View Full Version : Doctor's Career Change :-) For Wom

07-07-2007, 09:09 PM
There was once a female gynecologist who decided to change careers and train in an area that had always fascinated her.

She wanted to be an auto mechanic.

She checked out schools, enrolled, and worked very hard. Her marks were excellent, but looming before her and the other students was the big final - dismantling and rebuilding the engine of a car.

She studied hard, hard, hard. The big day came. She stayed calm, did her best. And finished the job.

Then came the waiting....waiting...for the final marks.

They arrived in the mail one day, and she was startled to see her final test was marked 150%!

She phoned the instructor and said there had been an error.

"No," he said. "You dismantled the engine with flawless technique...there was absolutely nothing I could fault, nothing. So that was 50%."

"Then," he went on, "the reconstruction was, again, faultless. Perfect. I had to allot another 50%."

"But," said she, "where does the other 50% come from???"

"Well," said the instructor, "you performed the entire procedure through the EXHAUST PIPE!"


07-07-2007, 09:34 PM
Heheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D

smokey the elder
07-09-2007, 12:37 PM
LOL!!! :D :p