View Full Version : Operation S.P.- stage three!

07-07-2007, 06:33 PM
You know the story, It's just a rumor
My dad thinks that I hate the groomer!
Dad's been great, let's me grow my hair.
With all this heat, it's time he cares!

He's going brave, to trim me now
It's grooming time, I'll tell you how!
He waits until I'm calm and cool!
My dad is smart, he's no fool!

With buzzing machine, he's made a pass
from head to tail, toe to REAR END
My hair's not even, a little coarse.
I don't care, it could be worse.

I do feel cooler, a little better.
Lifes is not fun, inside this sweater!
The weather's hot and it's not real
The temps are bad-it's the way I feel!

My dad's a clown and I will harbor=
This goofy dude-who thinks he's a barber!
All in all my hair will grow back
But if it don't, I'll claw his sack!

07-08-2007, 06:17 AM
Not Only Is Richard A Poet But Eddie Is Too.
I Wish I Could Trim Joseph A Little For The Summer But Like Eddie He Would Get His Revenge For A Bad Fur Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!