View Full Version : How Howard handles a HOT day (cuteness warning)

07-10-2007, 09:31 AM
Howard here.

Where I live, it's been in the 90s these past few days and really humid and sticky. Yuck! Way too hot to wear a fur coat (even one as pretty as mine).

Fortunately, I found the perfect way to beat the heat: Earlier this year, Meowme and Jim installed an air conditioner in the window right above the bed--my number one favorite place to sleep. And she's been running it constantly. I was a bit aprehensive of it at first. After all, it does make this wierd buzzing noise when it's on (and I hate strange noises) and its so big that it blocks my view of outside (and I do so love looking out the window while I sit on the bed). But I checked it out...sniffed it...sneezed....and, to my surprise, I soon found that I really, really like it!! The cold air it blows feels so good on my nose and on my feet and on my belly. It makes my favorite Nap Spot even better! And I've been there most of the time since my discovery.

So to all you cats who aren't so sure about that wierd noisy thing in the window....TRY IT!! It's amazing on a hot day! So much that you'll forget it's hot out in the first place :D

07-10-2007, 10:56 AM
Oh Howard, I'm glad you've found that the noisy thing in the window is a great way to beat the heat. I swear that you and Squeak could be twins. You look just like she does!

07-10-2007, 11:06 AM
Have a lovely nap by the noisy window thing, sweet Howard! My kitty stays as far away from it as possible. It makes almost as much noise as the vacuum cleaner.

07-10-2007, 11:30 AM
What a happy looking kitty. He really knows how to beat the heat.

07-10-2007, 06:30 PM
If Its Theres One Thing Our Cats Know How To Do And That Is To Beat The Heat.
Conserving Energy Is The Pets Motto.

07-10-2007, 08:58 PM
If Its Theres One Thing Our Cats Know How To Do And That Is To Beat The Heat.
Conserving Energy Is The Pets Motto.

LOL! You said it! Howard's the expert at energy conservation....until little Miss Luna Cat instigates a game of "Chase" (she pokes him and walks on him and head butts him until he gives in and chases her around the apartment). Quite entertaining!

I swear cats are better than Reality TV!! :D