View Full Version : UPDATE: Male Persian, INJECTED W/BLEACH (maybe) FELINE LEUK + PLEASE HELP!

07-12-2007, 08:15 AM
I found this on craigslist.

I feel so bad for this guy. It's so horrible that he was injected with bleach. :( I just want to cry. I'm hoping someone will be able to help this baby out.



Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2007-07-11, 7:19PM EDT

THis guy came to me in his time of need. His eyes are in terrible goopey condition, his ears are dirty and possibly filled with mites, he was INJECTED with BLEACH in a poor attempt to kill him. He is now at my vet being treated. He will also recieve his wormings, shots and frontline. His time is limited due to very little money on my part. He needs an indoor home, with no other cats, or positive cats only. If you can help in any way please let me know. Small adoption fee compaired to vet bill.

07-12-2007, 08:53 AM
This is just terrible! What are these idiots, (and that's being nice), thinking?! Was he a stray, or did his owners do this? It never ceases to amaze me what people will do to a helpless animal! :mad:

07-12-2007, 08:59 AM
I'm not sure, I don't know the whole story I just figured maybe somebody might be able to help.

This is just terrible! What are these idiots, (and that's being nice), thinking?! Was he a stray, or did his owners do this? It never ceases to amaze me what people will do to a helpless animal! :mad:

07-12-2007, 09:03 AM
I'm not sure, I don't know the whole story I just figured maybe somebody might be able to help.
I wish I knew of someone who could. If there's anywhere you can find help, it will be here on PT. These people are great!

07-12-2007, 09:35 AM
I just got an e-mail from this lady
Her e-mail address is: [email protected]
Please if anyone can try to save this cat before it's put down.
I e-mailed her back and asked he what other issues does the cat have wrong with him and how did she get a hold of him. When I hear back from her I will post on here again.

His name is Midnight. Im not sure on his age, but I think that he will be
put down today if I cant find anywere else for him. The vet said it is
probably the best thing to do at this point because he has more things wrong
than just the FeLV+. I cant really afford to keep him there. I was
planning on bringing him home before, but I do have other cats who are
disease tested and negative. If you do know anybody that can help, I will be
checking this until the vet calls me. Thanks

>From: "Melissa M. Hintosh" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Male Persian, FELINE LEUK + PLEASE HELP!
>Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:17:07 -0400

>I wish I could take in this baby but I can't. I posted your ad for help
>though on this website:
>I hope someone will be able to help out. You won't destroy this cat will
>you? How old is this cat and what is his name?

07-12-2007, 09:44 AM

Here's a persian rescue organization link.

07-12-2007, 09:53 AM
I just got this e-mail from her. I forward the persion info to her as well.

I use the Ringtown Valley Vet hospital. The cat was walking down the road
one day, while I was stopped at a stop sign. I had my sister get out to coax
him to the side of the road. She ws petting him and he was so friendly so we
all go out of the car to see him. His eyes were gross and his hair was
extremely dirty. I wanted to bring him home that day, but my sisters said
no. My boyfriend only lives around the corner from were I saw the cat so I
kept an eye out for him. I found out he was living in a porch, so I started
feeding him, and he eventually found his way to my boyfriends house and came
over every night around 1030ish. One night I was petting him when a couple
walked down the steet, THe guy stopped and said "Midnight what are you doing
over here? This cat has a funny story.... he was my moms cat and my brother
tried to kill him by injecting him in the neck with bleach. I then contacted
some rescues. One agreed to take him, so I was on my way down with him when
he got so over heated, and stressed. I stopped at a vets office and they
said if I take him now he will not make it. So i brought him home to my vet.
We were only a half hour into the trip, and it was a 2 hour long ride. Now
hes at my vet. He has some eye problems. He has only one testicle, The vet
said his life wouldnt be long. I tried a rescue near Harrisburg who deals
with + cats and lets them live out their lives there but they arent taking
any until September. Hes been at the vet since tuesday. If somebody will
take him I will drive him anywere.

07-12-2007, 10:06 AM
Here is another e-mail I just got from her:

His eyes have that conjucntivitis looking stuff. He is also cryptorchid (?)
with the one testicle. He is being treated for the time being. I just called
the vet to see the exact problems. I would be willing to take him half way.
If you want to call them while I wait for the vet to call I would really
appreciate it. Thanks

07-12-2007, 10:10 AM
I also e-mail the place in Ohio hoping they will be able to help.

Here is another e-mail I just got from her:

He is not neutered. I think he said that because he is a stray with no real
owner to get him the meds for the FeLV. He is a great great cat. Very
affectionate. I am trying to even find a catless home that will keep him
for a little while until I find somewhere for him.

07-12-2007, 10:26 AM
Here is another one:

Ok, I just called the lady at that rescue. THey are currently full. She did
give me some links to persian rescues. So I will try them. The vet just
called, he has bilateral corneal ulcers, URI, the cryptorchid (sp), and the
FeLV. The FeLV tests was done on the Eliza test. They are holding off on
euthanazia until I call them back. I said tomarrow I will let them know for
sure. If you hear anything please let me know.

07-12-2007, 12:24 PM
I just heard back from her so here is another e-mail and update:

No my brother didnt do it, the guy who recognized the cat said his brother
did it, he does not seem like he is suffering. I think he just said that or
did it to a similar cat or something. I havent heard anything back yet. I am
going to see if i can find a catless home that will house him temporarily
untill a rescue can be found. Right now I am emailing a bunch of cat rescues
to see if they can help.

>From: "Melissa M. Hintosh" <[email protected]>

>Is the cat suffering? Why would your brother inject the cat with bleach?
>Did he think the cat was dying? Could I ask how old your brother is?

>Have you heard anything from any of the organizations??

>----- Original Message ----- From: "rianna daley" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>

>>Any way you can help I would appreciate it. The vet didnt say, but I dont
>>think he would let me look for a rescue or home if he was going to die
>>soon. All of his problems can be treated and or eliminated.

07-12-2007, 12:27 PM
FelV cats can live just fine, even with other cats. This is only passed on by a deep bite, from what I understand.

I think Lizbud knows about this...SOMEONE here has FelV kitties.

She could try a rescue that takes FelV

I hope this kitty gets a second chance!

07-12-2007, 02:40 PM
i had 2 rescues show some interest in him. The one said she does have space
for him, but the place is low on money and he needs his meds. Do you know
anything about the yahoo message boards? I dont really understand them, but
I now they get alot of viewers.

07-12-2007, 03:06 PM
Here is her ad that I will be placing:

Male Persian needs URGENT help
This guy has been diagnosed with FeLV. He also has bilateral corneal ulcers,
an URI, and he is cryochid (when there is only one testicle). He came as a
stray and was taken to the vet were he is currently staying. He needs a home
or rescue ASAP. Indoor only homes and homes with no other kitties or FeLV+
cats only. He is buff/orange in color and is extremely affectionate. He will
be put down if a safe place cant be found for him. He will recieve shots,
worming, and frontline.

07-12-2007, 06:49 PM
Why On The Name Would Someone Inject A Cat With Bleach.
That Cretin Deserves To Have A Bleach Cocktail.
Some People Just Are Such Morons.
We Are Praying That Someone Can Help That Creature Of God.

07-12-2007, 07:15 PM
That is just sick... I am appalled...

07-12-2007, 08:49 PM
I know it's sick but she said in a previous e-mail that she wasn't even sure if the cat got bleach or not.

I've been trying to find this kitty a home because this women can't really afford to many more nights to keep this kitty at the vets.

Anyone who can help, I beg you to contact her.

Thank you,

07-12-2007, 09:17 PM
PM Lizzie

She has a few FelV cats and may know someone

07-12-2007, 09:50 PM
Sorry, I'm an FIV+ household, not FeLV+. While regular adult cats, with shots, have a good chance of not getting FeLV from a positive cat when living together (I did this and it worked out fine, though scary), an FIV+ cat almost certainly will. And I'm on the other side of the country, and full to the rafters with fosters. Sorry!

A rescue sounds like the best option for now, and an appeal to various organizations for funds to support his vet care. The Yahoo group for FIV cats is very active so I'm sure one for FeLV will be also.

Good luck. It certainly sounds like this cat deserves a luck break at long last.

07-12-2007, 10:36 PM
http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/FeLVPositiveCats/ There's a Yahoo Group.

FELINELEUKEMIA.ORG They recommend this site! If you contact them, they can direct you.

I couldn't find FelV specific shelters in PA, but here are some lists:




I hope some of these help! www.felineleukemia.org would be a good place to start, I think.

07-12-2007, 11:01 PM
This is so lousy.

Feline AIDS (FIV) is the one only spread through deep tissue bites - FeLV (feline leukemia) is extremely contagious and spread through any kind of casual contact.

That poor guy. :( I wish I could help, but with 3 cats of my own here, and god only knows how many fosters at this very moment, there is no way I can expose my home to that.

07-13-2007, 06:02 AM
This is heartbreaking. Some animals just get born into the worst life. As for the bleach incident, Goddess help the person who deliberately hurts an animal and I find out who they are.

07-13-2007, 06:36 AM

Thank you so much for this information. I e-mailed this girl about them so hopefully one of them will be able to take Midnight in. I'm going to continue to post everywhere I can think of for the moment.


http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/FeLVPositiveCats/ There's a Yahoo Group.

FELINELEUKEMIA.ORG They recommend this site! If you contact them, they can direct you.

I couldn't find FelV specific shelters in PA, but here are some lists:




I hope some of these help! www.felineleukemia.org would be a good place to start, I think.

07-13-2007, 12:56 PM
:( I haven't heard anything from her yet today. I know she was going to call the vets and give them an answer today whether she was going to have PTS but God I really hope she didn't.

07-13-2007, 01:10 PM
I just called the vets and she said that Midnight is not there....so she isn't sure if the cat was picked up or PTS.... :( :confused:

I'll write once I know something

07-13-2007, 01:25 PM
I just got an e-mail from her:

I have a few takers for the cat. He is at my house right now. The vet also
only charged me $40! What a great vet he is. I want to thank you for all
your help and I will keep you posted.

:D :D Looks like this may just have a happy ending after all!!!!

07-13-2007, 03:08 PM
That is great news! You should be very proud of yourself. You have worked so diligently to give this cat a chance. WAY TO GO!!!

07-14-2007, 07:58 AM
I just got 2 pictures :)

Poor babies eyes but otherwise I'm so glad that he has a second chance at life!!

07-14-2007, 03:20 PM
Wow that was some amazing hard work going on there to save this poor cat. He looks so cute in the pictures, I really hope somebody adopts him, he deserves a good life and a good human to take care of him after all he's been through.

07-14-2007, 04:06 PM
He Sure Looks A Lot Like Nugget Angel Who Was A Porch Cat. Nugget Was Doig All Right Until A Punk Up The Street Ran Into Him With A Bike And When He Came Out Of Hiding The Wound Was Infected And He Had To Be Pts.
We Are Praying That A Kind Heart Will Take That Big Fellow In And Make A New Friend.

07-14-2007, 04:38 PM
Aawe..... look at that face!!! What a sweetie pie!!! I hope all goes well for him and he gets to feeling happy and healthy again.

Hope the people who hurt him suffer some kind of misfortune... :mad: