View Full Version : New job please! Venting sorry

07-10-2007, 06:36 PM

Today at work made me realize I need a new job ASAP! I called off last week because I was very sick and the Dr. didnt want me going to work and getting residents sick so I stayed home and rested well my boss didnt like it too much and told me I was Lying and it isnt possible to get sick over night and I was just fine the night before.. I was on vacation the next day and came back to work today. He comes in and is like well you screwed yourself over and for now on im not giving you days off when you request them, your working 10 days straight now with out a day off and you need to come in at 6:30 am sunday( I dont work dayshift and thats my free weekend without my son so its the only weekend I go out with friends). He is so RUDE and i seriously cant take it anymore he always picks on me and Im the hardest worker there he even said he picks on me once because "he likes me" what kind of boss is mean to the employees they like? I seriously think Im going to lose it if this keeps up. I want to go to school or find a new job that I would really enjoy I just dont know where to look.. Does anyone know of any sites that will help me figure out what kind of job/work suites me best like a survey thing or any ideas how to salm my nerves from this horrible boss I have to work with? Sorry this is so long im just going to blow soon!

07-10-2007, 07:54 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your job. It's hard to have a job that causes so much stress, and it sounds like your boss is pretty jerky.

I would look up some of the schools in your area, and find out what majors they offer. You can look and see what kinds of classes are offered and see if any of them sounds interesting to you. Or, you could go and talk to an admissions advisor- community colleges tend to be especially helpful in my experience.

I don't know about any specific websites, but think about what kind of job you think you would like or be good at and then try googling them or seeing if a school nearby offers classes for it.

This website: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ has a lot of useful information about all kinds of jobs, like salaries, descriptions, and more.

Sorry about your bad day, I hope things get better. And good luck! :)

07-10-2007, 08:09 PM
Thanks... me too.

07-10-2007, 09:05 PM
Also, look up the Family Medical Leave Act. That makes things pretty clear for people...and a letter from your doctor couldn't hurt.

That is harrassment and abuse, and I should think it is very reportable.

07-10-2007, 09:14 PM
Also, look up the Family Medical Leave Act. That makes things pretty clear for people...and a letter from your doctor couldn't hurt.

That is harrassment and abuse, and I should think it is very reportable.

Thats not even half the things he does. Another girl that worked with me got fired because she called off alot( understandable) but last week they found cancer in her mom and now she is dying so I stated to the boss thats why she didnt come to work since he and another employee were talkin about her and he said " I DONT CARE WHO IS DYING OR WHO IS SICK THATS NO EXCUSE TO NOT COME TO WORK" also I said something about how my mom might have cancer because I was really upset about it and he said oh well everyday people die of cancer its life!

The things he says to me makes me so angry and people complained to the higher ups and they obviously dont seem to care or do anything about it.

07-10-2007, 09:27 PM
Could a few of your get together and go to a higher authority? Like whoever is above the higher-ups? Or the Labour Board or something?

A friend of mine was going through horrid things at work, and was reporting. best advice she got: "Write everything down - when and where it happened, and what it was."

07-10-2007, 09:46 PM
Well the higher ups own the whole facility so its up to them I guess. But they never seem to do anything as uich as they say they will. I mean my boss is a real A$$. He is in his 20s prolly and he expects everyone to work nonstop and do whatever he wants when he wants. He always picks and pokes at me because I refuse to take the full time 11 am to 7 pm shift they have open and tells me to grow up and be a big girl. I cant do the job being a single mother to a 3 yr old the hours just wouldnt work for me while rasing my son and he still keeps nagging and being mean about it....

If I look into the family leave act is that kinda like unemployment until you find another job or is it just a leave with no pay?

07-10-2007, 10:42 PM
I've only heard of it, being in Canada, but I understand it outlines the LAW about employees needing medical time off work.

I also post on a hysterectomy board, and some women who are getting pressure from idiot bosses to go back TOO SOON are told about the FLMA.

Is there something like a Labour Board where you are? Where can unfair employers be reported???

07-10-2007, 10:47 PM
Im not really sure. I will have to look into it more and find out. I know I need a new job but I have to work there until I find a better place or go to school for something I really want to do. That would be awsome if we did though. I wish I could just get him fired for being such a bad boss!

07-10-2007, 10:50 PM
Look into it...you will help keep this person from hurting a lot of people. All the better if a few of you report him...whatever place takes those complaints would, I hope, treat them anonymously.

07-13-2007, 10:20 AM
Well the higher ups own the whole facility so its up to them I guess. But they never seem to do anything as uich as they say they will. I mean my boss is a real A$$. He is in his 20s prolly and he expects everyone to work nonstop and do whatever he wants when he wants. He always picks and pokes at me because I refuse to take the full time 11 am to 7 pm shift they have open and tells me to grow up and be a big girl. I cant do the job being a single mother to a 3 yr old the hours just wouldnt work for me while rasing my son and he still keeps nagging and being mean about it....

If I look into the family leave act is that kinda like unemployment until you find another job or is it just a leave with no pay?

Family Medical Leave Act allows you up to 12 weeks without pay before you can be fired and having a doctors note would help to secure your leave. My suggestion is look around at the hosptials and if you want to go into nursing I know a lot of hospitals will pay for you to go to school as long as you agree to work for them for a certain amount of time after you graduate.