will step up to the plate in these situations, when most people wouldn't. Rose is a lovely girl, and she's so, so lucky that she walked up to you!

Killearn Kitties
07-13-2007, 02:44 AM
What a heartbreaking story. Thank you so much for helping this beautiful girl.
I hope she thrives in your care.

07-13-2007, 03:08 AM
Oh my goodness! I was totally shocked at how thin she is in that picture, and her fur oh good god. Please please hold on to her and get her better, she seems to be a total darling, I'd have her in a heartbeat if was near you.
This post has made me so sad but at the same time happy she is with somebody who knows what they're doing. Bless you for taking this sweet old lady.

07-13-2007, 05:54 AM
This makes me so sad one minute and happy the next because you're a braveheart and took her in. I know she's going to thrive in your care. No matter what her history, love works miracles. Bless you for not being able to turn your back on her. Sweet little Rose will blossom again soon.

07-13-2007, 08:39 AM
Thank you for taking in this poor girl. She needs more care than a shelter can give.

I hope the doctor can free up her tongue once she is heathier.

Once again you are an angel to a cat in need.

07-13-2007, 11:00 AM
Poor Rose! Your new Meowme was so good to take you in. I hope you're very happy there at your new home :) (I'm sure you will be). Just get lots of rest and cat naps, keep eating all the food Meowme gives you....and soon you'll be just like all the other fat, spoiled kitties here on PT :D

07-13-2007, 01:05 PM
What a sad story, but now that she is in your loving hands, she will do well, I am sure! She is such a beauty!

She knew what she was doing when she came to you, meowing for you to take her in and help her!

07-13-2007, 02:32 PM
Oh, Miss Rosie, you are soooo thin! You are almost up to four pounds, though... Just a few more ounces. How wonderful that you sought out a caring person to help you! Lizzie, how old is Miss Rosie? (And what is AD?) Gentle pet to you, pretty girl.

07-13-2007, 06:39 PM
I took Rose to the vet this morning to weigh her and she has gained almost a pound (15 ounces) in the past two weeks! :D

The vet would feel comfortable now giving her light sedation in order to properly examine her mouth. I just have to get the funds from the shelter, no easy task when they are going to want to have it done more cheaply by another vet (one of the three that mis-diagnosed her and allowed the shelter to believe that she either wasn't eating enough because her mouth was sore or because she had some age-related medical condition - GRRRRR!)

Rose is 15. When she was 14, her family moved and decided against taking her with them - rather like the old furniture they probably left behind, another GRRRRR!

Right now she is lolling on a very sunny deck with a full tummy - just the way she should be.

07-13-2007, 06:50 PM
What A Poor Emaciated Cat. But If Theres Anyone Who Can Help Mama Rosie Its You.
Please Send Us Photos As She Recovers And Becomes A Healthy Cat.
That Will Be Proof That With Love And Tlc Theres Hope For Any Cat. May You Get Well Mama Rosie In Gods Name.

07-14-2007, 05:23 AM
Lizzie, please give her tummy rubs and ear scritches for me whilst she's enjoying her time sunning herself :)

07-14-2007, 11:36 AM
Oh my, how sad. I'm so glad you are helping her.

She is 15 years old? She's a tough cookie!

07-14-2007, 01:35 PM

You have such a kind heart. :)

07-14-2007, 02:05 PM
Thank you for taking care of this hungry little kitty! Warm cuddles to Rosie - mangia, baby!

Love, Columbine

07-14-2007, 03:55 PM
Is there something we can contribute to, to help this poor girl have a good quality of life, and help you too? She looks so pathetic, but still surviving, thanks to you.

Gosh, such a sad story. She must have such a strong will to live.

Let us know about helping out with the cost. OK?

07-14-2007, 10:03 PM
What a sweetheart. That's all she needs is a mommy, even at her age.

The geezers are the sweetest and most appreciative.

Let us know about a fund for her.


Maya & Inka's mommy
07-15-2007, 03:49 AM
Awwwwww what a sweetheart! It is heartbreaking to see her in those first pics..... . My Zazou was like that too when we got her from a shelter. But lots of love and good food will change your Rosie into a gorgeous cat :)

07-15-2007, 01:15 PM
Lizzie girl, you have a heart of GOLD.

I know that Mama Rosie will thrive in your care and I pray that they are able to do something about her tongue. What I don't get is how the other vets missed seeing that something was clearly wrong with her tongue. :confused:

07-16-2007, 12:04 PM
I took Rose to the vet this morning to weigh her and she has gained almost a pound (15 ounces) in the past two weeks! :D

The vet would feel comfortable now giving her light sedation in order to properly examine her mouth. I just have to get the funds from the shelter.

I too am waiting for word about a Help Rosie fund. Come on Rosie girl, you are almost at five pounds now, you can top five if you eat eat eat!

07-16-2007, 12:38 PM
Lizzie, God bless you for taking Rosie in and giving her a whole new life!!! I know that girl has got to be so very happy to have a warm, loving home and someone who is taking the time and effort to help her. I can't imagine someone letting her starve like this. Is the hairloss on her legs just from the drool and mess accumulating so long in her fur??? How very sad! :( :(
Is she able to drink water on her own? I know they move their tongues forward when lapping as well?

Does your vet think that he can make her tongue mobile again? That would be so wonderful! I know, so many questions! Sorry! ;)

Give that sweet girl some love from me too!


07-16-2007, 12:55 PM
I talked to the director of the shelter on Saturday and he agreed to fund the sedated examination of Rose's mouth and biopsies. There was a lot of hemming and hawing, and he could get it done much cheaper, but in the end he agreed. It wasn't that he didn't want to help Rose, he just wanted to use yet another vet linked with the shelter - though this time one with more experience. I think he was a little embarassed at the way Rose had been neglected. She will undergo the procedure on Wednesday.

As to how other vets didn't diagnose her correctly, I don't know how it happened. She was drooling heavily and not eating, her blood results were normal, she probably didn't like having her mouth examined, so they jumped to an easy conclusion - that's my guess. In fact, she drools because she is starved. Now that she is only hungry and no longer starving, she drools far less.

She's far more active now, which is great except that she jumps up on the kitchen counters all the time. It's very sad really, she's always trying to get into food that smells good but it's impossible for her to take up any at all, not a drop or a shred.

The shelter is covering all her medication, including fluids therapy, and all food. They reimbursed me for the vet visit and her pain meds. so the only money if my own I've spent on her is part of a bag of Feline Pine litter. She takes up a lot of my time, but she is a very cheap guest.

Thank you all for your good wishes and offers of help. Now that I've taken some photos of him, I'm about to post about another foster that was also severely malnourished. In fact, he was reduced to eating slugs to survive. Now, I'm being faced with surgery for him also so I hope you will feel like helping him instead.

07-16-2007, 01:27 PM
THANK GOD for people like you! You truly are an angel, and she is truly a beautiful, and lucky girl. She knew what she was doing when she meowed her way toward you. Please keep us updated on this special kitty with reports, and photos.

07-18-2007, 03:30 PM
Lizzie, it's about 3:30 PM in Chicago and I have been thinking about you and Mama Rosie all day. Did the veterinarian examine her mouth yet, and how did it go? Is she still putting on weight? Could you give her a gentle pet for me, please.

How is the other foster kitty (post #24)?

07-18-2007, 03:41 PM
The Found Cats Are Praying That The White Coats Can Help Mama Rosie Regain The Use Of Her Tongue And That She Can Live As Normal A Life As Possible. The Pet Angel Hospital Visitors Will Be There To Comfort Mama Rosie When Shes In The Clinic.

07-18-2007, 07:29 PM

07-18-2007, 08:54 PM
Thank you everyone for your interest,it's especially good of you when I have so very little time to respond to other posts.

The news is not good. There is no way of loosening Rose's tongue. It is hard, thin, atrophied, very scarred and almost totally immobile. It is so completely adhered in place that they were not able to intubate her because they couldn't move her tongue forward. They couldn't even biopsy the main sore on her tongue because she bled very freely after just the needle biopsy. They had to ice the needle site to stop the bleeding. The vet called a few minutes ago with the needle aspirate results - waking up Rose who was sound asleep on my lap. She has a major infection inside her tongue, even though she's been on Clavamox for a month. The cells are mutated and show signs of squamous cell carcinoma. I had noticed that she had started to keep her mouth slightly open all the time and the vet told me they hadn't been able to close her mouth even when she was fully sedated. There will come a point, and it won't be far away, when she can't swallow as I feed her and at that point I know what I must do.

Until that time, she will sleep cuddled up next to my neck at night, she won't feel starved, and she can enjoy her sunny windows. And I need to stop writing now so that I can prepare her evening feed.

Edwina's Secretary
07-18-2007, 09:17 PM
"blessings on your head, mama Rosie, mama Rosie....." May the days you have left be filled with bliss...and wonderful food...and love...who could ask for more, Mama Rosie?

07-18-2007, 09:29 PM
Major LES here

Mama Rosie, I wish you many days of sunny windows, many nights of sleeping next to your very caring and loving Person, and hugs on top of hugs. *smooch*

07-18-2007, 10:30 PM
Oh that poor soul! Always the innocent who suffer. Bless you for taking her in, and I hope that she feels absolutely content until her time will come to cross the Bridge. I'm so glad that she's with you until that time. Please give her some gentle hugs and some kisses for me on that sweet head of hers. Rest up Rosie, enjoy your time with Lizzie.

07-18-2007, 10:30 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I'm also sorry that you don't have much time left together but at least she now knows what a loving home is like. May you remain as comfortable as possible in the days that you have left Mama Rose.

07-18-2007, 10:31 PM
This really brings tears to my eyes. :( Thank you so much, Lizzie, for having the tenderheartedness to bring her home and make her last days full of love, sunshine and a full tummy. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!


07-18-2007, 11:24 PM
Oh, Lizzie...you seem - seem - to be so accepting of this. Not the same as being happy about it....

My brain just starts on the 'excise the stuff and feed her by hand', 'try prednisone for the swelling, buy some more time' - but a cat without a tongue...oh god, that poor kitty.

How is her mood, Lizzie? Has she gained some weight, grown some fur?

So many things happen that are not fair to cats or people, and many have happened lately, but every once in a while, it hits me that this is JUST SO UNFAIR.... :( Had those other vets seen this earlier, would it have mattered? :(

Dear Mama Rosie picked you, is clean and eating, has your lap, and the sun...why you, sweet Rose?

Please give her a hug and a pat for me. A nice ruffle-the-fur-caress hug, and a kiss on that dear forehead.

07-18-2007, 11:27 PM
Big HUGS to you, Lizzie, and gentle cuddles to Rose. The whole world is more blessed for Rose having found you.

Love, Columbine

07-19-2007, 12:15 AM
That's a good suggestion, about steroids, I'll ask the vet tomorrow.

He's never seen anything quite like Rose's tongue and the lab was a bit thrown also. The major problem for us is that we have no history, we have no idea how or when her tongue became so infected and "bad". I emailed the volunteer who had been trying to get Rose help and she said that until 2 months ago, Rose had been able to eat treats and regular food. However, it's obvious that her tongue has been in poor condition for some time. You know how good cats are at eating through the most incredible pain and discomfort.

There is no way the vet could excise anything, and it still wouldn't give her a working tongue. She bled so easily that she really scared the vet, he was afraid he was going to lose her on the table through blood loss if he did anything else. He doesn't know why that is happening either. As he said, the tongue is very vascular but he's never seen it bleed that easily and freely from the tiniest hole.

Her mood? She's feisty, demanding, pushy, adventurous, determined, but also loves curling up against me in bed.

I'll give her a few extra shoulder massages and head kisses tonight from everyone.

Oh, Lizzie...you seem - seem - to be so accepting of this. Not the same as being happy about it....

My brain just starts on the 'excise the stuff and feed her by hand', 'try prednisone for the swelling, buy some more time' - but a cat without a tongue...oh god, that poor kitty.

How is her mood, Lizzie? Has she gained some weight, grown some fur?

So many things happen that are not fair to cats or people, and many have happened lately, but every once in a while, it hits me that this is JUST SO UNFAIR.... :( Had those other vets seen this earlier, would it have mattered? :(

Dear Mama Rosie picked you, is clean and eating, has your lap, and the sun...why you, sweet Rose?

Please give her a hug and a pat for me. A nice ruffle-the-fur-caress hug, and a kiss on that dear forehead.

07-19-2007, 02:31 AM
Well, we do have people w/out tongues or the use of them.... they get feeding tubes and things like that. Would that be an option for her??? I mean, she may not be eating on her own, but at least she'd get nutrition into her.

Ugh!!! I just want to pick her up and hold her forever. She makes me just want to sit down a cry over the state of our pets today and why do people allow this to happen?! Why??? They haven't done anything to us, and yet they suffer but love us inspite of the suffering and just want to love and please us. It just rips me apart.

I think of that poor baby kitten in California, or Florida, where ever it was, that two girls set on fire just to be mean. What makes children so heartless and cruel to do that to something so small and innocent. You hold that baby kitty in your arms and feel its purr, and the love it just wants to give and receive, and I can't imagine anyone coming to that conclusion. Those weren't children... those were heartless people raised by other heartless people who don't even have a conscience.

Our world is in for one hell of a wake up call when the younger generation comes to take over. Let's hope there is a miracle of some sort so that we are all more humane to eachother in the not too distant future.

07-19-2007, 05:20 AM
Oh Mama Rosie, I thinking of you, you have touched so many hearts here on PT with your story.
I will pray you will be as happy and comortable as possible until the time comes for you to cross over to the bridge. You will have many friends there to play with.

I think this has to be one of the most heartbraking stories I have come across since being on Pet Talk....Bless you for taking her in and loving her, she deserves it so so much. :(

Killearn Kitties
07-19-2007, 05:40 AM
I'm so sorry that the news on Mama Rose is not better. Gentle hugs to her while she enjoys her days of sunshine and her nights of cuddles.

Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated.

Laura's Babies
07-19-2007, 07:31 AM
OH MY GOD!! This poor baby.. I am sitting here crying over this whole sad thing. Damned those people who abondoned this baby! :mad: After years of faithful companionship, that was the thanks she got? :mad:

God bless you for bringing her home and giving her some tender loving care so she won't have to go to the bridge thinking nobody loved her anymore. She is obviousley in the right hands now so love her all you can so when the time comes, she has known happiness and love again.

07-19-2007, 07:38 AM

I just want you to know that I think you did a remarkable, kind deed to take Rosie in. What a kind soul she is. She deserves to be pampered and I can't think of anyone more caring and loving than you!!

Please give her headbumpies and kisses for me, will ya? You did good kid!!!

07-19-2007, 09:01 AM
This is so sad. One thing is for sure Lizzie, at least she got to know what it is like to have someone truly love, and care for her. That is all thanks to you. You, and dear, sweet Rosie will be in my thoughts, and prayers. Please keep us posted.

07-19-2007, 09:16 AM
Thank you, Lizzie, for taking care of Moma Rosie. If Pet Talk prayers won't cure her, at least she will know love and comfort for the time she still has.

Prayers being sent for a miracle and Hugs to you.

07-19-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm so sorry.

Thank goodness she has you Lizzie.

07-19-2007, 11:42 AM
Bless you for taking in Rosie and showing her love. Prayers on the way for her!

07-19-2007, 12:22 PM
Lizzie, is Mama Rosie still putting on weight? Does her coat look better? Could you give her sub-q fluids (and maybe nutrients) as her ability to swallow wanes? It sounds she's got a lot of spunk for what Catmandu always refers to as a "senior kitty-zen". Could you give her another petting for me, please. I am so glad she has you!

07-19-2007, 12:47 PM
She hasn't put on any more weight but then, when they weighed her yesterday, she hadn't eaten since 8pm the night before. She was a bit goofy for a while last night because they'd had to give her injected sedation instead of gas and intubation, and it was nice to see her so relaxed. She is not a laid-back cat in general. I thought she'd only want one feeding, but she demanded another before we went to bed, and this morning she made me fill up a third syringe.

It's this extreme desire for food that would make me say no to any idea of giving her fluids only if she can't eat. If Rose can't eat, she won't be really living. She goes to extreme measures to get food, even when she's just had a feeding. I can't eat in the same room with her because she will climb all over me to get into my plate. She will thrust her head into a snack packet, dive into every single cat's food bowl, has managed to get into the cupboard where the dry food is stored and tore open a bag. She can't eat any of the food she is aiming for, can't get it into her mouth, but she is truly that desperate constantly to find food and eat. I think she was demanding last night and this morning because the hunger of the morning reminded her of being starved recently. Her stomach is full, very full, but the drive to stave off starvation is powerful. I've tried to find it touchingly amusing, but I can't, it's just terribly sad.

She's been getting sub-q fluids since she came to me, just 100cc a day because she really fights it. At least it's easier now to get the needle in. At first I simply couldn't pull up a tent so would try to fold over a flap only to find the needle going in and coming out the other side. Now I can make a small tent.

Her coat does look better. I try to give her a short bath every day, just using a large wash bowl with a few inches of warm water in the bottom. I can only get her back feet in it because she clings to the sides with her front. It's enough anyway to sponge away the gunk, old and new. Her back legs are almost normal now and she never lost fur from them. The front look much cleaner but it's amazing what a thick coating of saliva and food is ingrained in her fur there. She may fight it, but she really appreciates being cleaner.

I'll try to take photos of her this weekend to post - but I could be rather busy reading the last H.P. book.

07-19-2007, 02:51 PM
Oh sweet Rosie, give her lots of lovin' for me.

