View Full Version : Need some Help - Chloe's in trouble

07-09-2007, 11:30 AM
Hey everyone

Wow, it's been a super long time since I've posted! I'm sorry for the disappearance - there's been an engagement, wedding, + a stepson (my best buddy) and a 1/2 way through with pregnancy since last time I've been around!!! Told you it's been busy...although I try to read as much as possible when I have time so I'm sort of up-to-date with everyone...

I need some thinking help and some serious advice for Chloe. My poor little girl is not doing so well.....let me describe the symptoms.

For a few weeks now Chloe has been having what looked to be like hip troubles, although its sporatic. One day she will not come out from under the bed and the next day she is up and about. Her walking is very off and sometimes she won't walk at all. She has one day drug her back end with her front and in the next few hours is up again walking, al beit very carefully. She mostly hides from the danes so she doesn't get hurt since they're so big and she, well, not.

I'm scared that she might have got "dane paw swatted" a few weeks ago and hurt her back/hips. She has been to the vet and they did a full work over on her moving, pulling, twisting, and testing her. She passed with flying colors that day?!?!? But as I said, other days she wont even get up. All in all, she is pretty depressed and nothing like her normal peppy, happy self. She doesn't want to get up to greet people anymore and is generally miserable. She is eating and drinking well, along with all bathroom habits with no problem. For the first time she was "target licking" her back end for a long time, so we were questioning anal gland issues, but her poop is hard so there shouldn't be an impaction...plus the vet didn't seem to find anything back there. They ran a full panel on her and all was normal there too.

Her QOL is dropping every day. The poor girl isn't herself anymore and just doesn't care if she's in the mix or not. As long as she is hidden and safe from getting hurt...thats all she seems to care about anymore. I am in tears every time I think about how she must be feeling - and then other times, she's happy and robust. Her tail is still up over her back at all times when she's up and she wags it still....so many mixed signals.

She has an appointment for Friday to stay at the vet all day and get some x-rays, which I would imagine is the next step, plus some real in-depth physical testing. We'll see what they say that afternoon during the actual appointment.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what she might be experiencing? If it was a dane paw swat, and she has injured her back (ruptured disc or something), could she be ok one day and not the next and should she have passed the first physical with flying colors? I'm so confused! I can't wait until she is diagnosed and we can get this thing treated!!

Please, let me know what you think could be wrong with my girl!!!

07-09-2007, 11:41 AM
I don't have any advice, I am sorry. :( Poor Chloe and poor you! I hope there's nothing seriously wrong with your girl. You both will be in my thoughts and prayers. ((((HUGS))))

07-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Oh poor Chloe and poor you. hugs.
Some problems, especially back & neurological problems can come & go like you described. Of course with any major problem like that you will be seeing more bad days than good, generally speaking.
X-rays are a good first step, as is bloodwork (ask them to do it when they do the x-rays). A specialist is a great step to take after the x-rays have been done, depending on the results.
Sounds like she's been through a lot of change lately. There is a possibilty that some of her "not acting herself" may be caused by that as well as whatever is going on her medically. Make sure she has safe places to go to when she feels threatened but make sure she has plenty of her own special time with you & the family as well.
Good luck & keep us posted.
How old is she again?

07-10-2007, 08:30 PM
It oculd be spinal injury, disc problems. And a bit of arthritis set in. The good dys / bad ays may, and I emphasize MAY, be due to the humidity levels.

The x rays sound like great next step! Let us know!

07-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Thanks for the input guys.

Chloe turned 6 in January and is a Papillon/Sheltie. My vet said she may be predisposed to some back and hip problems so there could be something underlying there. The x-rays and testing are scheduled for Friday...we just ran bloodwork last Monday, so I'm not sure we'll do that again since the symptoms haven't changed. We'll see what the vet recommends. I just hope she shows them whats wrong this time instead of being the "tough girl" that she is.