View Full Version : PT Prayers for Pyka, please. Post - op update #16, #18

07-10-2007, 11:59 PM

Most of the information is in that thread.

Mom FINALLY asked her vet about getting a second opinion, and the vet was OVERJOYED that she had finally asked!

It seems Pyka, the larger of two lilac-point Oriental Shorthairs that my mom has(they are brothers), might have hyperesthesia.

He has had fits of scratching, frantic grooming, and his scratching gave his ear a hematoma that required surgery. There were stents in it to drain it...and though the vet thought the ear would not fill up again, it has had to be drained at least twice.

Pyka has been on Clavamox, Zythromax and Prednisone. His ear still swells(he has his collar on), and he is so congested - you can hear the stuff in his sinuses. And when he sneezes, stuff with blood and sometimes just blood comes out. :(

Tomorrow he goes to a specialist and hopefully we can find out what is wrong with the poor guy. Mom has been up three times a night with him...taking him to his box, feeding him, or comforting him.

His appetite is good, and he does go to the litter box on his own.

Just really sniffly and not well.

I really hope the specialist can decide something. Pyka is getting a CT scan, we know that.

Of course, only after Mom's hairdresser mentioned food allergies (mostly corn) and the vet gave Mom some good quality food did she really start thinking of changing over. :rolleyes: Daughter doesn't know anything unless OTHER people tell Mom the same thing! Isn't it usually the other way around? ;)

Thanks...if it is not a tumour (God forbid), then I hope THIS vet will try some antihistamine to control some symptoms.

:( Poor guy. And his littermate has NEVER had any problems like this!

Thank you for your prayers.

07-11-2007, 12:22 AM
Poor Pyka.:( I'm glad to hear that your mom decided to get a second opinion. I also did this with Starr and now have a wonderful new vet.:) I hope that the specialist will be able to find out what's going on with Pyka and be able to help him. It seem like Siamese cats are very sensitive to many things. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

07-11-2007, 12:27 AM
Oh, Pyka, as an oft-sniffly, allergic person, I sympathize.

And no, Catty, that's usually how it works with parents and kids. If I told my mother something (much as I loved her) she's ignore it, but if Paul said the same thing, she'd take it seriously. Same thing if it was me and a complete stranger. Drove me a bit crazy, but I am am sure I drove Ma crazy, sometimes, too!

07-11-2007, 05:38 AM
Sometimes a second opinion pays off handsomely. When my vet retired, I was never totally happy w/the vets that were still there and when Yodie Yodie needed a specialist, that's how I came upon Dr. Lee. Now all my cats go to him. We'll keep the prayers going that this new vet can discover what's up w/Pyka and get him back on the road to good health.

07-11-2007, 06:51 AM
I'll be praying the new vet will have an answer to those perplexing symptoms.


07-11-2007, 05:15 PM
Pyka and Mom and I went to the specialist clinic today - what a lovely spacious place, new and well-designed!

The tech was great, called Pyka "Peanut" when she was coaxing him. Dr Clarkson was great too.

Bottom line (aside from about $3,800) is Pyka is getting a CT scan in the morning, of his sinuses. While he is under, Dr Clarkson will phone Mom with results, as they will go ahead and do a biopsy on whatever part of the sinuses they need to.

There are two wee spots that barely show on the x-ray. Could be fungal, could be old snot just clogging things up. ALSO, the Dr is going to do an extensive scan going back to his ear canals and teeth. Pyka and his brother, being Oriental Shorthair littermates, have lost all their teeth except fangs.
The Dr wants to see if an old root has abcessed and gone into the sinuses.

After the biopsy, they will also "quilt" his ear. He had hematoma surgery on the 4th of June, and even though the stents stayed in for almost 2 weeks, the ear keeps filling and filling. Mom has had to have it drained 4 or 5 times since the surgery. AND - Pyka has been wearing an e-collar the whole time.

When they quilt the ear, they basically sew it shut....there is one stent put in it, and crossing rows of stitches so the skin finally has a chance to start closing up, and thus 'pushing out' the rest of any bits of fluid that are there.

He is getting a NEW e-collar, no extra charge! :D

Please, more prayers, that this is just "old gunk" and that Pyka can be fixed up!

07-11-2007, 05:20 PM
I should hope they'd be nice to Pyka at those prices! Poor sweet one, we'll keep the prayers going that this will be nothing serious and that Pyka will be good as new in no time.

07-11-2007, 11:59 PM
I sure hope that this doctor will be able to help poor Pyka. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

07-12-2007, 12:15 AM
I hope poor Pyka feels lots, lots better after all of this!! Poor kitty.
Prayers heading his way.

07-12-2007, 08:26 AM

Poor Pyka! You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. I've often thought about having that done to Mollie Rose because of the chronic painful sneezing. Fortunately, it cleared up with antibiotics.

((((HUGS))))) to you and your mom. I'll call you tonight around 8 your time.

07-12-2007, 11:31 AM
Prayers on the way for Pyka! Sweet baby, we are all hoping the white coats can find something and it is easily fixed!

