View Full Version : Moles!! Help!!

07-22-2002, 07:07 PM
We now have a mole or moles in the backyard. Despite the fact that they ruin the grass, now they have gone too far! I have a flowerbed which contains my kitties' catnip. I just went outside and noticed that my catnip plants are all looking wilted. Now I see that the mole(s) were in the flowerbed and tunneled under the catnip!!:mad: :mad: I don't know how I'm going to break the news to Trevor and Andy. :rolleyes: Seriously, does anyone know how to get rid of moles? I can't use a trap or poison because Bella is obviously outside a lot. In fact, I told her that she has my permission to dig the little guy out and dispose of him! Unfortunately, although she loves to dig, she hasn't rooted him out yet. Any ideas?

07-22-2002, 08:25 PM
Upon my Google search I found a "friendly" site that gives suggestions for different types of pests:

Alternative pest detterence (http://www.vegsoc.org/info/pests.html)

And here's another site that talks about trapping, as well as some other more humane solutions:
Another helpful site (http://www.stretcher.com/stories/01/011112a.cfm)

The second link actually sounds like it has some better advice, but I guess whatever works for you is the better advice :)

You want me to ship Graham there for a few days? He'd get rid of 'em all, but he'd rip your yard to shreads in the process :) :(

He LOVES digging up the soft mole mounds.

07-23-2002, 05:43 AM
Thanks Leslie! There are lots of good ideas there and some of them sound like they might work. I personally like the idea of using a child's windmill. Several of them might look cute twirling around in the wind and causing that vibration underground that moles don't like. The only problem with that remedy is Bella would be running around with them in her mouth in a minute! :rolleyes: LOL! I will seriously look into the others. Of course the BEST idea is to borrow Graham for a bit. I know Bella would just love that too!!! Actually my husband told me last night that he saw Bella digging in that flowerbed after I discovered the poor catnip plants. Maybe she is going to successfully root him out. I hope she doesn't come to the back door with him in her mouth though! LOL! :eek: :eek: I once had a poodle who brought a chipmunk to the back door. I almost gagged when I saw its tail hanging out of her mouth! :eek: