View Full Version : Grrrr......maybe people should learn about dogs

Lady's Human
07-12-2007, 03:42 PM
I want to the hardware store, ran a couple other errands, and stopped at the gas station to grab a quick cup of coffee. Lady was with me, so she sat in the truck while I got my coffee. I leave the windows open for her, about 10" or so, so she can get air and look around, sniff, basically do what comes naturally for a dog.

When I came out, I saw someone standing next to the truck with a small child in their arms, pointing at Lady. They were about a foot from the truck, or well within Lady's reach.
Dog people know NEVER get that close to a vehicle with a dog in it with open windows. Lady's friendly, but she does turn into a guard dog when left by herself. The truck is her territory, and she will defend it.

So, I came over to the truck, went to get in, and Lady went to get out and sniff around for a minute. I mentioned to the woman that she's lucky Lady's friendly, as she was too close to the truck to have a child in her arms within Lady's reach. I offered to let the young boy say "Hi" to Lady, as Lady was being really friendly and curious about the child. I mentioned twice that it was okay, she's a friendly dog, but the minute I opened the door to the truck the woman backed away like there was a hazmat spill.

I'm confused.........You'll let your child get within reaching distance of an unattended dog, (DUMB) but when the owner comes out and offers to let you meet the dog in a controlled manner you act as if I had threatened you?

I just don't get it. :confused:

07-12-2007, 03:57 PM
I agree with you. You can never know with some dogs. They are lucky Lady is friendly because if it was another dog, she could of bitten the child and/or the mother and YOU could get in trouble for it!:eek:

07-12-2007, 04:11 PM
You are so right. People do not really know how to approach dogs at all. The other night at the vet's office I had my two dogs in for routine shots. Two small children in the waiting room came over (probably age 5 and age 7) and they said "may we please pet your dogs?" I was impressed that they asked first but of course they were there with their dog (a puppy) and knew enough to ask. It is the adults that seem to be the problem. I am as confused as you were about the adult's reaction. :confused: By the way, try and take a dog into PetsMart wearing a Halti. I used to use one on Bella, and some of the people in there (who should know better) acted like I was with a raving maniac dog. I even heard one woman tell her daughter not to get near her because she was wearing a "muzzle." :rolleyes:

07-12-2007, 04:22 PM
Sigh. That's why we need to educate, educate, educate.

Of course we know how and when to approach a dog - but others - how does one survive to adulthood and not get taught that?

07-12-2007, 04:23 PM
The woman probably thought the baby was quite safe while she held
her near the window, but didn't count on getting that close to Lady.

Wrong..... She doesn't know much about dogs.

Cinder & Smoke
07-12-2007, 04:29 PM
I just don't get it. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif

Really makes you wonder if some folks ever turn their BRAINS ON in the morning!

Cinder would have turned into http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif Dawg at about two feet;
SmokeMutts would have been "On Alert - got your back, Cin!" ...
Bowser usually looked around with one half-open eye ... "Call me iffin ya need help ... Zzzz!"

My worst fears are when taking a hike in the parks - when the half-dozen various sized
rug rats dash away from their "mothers" and head for my two or three Mutts -
arms flailing wildly and all *screaming* at max volume "Lookit da DAWGGIES!"

Do the Mom's DO anything??? ... Nope!
I always reel in my little Dawg Mob and gather them into a close circle,
cinching up on leashes and Y-Thingies, and mumbling to "BE CALM ... This Too Shall Pass - I Hope!"

I've got MY Mob well under control ... but long before I can suggest that the "Moms" might
want to tackle or otherwise "subdue" their on-rushing horde ...
the little darlings have arrived and begin "Pettin da Dawggies" -
* open-palmed *smacks* delivered between the ears
* clenched-fist *rubbing* - always against the grain
* tail jerking - if they can get hold of one
* eye-poking
* or attempting a http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif *KISS*

Eventually a Mom always asks "Do they BITE? ... Are they Friendly?"

NO, Lady; they're all Vicious Child Eaters ...
They just ate a lil two year old here last week. And they're HUNGRY now!

Some People! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

finn's mom
07-13-2007, 08:33 AM
If you know the Refreshments...their song "Banditos" comes to mind...part of the chorus being "the world is full of stupid people."

It's amazing to me how so many people with children, upon becoming parents and loving someone unconditionally probably for the first time in their lives, forget that not everyone or everything in the world around them is "child friendly." I agree with letting children be children and learning from their mistakes, but not when it's a possibility that a mistake could be permanently damaging or even fatal. There should be leash laws for some parents and their children.

07-13-2007, 05:09 PM
Dog people know NEVER get that close to a vehicle with a dog in it with open windows.

Maybe she is not a dog person?

Cinder & Smoke
07-13-2007, 05:22 PM
There should be leash laws for some parents and their children.


How True!!


Lady's Human
07-13-2007, 05:42 PM

My point is this.....

She was afraid of Lady for some reason when I was there. Before that, she had her toddler WELL within reach of the dog. That's what confused me. It's fairly well known, even to non dog people, that dogs are territorial. She was inside the dog's guard area when I wasn't there.

07-13-2007, 05:53 PM
Before that, she had her toddler WELL within reach of the dog. That's what confused me. It's fairly well known, even to non dog people, that dogs are territorial. She was inside the dog's guard area when I wasn't there.

That's really the same as walking up to a strange dog in a fenced yard and sticking your hand through the fence. You would think just about anyone would realize that without the owner around and without knowing the dog that is like playing Russian roulette. I'm guessing you are correct in thinking the lady just felt she was in control of the situation... You'd think people would realize a dog can react faster than a human.