Candace, you MUST be kidding! You think a PARENT is EVER gonna think of their child as other than . . . a kid?! You will ALWAYS be younger, and it doesn't matter if you are 60 and she is 80, Mom is just not gonna give you the same weight in matters as . . . others. I have 21 years of formal education; Dad doesn't believe most of what I say. I could tell him the sky is grey and it's going to rain; and he'll STILL believe the weather man that the sun is shining! :D

07-12-2007, 03:06 PM
I was crying so hard!

I was typing here in a panic before Mom called back, as it looked like it was curtains for Pyka....

Mom just called...the CT showed that Pyka has fluid in his sinuses...and damage to what is called - I forget the name - the little "shelves" in the nasal area that warm the air as it's inhaled.

Those shelves have been destroyed by two years of illness and sneezing, which came and went depending on the meds and whatever.

It's not the money. But the Dr says there are no guarantees that the surgery to clean out and repair the damage will work completely. He might be sick again in a few months.

He is sedated right now...they are fixing his ear

ADDED - Mom just phoned. I was crying hard because Mom thought he should be put down...she called back the surgeon and asked, "What would you do it if was your cat?"

The surgeon, Sherry, said that she couldn't put herself in that position - BUT that they felt the surgery had a reasonable chance of being successful.

They have to do his blood type - if he is type A, they can proceed today. However, Oriental cats tend to have odd blood types, like B. If that is the case, we will have to bring him back next week so they can bring their Donor Cat in.

She said his recovery won't take that long...he will stay at the hospital (24 hrs place) until next week. He may have a tummy feeding tube...he will have pain care and everything...

Mom called me back and said she was going ahead with the surgery. I am glad she called me first...we were both crying, thinking there was no hope...thanks to people here I knew the question she could ask...it may have saved a furry life!

ALSO - since they don't have to do the rhinoscopy and biopsy, some costs have been chopped off the bill...so it's not as 'bad' as it could have been.

I mean - this is your KID - what are you gonna do? I know what SOME folks would do in this case...thank goodness Pyka and his brother live with Mom.

GOD - 5 minute roller coaster....I am sure you know what that is like....Mishi...and so many others....


Here are some pictures of the precious patient...

Goofy in the sun

I AM awake! (hard to get a good picture of his face)

07-12-2007, 03:09 PM
About 1:30 mom phoned. Pyka is out of surgery. They had to go through the roof of his mouth to do the work. He had one transfusion, and they are watching him in case he needs another one.

He's on IV and a morphine patch - and we can have a few to take home. He will be there for at least two days. They have a 24 hr ICU.

And his ear is fixed.

Thanks for your prayers....still appreciate them as Pyka begins healing. :)

07-12-2007, 03:39 PM
Oh Catty, I'm just now reading this whole ordeal! Poor Pyka....and I can only imagine the stress this has caused you and your Mom. :(

I'm very glad that you decided to seek a second opinion and that the sir jury is overwith. I pray that this "fix" will do the trick and Pyka will be back in good health soon.

07-12-2007, 03:53 PM

This is the place he is at...is there anything these folks WON'T work on? WOW!

They also offer a couple of credit cards for Vet use only, and can set a person up with Care Credit.

AND pet insurance.

07-12-2007, 10:48 PM
Mom called the hospital tonight to check on Pyka. He was resting, blood work showed all vitals are stable. (Resting = morphine patch. Thank God!) The surgeon, Sheri, thinks it will be several days before they hear a HONK out of him. Yep, that's what his MOW sounds like - we call it a "honk". One of his nicknames is Honker. :)

There's some bleeding from the nose, but that is to be expected.

So far, so good. Poor baby!

Check the link in #15 and have a boo. Not a lot of pics yet, as they just moved into the new place late last year...but there is a local news clip about it.

07-12-2007, 11:52 PM
I'm glad to hear that Pyka's ear surgery went well.:) I hope he makes a quick recovery. I hope that his nasal surgery will also go well or were they able to do this today as well? Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

07-13-2007, 11:13 AM
Friday morning....Mom just phoned. Pyka is resting comfortably and all, but the surgeon said he is very SAD...and could we come see him? Well, of course!

It's nice that even a surgeon would know that! :)

We have been asked to try and feed him...if he can eat, then he won't need a feeding tube. And Mom is bringing a small blanket she cut for him, so something smells familiar.

He'll come home some time this weekend...Mom wants to make as sure as possible that the bleeding risk is over.

And of course, his fursibling will hiss at him for a few days until Pyka smells normal!

07-13-2007, 11:28 AM
Just catching up on Pyka's situation. What a whirlwind of activity! I am glad to hear he is coming around and wants his MOM!!!

07-13-2007, 02:22 PM
Oh my goodness... I totally missed this whole thread. No wonder you wanted to know about sinuses!!

I hope Pyka will be feeling better and be cheered by seeing you and your mom! He must be so confused and wondering why he is still in there. Poor baby. Give him a gentle hug and kiss from me. I'll be thinking about him! My mom and dad's cat Lucey has super horrible sinuses... I wonder if this is something they'll ever have to do?! Hope Pyka eats for his mom... that would be best, and then he can go home and recoup there. Be a good boy, Pyka, and eat for your mom and get all better, ok?!