07-19-2007, 05:30 PM
All of us at the Found Paradise Cat Hotel are sending prayers that poor Mama Rosie can pull through this and be well. Shes already got one big advantage, shes with a Pet Talker who will give her the best chance she will have to survive this.
God Bless You.

07-19-2007, 09:44 PM
Oh Lizzie, I have thought about Rosie since I first saw this post days ago. I have no words to describe how terrible this is.. I feel so helpless. And VERY upset. Thank you for loving her.

I was going to call earlier toight, but it was so late...
I am going to try and call you tomorrow, if you have a second.

Please give her TONS of loving from me. :(

07-30-2007, 07:23 PM
Lizzie, how's little Mama Rosie?

07-30-2007, 07:59 PM
Don't know how, but I missed this thread until now. Sweet Rosie, what ever happened to get youinto sucha disasterous situation? And how marvelous that our Lizzie brought you home! I cry thinking how you were starving to death and no one realized what was happening to you, poor girl!

Lizzie, bless you for helping her, for fighting for her, and giving her some love.

07-30-2007, 08:18 PM
Mama Rose continues to be in my prayers. I would also love to know how she is doing.

Hugs and kisses to this sweet girl.

08-02-2007, 01:15 PM
bounce ... Lizzie ... how's the girl?

Queen of Poop
08-02-2007, 02:09 PM
It's Aug 2 and I'm just now seeing this and crying my eyes out. Poor, sweet baby. So glad that she sensed in you help. Thank you so very, very much for taking her in, cleaning her up and tending to her needs.

08-03-2007, 05:14 PM
Thank you, everyone, for your concern and best wishes. Rose is now feeling well enough to make a pest of herself, walking all over the kitchen counters, getting up onto the top of the fridge (where no other cat has dared go before, or could get around all the pans up there), and generally charging my ankles all the time I'm in the kitchen. She continues to love the sunshine, stretching out luxuriously on pillows on the sofa where the sun streams in from the open french doors.

I have had to thicken the AD, making it even harder to draw up into the feeding syringe, because almost as much food was coming out as was being syringed in. I have to put the syringe tip as far back as I can, without making her gag, so that she has a chance of swallowing with minimal movement of her tongue. I also have to avoid the lesion that's on her tongue. All the time I'm feeding her, she is producing a lot of saliva which she can't swallow. So, you can imagine the problem. Her saliva mixes with the AD, making it runny and it comes pouring out instead of being swallowed. I know there will come a time when she can swallow so little that this can't go on. It will be hard because she is so very alive now, but I don't want her to go through the pain of starvation again. I even thought of having a feeding tube inserted, but I think that's unfair, and the cancer cells will continue to proliferate in her tongue lesion anyway.

Hopefully, I can find time to take some photos of her this weekend. The fur on her front legs has started to grow back so the naked skin is covered. In that way, she looks better. She fights her daily bath, but I know that feeling clean makes her feel good.

08-03-2007, 05:26 PM
Sweet, sweet Rosie girl. I'm so sorry she's going through this. And it's got to be so difficult for you. Continue to give her the loving care that she needs. The improvement is evident already. If/when the time comes that you have to help her in another way, you'll have the full love and support of all PTers.

08-03-2007, 06:06 PM

There is a thread in Cat Health started by Emeraldgreen about her cat Tiger.

He had a nasal polyp that turned out to be cancerous, though they may have caught it early.

As I was researching stuff for her, I found that carcinomas happen in the mouth, too - and do not spread as lymphomas do.

I am not touting a cure by any means....but there are treatments such as cryogenic (freezing) of the lesion, etc, that reduce its size. Even radiation - and another process I can't recall the name of - it is quite new.

I think I posted a link in there on oral carcinomas. Please have a look.

Even if it keeps Mama Rosie comfy for a few more months, it is worth it.

And cost - there are PTrs here ready to help. And a good vet might, as well.


SO glad to hear M.R. is growing fur and being pesky! :)

08-03-2007, 06:10 PM
I just saw this thread now.

God bless you, Lizzie. And god bless you, Rosie, and keep on keeping on both of you!

We all love you very much and are praying for you and sending along our very best energies.

Pat, Peony, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, and Priscilla Angel

08-03-2007, 06:20 PM
Oh, I'm glad to hear that she is still doing well!

K & L
08-05-2007, 09:08 AM
Bless your heart for caring for Rose! I'm just now reading this and it touched my heart deeply. I'm so happy Rose has found some love and caring!